At this moment, Nangong Zi Nai and Nangong Ruonan were very surprised.

Nangong Zi Nai originally raised her hands, intending to smash the sweet-scented osmanthus cake box on the ground, and then gritted her teeth and left... But now she just feels angry and funny.

She stared at Ze Yu: "Brother Yu, idiot... This is not funny at all!"

"I was wrong..." Ze Yu's tone was also weak.

"Scum..." Nangong Zi Nai muttered in a low voice.

Biting her lip, Nangong Zi Nai retreated behind the door: "Then I save this box of sweet-scented osmanthus cake for breakfast, we will eat together tomorrow..."

"Okay." Ze Yu nodded.

Nangong Zi Nai looked at his mother again, and looked at her flustered appearance: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you...Mom, but I can't do anything about this kind of thing. Anyway, you gave it to me anyway...I, I will Pretend you didn't see it!"


"Osmanthus cake is delicious, Mom."

After the words fell, the door was closed, Nangong Ruonan stared blankly at the door, the expression on his face turned into a smile, and he lowered his head slightly: "Really... so it's delicious..."

She felt that the gap between herself and Zi Nao had been eliminated a little bit, and this incident enhanced their relationship?


She didn't know...but she felt very happy in her heart.


Nangong Ruonan looked at Ze Yu and said softly, she didn't expect that Ze Yu would explain to her.

Although, although what I did before was very excessive... It's really bad fun to ask her to kiss him in front of Shino...

But, but now I just can't get angry...


Ze Yu didn't speak, and felt that he was not in the mood now, so he turned sideways and covered himself with the quilt: "Forget it, let's rest today."

"...So, are you going to rest like this?"

The empress is still wearing a sexy black suspender dress with lace edges... and black stockings that are below the knee, and the stockings are also lace-trimmed, which outlines the beautiful curve of her thighs, and a pair of beautiful feet are even more attractive...

"You don't have to rest."

"...I, I see, thank you..."

Maybe because she was used to being bullied, Nangong Ruonan actually felt that Ze Yu was not going to attack her, and she wanted to thank him, but it didn't matter... Hearing Zi Nao's praise, her heart was filled with happiness at the moment.

She also lay down, but there was only one quilt on the bed... She could only squeeze into Ze Yu's quilt. Tight is not...

But this time just lying next to him felt... a little different.

After all, she was exhausted to death every time afterward. Even though she was lying together, her mind was empty and numb.

Only this time, I felt an inexplicable... throbbing in my heart.

Ze Yu closed his eyes, but after a while, a pair of warm little hands wrapped around his waist, and something squeezed tighter behind him...

However, Nangong Ruonan's face was blushing to death at the moment, this sneaky behavior was her own seemed more embarrassing than letting her admit that she was a coquette...



301 The Empress's Gradually Fascinated

"Why did I take the initiative to wrap my arms around his waist..."

At this moment, Nangong Ruonan was leaning against Ze Yu, holding her tightly with his arms. Although Ze Yu was used to this kind of contact, the Empress was not used to it!

This was the first time she... slept with a man in her arms.

shame on...

"Forget it, he explained to me today, and I'll reward him too... just a reward..."


To Ze Yu's surprise this time, Nangong Ruonan actually took the initiative to kiss his side face, which was hot and humid.

Ze Yu immediately turned around and looked at her, which made Nangong Ruonan suddenly frightened, his face was flushed red, and he was about to bleed... The majestic empress also became flustered at this moment, and stammered:

"You, listen to my explanation...the one just now was... accidentally posted."

"Then your hand?"

"This, this was also accidental... just by chance..."

"It's all right, let's go to sleep."

Ze Yu felt that the current Nangong Ruonan was inexplicably...cute?

The pride of the three mothers and daughters is all in the same line...

And Nangong Ruonan watched Ze Yu close her eyes, her breathing became short of breath, because she had done something bad... She wanted to do more bad things, so she sneaked under the quilt... Beautiful legs in stockings Clinging, slippery... can feel the temperature again.

"Also said...not interested..."

"It's obvious..."

But Ze Yu still kept his eyes closed, but Nangong Ruonan's actions became bolder...

The beautiful black silk feet under the quilt are slightly raised...

Ze Yu opened his eyes and wanted to say something, but Nangong Ruonan accidentally and boldly blocked your mouth, preventing him from saying those words that teased him...



"What did I do yesterday?"

After waking up, thinking of what she did last night, Empress Fuyao thought it was ridiculous...

Why, why did you take the initiative?

She couldn't be masochistic and addicted...but she likes that scum?


Nangong Ruonan touched her cheek, and then quickly let go, because her hands were still a little dirty...

"Why... why?"

Nangong Ruonan felt that she had calmed down again, and was not as impulsive as last night, but... what made her feel incomprehensible was that she had calmed down, but she still had an inexplicable throbbing in her heart towards Ze Yu...

It's just that in fact, this is a derivative effect of the hint, because of the hint, Nangong Ruonan believes that she loves her daughter very much, and her love for her daughter is more than anything else!

This is two-way, she cares about Shino and Takezuki very much, which also means...if she is approved by Shino and Takezuki, she will get joyful emotions because of this "hint setting".

As for Ze Yu who helped her obtain this joyful emotion, she would naturally develop a good impression... The good feelings continued to pile up, causing her to have an illusion for a while.

But if she couldn't tell the difference... that illusion might become real.


"Is it tasty?"

Although she can't judge her own emotions, Nangong Ruonan still wants to continue to increase the goodwill between her and Zi Nao today.

Made her a new snack, glutinous rice balls.

"Delicious..." Nangong Zi Nai whispered, but because of her arrogance, she still didn't dare to answer normally.

But for Nangong Ruonan, he was very satisfied.

But that's not the point, the point is that she learned about Zhuyue's other preference from Ze Yu last night.

【Zhuyue likes to drink papaya juice】

It's just that Nangong Ruonan, who has never been troubled by big or small, naturally doesn't know this kind of folk remedy, but just thinks that her daughter likes to drink this kind of juice.

It just so happens that she has the kind of milk produced by Nascent Soul Realm cows, papaya, milk, and juice should be delicious...

"How is it, Zhuyue?"

"...Did you do it on purpose?"

Nangong Zhuyue looked a little angry, what do you mean!

Even my own mother dislikes me for being too young, right?

There is!some!

There are...some...

Nangong Zhuyue was not confident anymore.

"Eh?" Nangong Ruonan was stunned, why is Zhuyue unhappy?

"...That's all."

Nangong Zhuyue thought that this was her mother's kindness anyway, so she resigned herself to it...

“Very tasty…”

The sweet taste makes Nangong Zhuyue feel better...

"It's good to drink."

Nangong Ruonan bit her lip, feeling that Ze Yu had deceived herself!

I took the initiative yesterday!In the end, he lied to himself!Unforgivable!Scum is scum!


"You lied to me!"

Nangong Ruonan went directly to Zeyu Xingshi to question him.

Ze Yu: "??"

"'s because I took the initiative to help you, you lied to me? Zhuyue frowned when she saw me giving her papaya, milk, and juice!"

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