"Of course it's in my Demon Cult's forbidden area." Yuan Gupan responded with a low laugh.

"Why is it in your Demon Cult's forbidden area?" Nangong Ruonan suddenly became a little reluctant. Is it because the area under her rule is not peaceful?

"If you think about what you've done, where is the safest place for them, from their standpoint?"

Nangong Ruonan was silent for a moment. Indeed, if she went to war with the Demon Cult, Ze Yu would be the opposite of her. Knowing that Ze Yu had defected, the first thing she would do would be to imprison the women of Ze Yu.

Staying in the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Cult is at least the last position of the Demon Cult. Unless the Demon Cult is really destroyed, it is the safest place.

"...I'll go with you, that's it."

Nangong Ruonan still let go of her dignity as an empress, and wanted to meet her daughters.

After all, for her now, her "love" for her daughters is better than "anything else".

Even if she was defiled by Ze Yu, she still couldn't kill him for the sake of her daughter.



"Brother Yu, you're back? How's the war...how?"

Seeing Ze Yu come back, Nangong Zi Nai immediately asked softly with concern.



Nangong Zi Nai froze for a moment.

But the most stunned was Nangong Zhuyue who didn't speak at the side, she was staring at the strange but very familiar woman in Tsing Yi who walked in through the door.

"...The Empress Fuyao."

Nangong Zhuyue murmured the name softly, her eyes never took half a step away from the woman in Tsing Yi.

This woman is her and Zi Nao's mother, the ruthless empress.

But, why would that ruthless empress dare not look directly at them...

Also, this guy really did it, the bet to bring the empress back, but she didn't seem to win the bet.

"Bamboo Moon."

The empress called the name softly, with a tone of wanting to get close, but also a little scared.

"And... Zino."

Only then did Nangong Zi Nai notice that the strange woman at the door had already become numb to the fact that her elder brother Yu always brought an extra woman with him every time he came back.

So I didn't pay much attention to it.

But now take a closer look... Isn't this woman the Empress Fuyao? !

"haven't seen you for a long time…"

Nangong Ruonan came over, hesitated to speak, she didn't know what to say.

"It's better not to see." Nangong Zhuyue replied in a low voice.

At this moment, Nangong Ruonan's body trembled slightly: "Zhuyue, you know it, right?"


"Hey, what are you talking about? Elder sister... why are you talking to the empress like that?"

Nangong Zi Nai still doesn't know the relationship between the Empress and her.

"Did you say it or did I say it?" Nangong Zhuyue tried hard to calm her expression. To be honest, she really wanted to cry at such a time.

Although it seems that Nangong Ruonan is not worthy of her tears, but after all, this is her own mother, this moment of meeting... I can't help but make my eyes sore... There is an inexplicable emotion brewing in my heart.

"Let me tell you..."

"No, what are you talking about?" Nangong Zi Nai was still in a dazed state.


Nangong Ruonan's voice trembled slightly: "I, I am your... mother."

"Huh?" Nangong Zi Nai's brain shut down for a moment.

"...No, Empress, you, stop joking, okay?"

"Zinao, she wasn't joking." Nangong Zhuyue said in a low voice.

Nangong Zi Nai was silent for a while, feeling that she couldn't accept it for a while.

And Nangong Zhuyue continued to speak: "You can come back to see us, that is... you were also arrested?"

According to Nangong Zhuyue's understanding of a certain scumbag, it's probably pretty close.

"Listen to my explanation, I, I was persecuted..."

Nangong Ruonan felt wronged, she didn't do it voluntarily.

"Damn it...you really got it." Nangong Zhuyue bit her lip and covered her forehead.

I really lost my bet.

Now her status has dropped!

"Ah?" This time it was Nangong Ruonan's turn to be a little confused.

Although Nangong Zhuyue was very reluctant, but losing the bet means losing the bet, so she could only clenched her fists and looked at her: "...I am willing to admit defeat. From now on, I will be your slave..."


Nangong Zhuyue had a very reluctant expression on her face.

"Call Master, listen?"

"...Master." Nangong Zhuyue bit her lips: "Anyway, you, this is not the first time you have heard..."

"Zhuyue...you?" Nangong Ruonan still couldn't accept the scene before him.

It's okay to see Yuan Gupan so depraved before.

That is one's own enemy.

If you fall, you will fall, and if you call her a bitch, you will be done.

But, it is my daughter who has fallen now!

"As you can see... I, I am the master's...slave." Nangong Zhuyue said this shamefully.

Just meeting my mother, I have to admit in front of my mother that I am another man's slave... Isn't it too shameful?

"You, aren't you his fiancee? What are you... doing?"

"It was still the same before... But I have a bet with him. If he brings you back and tidies you up, I will admit that I am his slave in front of others."


Nangong Ruonan was furious immediately, and glared at Ze Yu: "What did you do to my daughter? This kind of humiliating bet... And! When did you subdue me?!"

"Who called your husband yesterday?"

"That's affected by your curse! Do you really think I can't do anything about you?"

Terrifying thunder appeared around Nangong Ruonan, and he wanted to show Ze Yu some color.

Can't kill, can't teach a lesson?

"Bad woman, you are not allowed to bully Brother Yu."

Nangong Zi Nai stood in front of Ze Yu.

This made Nangong Ruonan withdraw the Thunder in his hand all of a sudden, looking at the daughter standing in front of him, he felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Zino... how can you bend your elbow to outsiders?"

"You are an outsider, right? It's inexplicable... What if you are my mother? You abandoned me since childhood, and it was Brother Yu who accompanied me since childhood. Of course I want to protect him, not you!"

"..." Nangong Ruonan felt heavy for a moment.




【Female. Former. Mother. Offender, don't worry~】

[md, I fell asleep at 2 o'clock in the morning today, and then woke up, wc, it's 19 o'clock...]

285 I Can Do Anything... Please Don't Let My Daughters Know!

In the end, this acquaintance ended in an unhappy ending. Neither Nangong Zhuyue nor Nangong Zinai seemed to recognize Nangong Ruonan as a mother.

The empress, who could do anything, seemed extremely powerless and helpless at this time.

"Next, what should I do..."

Nangong Ruonan sighed, she couldn't think of any way to compensate them, how to make up for her previous mistakes.

"Why don't you ask that scum...he should be the one who knows Zi Nao and Zhuyue best, but..."

The Empress was very hesitant, wondering if she should go to Ze Yu, because if she did, she would lose her face.

She is the queen of Fuyao, how can she beg a man?

"However, I can't continue to let them hate me like this... It doesn't matter if I beg him, anyway, I have been fucked twice anyway, so what if there are more times?"

Because she knew that Ze Yu was a nasty person, Nangong Ruonan was ready to...be defiled again.

"No, no..."

The Empress shook her head again, she couldn't just fall into Cho Yu's trap like this.

But before she knew it, she walked to the door of Ze Yu's room. She really wanted to knock on the door, but she heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice from inside.

"Bamboo Moon?"

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