Ze Yu replied with a smile, although... actually got it from the mother of the succubus ()

"Then believe you once, if you lie to me again, I will blow myself up and kill both of you!"

The empress immediately picked up the whole small porcelain bottle, and then... swallowed it all!

Several strong. flattering. pills entered, this time, the effect of the medicine was no longer delayed, and it exploded together with the effect of the previous half pill.

The face of the noble and elegant empress turned extremely red at this moment, and she even let out a low moan like a wild beast courting a mate: "Mmm..."

Her jade body is slightly curled up, her hands can't help but want to stretch down, her whole body is dripping with sweat, her lower abdomen is extremely hot, her seductive lips and teeth are slightly parted, her eyes are full of confusion, her white and tender thighs can't help but move closer , twisting slightly, a pair of plump, undulating violently...

The elegant and arrogant empress, at this moment, looks like the most lowly vulgar woman.

She showed a look of embarrassment and anger, even though her heart was full of anger, but she showed a kind of flattering anger:

"Bastard!! You lied to me! This emperor wants to... ah... kill... you!"

She was panting as she spoke, and wanted to make a move, but her body suddenly limp on the ground, her eyes were blurred, and she gradually lost her self-awareness.

"I didn't lie to you. Poison really doesn't work on you. You can also remove the aphrodisiac by yourself... Unfortunately, this is a strong, charming, and special pill made by the succubus clan."

"Ah...um...you...quick...I...want..." The empress covered her mouth in horror, what happened to herself?

But she was about to lose her consciousness, so she could only look at Ze Yu soberly at last, and scolded angrily: "When I regain my consciousness, the first thing I will do is kill you!!"


What the empress said was completely different before and after.

Ze Yu wanted to take out the talisman paper, but at this moment his consciousness was replaced by desire, and he swallowed a pill himself.



292 "Loving Daughter and Desire to Be the Empress"

After that, I don't know how long it has passed...

Nangong Ruonan woke up again, feeling very uncomfortable all over, with no clothes on his body, and some details that were too shameful to speak, memories before he lost consciousness suddenly flooded into his mind.

This made her expression become furious, but she still took out her clothes and put them on first, then a thunder erupted in her hands, and she looked at Ze Yu beside her.

"go to hell!"

"Mother-in-law, although some unspeakable things did happen between us... But are you really willing to kill me? Are you really willing to let Zi Nao and Zhuyue become widows?"

Ze Yu stared closely at the eyes of the empress, the ruthless empress... the moment she thought of her daughter, her eyes softened, and all the anger in her eyes was dispelled at this moment.

The terrifying thunderbolts all disappeared.

As if soaked all of a sudden, the empress stood up, dressed in green, and looked at Ze Yu with complicated eyes.

Yes... If you kill him, what will Zi Nao and Zhuyue do?

They would be widows!

Although she usually doesn't take care of them or even recognize them, she also knows that since she is her daughter, she must not easily commit herself to others just like herself!

Moreover, both Zhuyue and Zi Nao are willing to be the fiancée of the man in front of him who has defiled him...

It is enough to show how much the two of them love this man named Zeyu, and how sad they will be if they kill him...

The picture of her two daughters crying and sad came to the empress's mind. Just imagining it made the empress feel distressed... Those are her daughters!

Maybe, they will hate themselves because of this, they are too indifferent to them, what will they think of themselves if they kill their man.

"You... scum!"

The empress gritted her teeth tightly, because she cared about her daughter, so the thunder in her hand still did not fall.

At this moment, the empress can still feel the filth on her body... That feeling of being tainted is still in her body, and she can still see the scratches on her snow-white breasts when she lowers her head. I can see my round, round, and upturned places... I am afraid that it has also become popular.

She can feel the hot sensation.

Especially his Yuan Yin disappeared.

For more than 1000 years, she has guarded herself like a jade, and countless people have pursued her, but she only has the Dao in her eyes, and she is a virgin, which is helpful to her cultivation...

So for the past 1000 years, she has been in a lonely place, practicing alone, and achieving the consummation of the current God Transformation!

Empress Fuyao who reigns over the Northern Xuan Realm!

That place that no one has been to, has been visited by Cho Yu!

This is... shame!

"You obviously have Zi Nai and Zhuyue! You don't treat them well...but you want to tarnish this emperor! You are hopeless!"

Nangong Ruonan was really extremely angry at the moment, feeling her heart was blocked and unable to vent.

Thinking of being crushed by this man... Are you kidding me, she is an empress!

The empress above hundreds of millions of people!

Who saw her without bowing her head and bowing down, or with fear in her heart?

"I treated them well, but what about you, mother-in-law? You left Zi Nao in a small mountain village since she was a child..."

"That's the emperor...it's me...I..." The empress couldn't speak, why did she do that at that time!

She knew that she was too ruthless at that time, and she felt guilty afterwards, because of guilt, she dared not recognize them.

Nangong Ruonan bit her lip and lowered her head.

Ze Yu looked at the Empress, and continued, "Did you know that Zi Nai was in that mountain village, and was considered a bastard by the people in the village? I was the only one accompanying her."


The empress felt even more guilty, her expression was very complicated.

"Then did you know that Zhuyue grew up as a maidservant of a secular family lady before she was discovered by Luo Lanzong? In that family, she was bullied by that lady and treated as a humble by the family members. Existence call?"

"If she hadn't escaped by herself in the end, pretended to be a man, and worshiped Luo Lanzong by herself, what would happen to her now?"

Ze Yu had asked about Nangong Zhuyue's past... and Nangong Zhuyue's maid, Jian Yingxia, was the girl she brought out from that secular family.

Nangong Zhuyue is the maid of that unruly lady, and Jian Yingxia is the maid of a young master in that family. On the day of escaping, Nangong Zhuyue ran away with her. When she was escaping, Nangong Zhuyue had no teacher. Self-absorbed way to absorb spiritual energy.

Although clumsy, it also allowed her to deal with the chasing servants, and finally reached Luolanzong with difficulty.

"I, I don't know..."

The empress's expression was bitter, and the guilt on her face was extremely strong. At this moment, she was just a mother who was extremely sorry for her daughter.

"Then, what qualifications do you have to mention them?"

The empress clenched her fists tightly, but after a while, she looked at Ze Yu: "...I'm sorry for them, but what does that have to do with you defiled me?"

"You defile me, you are also a scum!"

"Then my sister said I am not?"

Ze Yu smiled lightly.

"Shameless!" The empress had never seen such a lowly person as Ze Yu.

He said a lot about her, saying that she didn't care about her daughter... Although this is true, he also defiled himself, but he said it so naturally.

"But empress, can you do anything about me? Can you do anything to me, can you kill me?"

"...You really think I dare not?"

Nangong Ruonan's voice was very cold.

"Then you're going to do it?"

Cho Yu seemed to have no fear, he woke up before Nangong Ruonan, after all, Nangong Ruonan had eaten a succubus special pill as a gift.

He hadn't taken off his clothes yet, Nangong Ruonan directly set his clothes on fire... very urgent!

But that's not the point.

The point is that afterward, Ze Yu gave Nangong Ruonan [Powerful Psychotherapy Talisman Paper].

The effect of this thing is the same as psychological suggestion... However, this is [perfect suggestion], once it is suggested, it will be deeply imprinted in the soul of the empress, making her completely believe the hinted content, if there is a memory She will make up a reasonable explanation by herself, but she will never doubt the hint itself and firmly believe it!

But there are also disadvantages, the disadvantage is that you can only give a hint.

Also, the implication cannot be an all-encompassing one.

For example, hints such as "You are my slave" or "You want to make the world peaceful" or "You want to obey my orders".

There are too many things for slaves to do, one suggestion is not enough, who said slaves can't resist uprising?

And world peace... If the empress wants nuclear peace, it's not good.

And "follow my orders," too many commands and too many inclusions for one hint to be fulfilled.

But precise commands are fine, such as "you are a dog", the empress will really think that she is a dog, but, dogs can bite people...

So Ze Yu gave the Empress a very helpful hint.

【Your love for your daughters is more important than anything else】



293 Empress, you don't want your daughter to become a widow either, do you?

"Believe it or not, you will die in the next second? Hmph... It turns out that your shameful transformation into a god yesterday was just a flash in the pan, and now you are just an ant with a perfect Nascent Soul. Although Yuan Gupan is also here, she stopped me I can't help but kill you!"

Thunder appeared again in the hands of the empress.

But Ze Yu said this: "Correct me, Mrs. Mother-in-law, it should be the day before yesterday."

"Hey... I didn't expect my mother-in-law to be so fierce for three days..."

The empress froze for a moment, then her face turned red, she bit her lip, the thunder in her hand became more violent, she wanted to kill Ze Yu very urgently.

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