"court death…"

"It's just... my lord empress, you don't want your daughter to become a widow either?"

Ze Yu chuckled, it was just a simple threat, but the thunder in the empress' hands disappeared.

She silently clenched her fists, but there was nothing she could do with Ze Yu, her innocence was gone, and she managed to kill the person who defiled her, she was so angry!


"Swear more, I like to hear it."


Ze Yu was not wearing any clothes at the moment, and the Empress's face turned redder, and her heart became more angry, she said through gritted teeth.

"Forget it... It's a waste of time to spend time with you. My innocence is like feeding the dog."

"Don't say that, your curse has been lifted."


The empress was confused for a moment, then immediately checked her physical condition, and then showed a shocked expression: "My curse...is gone?"

At this moment, the empress showed a ecstatic expression, a little excited.

How could she not be excited that the curse that had plagued her for 1000 years was gone?

"Finally... untied!"

The spiritual power of thousands of miles was gathered towards the empress, which caused her spiritual power to increase suddenly. If she wanted to, she could absorb the spiritual power right now... Within a few days, she could attract catastrophe and achieve success. Above Huashen!

At that time, she was not just an empress who coerced the Beixuan Realm.

It's the empress who coerces the Four Profound Realms!

"No, that's not right... that curse is broken, but why is there a new curse?"

"That's my curse."


The Empress suddenly became angry.

But soon she calmed down: "The curse you gave me, but this curse does not restrict me, and I can easily undo it!"

"Oh~ is it?"

"Isn't it...?" The empress frowned suddenly, because she couldn't absorb any more spiritual power.

The total amount of spiritual power is stuck in an awkward position.

If in the past her total spiritual power was 90% of the conditions required to break through to the God Transformation, then now she is stuck at 99%.

It's only 1% short...but even if it's 1% short, it can't attract catastrophe.

"You little boy!"

The empress felt like being teased.

But she discovered that this curse can be undone!

"My lord empress, I advise you not to try to break the curse, lest you wake up again and call me a scum again."

"What do you mean...huh?"

"Um... this is... what..."

The moment the empress tried to dissolve the curse, the curse was indeed lifted a little bit, but some strange power spread in her body, guiding some changes in her body.

hot...so hot...

The body becomes extremely dry and hot, extremely... thirsty...

Although it wasn't as strong as the succubus's special elixir, it still made her unbearable. Her whole body was engulfed in lust, and she couldn't help but unbutton her clothes... revealing her snow-white shoulders and delicate skin.

"You're... you... you, a... person."

The Empress' face was flushed, she gasped delicately, and glared at Ze Yu angrily.

"I warned you..."


The empress gritted her teeth tightly, and was about to be pissed off by Ze Yu, but what tortured her the most was the physical...

Although she was cursing, her body was, and she couldn't help approaching Ze Yu, hugged him, and then obviously had an expression of reluctance, but her lips voluntarily pressed against Ze Yu's lips.


The sound of saliva made the empress listen, she felt that she was so shameless, and besides, so ashamed...

"It's not my fault... I didn't take the initiative! You remember it for me! Remember it!"

"It's you who cursed me, that's why I'm like this, you low-spirited person... low-spirited person...uh..."


As the empress spoke, she kissed Ze Yu wildly with her face flushed, and then kissed her neck.

He said no, but his body was very honest, and he still insisted on his mouth: "Don't put on an expression of enjoyment for me! Remember it... This emperor didn't take the initiative... You forced me... No ...Umm...this Emperor...actively...!!"

"I won't let you go, I won't let you go! When I wake up, I'm going to kill you, kill you mercilessly... I'll cut you into pieces..."

The empress buried her head down...



"Husband~husband~hehe...I love you, husband~"

"Hmm, hubby, Ruonan likes you...I really like you...hehe..."

I don't know why, but the majestic empress lying on Ze Yu's chest became like this, this is another effect of the curse in her body.

Muttering... Nangong Ruonan also gradually fell asleep, a little tired.


Waking up again, Nangong Ruonan covered her head, got up from Ze Yu, and then frowned: "I... this is?"

When she saw Ze Yu lying beside her, she sat aside in shock: "You, you..."

All the blank memories came back, she took the initiative to hug Ze Yu... This made Nangong Ruonan unacceptable for a while.

It's fine once the innocence is gone, and it's fine once.

Why is there a second time? !

Or did she take the initiative?

No...Actually, to be precise, it was she who took the initiative for the first time?

"I kill you."

Nangong Ruonan was expressionless, and directly strangled Ze Yu's neck.

Zeyu opened his lips slightly, wanting to say something, but Nangong Ruonan's expression did not change: "I know you are going to threaten me with Zhuyue and Zi Nai, don't worry, I will make a puppet, inherit all your memories, and accompany them , it’s not difficult to create a puppet with a perfect Nascent Soul, he will replace you...they won’t know.”

"You will die here."

"But, don't you want to undo your curse? Haven't you noticed that you can absorb more spiritual power now?"

Cho Yu could only use spiritual power to transmit sound into Nangong Ruonan's ear.

Nangong Ruonan frowned lightly, tried it, and it was indeed possible... She tried her logic, hugged Ze Yu, and then she could absorb more spiritual power, although it was really only a little.

The two are connected.

"You... bastard!!"

The empress was about to go crazy, she knew what curse Ze Yu had placed on her, and Ze Yu had already told her nakedly the way to undo the curse!

If you want to untie it, you can only be with Ze Yu all the time, and you will untie it a little bit every time, until you finally untie it completely...but I don't know how many times it will take!

And although she can resolve it directly... But once she resolves it a little bit, she will fall into the state of lust just like before!Then I have to dissolve it a little bit at a time...but I don't know how many times it will be completely resolved!

That is to say... I can't kill this scum, Ze Yu, this pervert, this bastard, and still provide for him, or even serve him? !

The empress let go of Ze Yu and grabbed her hair. What happened in the past few days broke her down...



294 Recognize relatives

"Then what do you want..."

The empress felt powerless at the moment, Yuan Gupan's curse on her in the past was not so troublesome to be honest.

It's just that the two hold each other back.

But Ze Yu is so obscene... This makes her feel ashamed, troublesome, and helpless.

There is a very angry feeling.

"Take you back to meet your relatives."


"Don't you want to meet Zi Nao and Zhuyue? Or treat them indifferently like before? Repeatedly like strangers?"

"...Of course I won't! I, but I..." The empress's expression softened again, and she felt guilty when she mentioned her daughters.

"Then you still dare not face it?"


"Then come with me."

The empress did not speak, but walked with Ze Yu, she felt that she still had to face it after all.

"By the way, Zi Nai and Zhuyue, where are they now?" Nangong Ruonan asked softly.

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