"Miss Neptune, are you...?"

Just when Bai Yi was looking at Neptune, the unicorn hugged Youjiang and asked in a sticky voice.

Neptune is one of the Royal's only two current program ships.

Save Monarch and Neptune.

Royal has no other plans for ships.

Of course, things have changed now.

This time, Bai Yi specially sent the training cabin of the royal plan ship.

It won't be long before the royal family will be able to add two new plan ships.

What makes the Unicorn wonder is what Neptune is doing here.

And even the ship equipment is opened.

Could it be that there are enemies in the waters near here?

"Oh no~"

Hearing the doubts of the unique "[-]" horned beast, Neptune shook his head gracefully.

"I'm just here to replenish the ingredients. The fish stored in the royal family is almost exhausted now~"

While speaking, she also waved the trident cutely.

Bai Yi: "..."

Feelings are really for fishing?

Thinking to himself, he was a little dumbfounded.

Just when Bai Yi was thinking this way, Neptune looked over.

"Is Mr. Bai Yi fishing? How's the harvest~"

Bai Yi: "" Meowing at Yu Hu who was empty, Bai Yi looked away as if nothing had happened.

The resources in this place are so good, he actually returned to the Air Force...

Is this normal?

"Hmm, didn't you get anything~"

Looking at Bai Yi who was full of resentment, Neptune understood a little bit, like a little devil, he smiled lightly~ "Sorry, it's just out of habit~"

She put away her smile and apologized earnestly.

After all, although she has a good impression of Bai Yi.

The White Eagle commander has helped the royal family so much, and sent them a new plan ship training cabin for the royal family.

Especially the latter, for Neptune, who is also a plan ship, is really something to be happy about.

This made her feel more fond of the White Eagle commander.

However, she met Bai Yi by chance, and they were not very close.

If Bai Yi gets angry because of her somewhat mischievous character like a little devil, then the loss outweighs the gain.

With such thoughts in mind, she apologized.

"It's okay~"

Bai Yi shook his head lightly.

His stomach is not so small, of course he will not be angry about it.

After all, Neptune is the ship's mother, and she has no malice.

Looking at the elegant and lovely Neptune, Bai Yi leisurely packed up his fishing gear.

Although, this time it's the air force again.

However, over the years, his number of air force has not been eight thousand, but there have been thousand or eight hundred.

Air force, it's drizzle~ What's more, he came fishing this time because he noticed the unicorn's desire to be alone with him leisurely, so he came here.

By the way, "fishing in the royal family" has been achieved, which is unprecedented, and [-]% of it is also an achievement that will never come after.

Now seeing Neptune approaching, he gave up his position to her.

"Thank you~"

After saluting Bai Yi gracefully, Neptune acted.

She didn't move, she just gently threw the trident into the sea.

For a moment.

The surface of the sea became restless visibly.

Not long after, a large number of sea fish that were stunned all floated to the surface of the sea.

Seeing these sea fish, Neptune looked at Bai Yi.

Like asking if you want fish.

Bai Yi shook his head lightly.

For him, fishing is a leisurely game.

It can also pass the time, and the fish caught can save the money for buying vegetables.

It's perfect~ As for the Air Force, just get used to it~ If he was someone who couldn't afford it, he would have already started frying fish when he was in White Eagle.

Even the torpedoes are ready-made. During the last expedition, Baiying still had enough nuclear bombs to recruit.

It's definitely powerful enough to use this thing to fry fish~ Looking at Neptune, who gracefully came to the sea, picking suitable fish, Bai Yi's eyes fell on the unicorn beside him.

Of course he could feel the reluctance in the girl's heart.

He pursed his lips slightly, thoughtfully.

This sister ship is actually very clingy to him.

He came here this time and stayed for so long, it's normal for a unicorn to be reluctant...

thought here.

Bai Yi was thinking, otherwise, how many more days would he have stayed in the royal family?

Just when Bai Yi was thinking this way, a graceful figure of a maid came to him leisurely.

Bai Yi looked up.

The target was the perfect and elegant Miss Belfast.

"Sister Belfast~"

Seeing Belfast, the unicorn said hello.

Not far away, Neptune was also a little surprised after seeing Belfast.

After all, the head maid is very busy.

Most of the affairs of the royal family are handled by her.

Only for important matters, such as Commander White Eagle's visit to the royal family, Belfast would look for Elizabeth and let Elizabeth make the decision.

General affairs are handled by Belfast.

It is also because of the existence of Belfast that Elizabeth is almost the most leisurely flagship among all the shipgirl camps~ After seeing Belfast coming to look for Bai Yi, Neptune thought that the head maid had some official duties, So after saluting gracefully, he continued to deal with the work in front of him.

Bai Yi also thinks so.

He looked at Belfast, who had a delicate face and beautiful temperament, and asked curiously, "Miss Belfast, what's the matter?"

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Belfast was in a delicate mood.

Ah this...

What should she say?


Belfast weighed his words.

"Sister Belfast, I'm leaving first~"

Somewhat reluctantly, he let go of Bai Yi's hand.

The unicorn rode Youjiang, waved to Bai Yi, and flew away.

It was obviously a misunderstanding, thinking that Belfast had some business to tell Bai Yi.

She is obedient, of course she will not disturb the two of them here.

Watching the back of the unicorn go away.

Belfa smiled slightly, knowing that she had misunderstood.

However, seeing that the unicorn had gone far away, Belfast also stopped the idea of ​​calling the unicorn.

Withdrawing her gaze, she looked at Bai Yi, who happened to be looking over too.

The eyes of the two intertwined.

Bai Yi slightly understood.

Apparently Belfast hadn't come to see him on official business.

thought here.

He leisurely packed his fishing gear and prepared to go back.

After that, looking at Belfast, Bai Yi said gently, "Miss Belfast, are you together?"


Belfast nodded gracefully.

Bai Yi and Belfast walked on the path leading to the White Eagle's residence.

In terms of environmental construction, the royal family is no worse than the white eagle.

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