"Oh no?"

Ze Yu frowned lightly, it didn't make sense, didn't Nangong Zhuyue like to "grow up"?

keep complaining...

But at this moment, Nangong Ruonan seemed to have sensed something, turned around slightly, and saw Nangong Zhuyue walking towards her with a... small joyful expression.

"That... mother, my lord..."

"Zhuyue...what do you call me?"

"Mom, my lord..."

Although Nangong Zhuyue felt like this, it was a bit too easy to forgive Nangong Ruonan... But, it can really enlarge her breasts!

Change, get bigger!


Although it is really a little change, but there is a real change!

In fact, before, she didn't care about her place so much, but ever since she became the woman of Zeyu... Looking at the women with huge Xs, all of them can't see their feet with their heads down... This makes her very happy self-abasement.

Then secretly try countless methods.

Even though she insisted on letting Ze Yu wash the washboard every time she slept with Ze Yu, it was not a big deal no matter how much she washed it!

But just after drinking that papaya juice... just, just... changed!

"That...Master, papaya juice...Is there any more? I, I still want to drink..."

"Yes! There are more!"

Although Nangong Ruonan didn't know what was going on, but this was the first time Zhuyue called her mother to be an adult!

Before, they were all cold, and at most they would say mother, and they were all yin and yang...

This time it was shy and whispered...

Then it was replaced by... a sense of guilt, she, she actually misunderstood Cho Yu, and even called him a liar, yesterday he was very gentle to her...

The illusion of matriarchy gave Nangong Ruonan the idea of ​​being a good wife and mother... As for who her husband is, she, she has only had a relationship with one man... The person who fills the vacancy in her mind is naturally that person...

Unknowingly, Empress Fuyao's attitude towards Cho Yu...has changed too much, from being completely cold to shy and blushing...



"I'm sorry... Husband, Husband, I, I was wrong."

Nangong Ruonan admitted his mistake to Ze Yu in a low voice.

"If one sentence is wrong, it's over?"

Zeyu's fingers slid along Nangong Ruonan's collarbone, it was white and delicate...

But this time Nangong Ruonan surprisingly didn't resist, instead his eyes were a little blurred: "...Husband, Ruonan is wrong... okay? Don't you like my feet? I'm wearing white pantyhose today ...Your husband can do whatever you want..."

"How did you become so coquettish?"

"... Ruonan... is my husband's show, show..."

From the mouth of the Fuyao Empress, she actually uttered such words on her own initiative. After she herself finished speaking, her face turned red, and her heart beat very fast.

Me, why would I say that?Me, what am I doing?I'm an empress... But, but why, why after I finished speaking, I felt... so exciting?

Nangong Ruonan's heart was haunted by a sense of immorality and excitement that she had never felt before, her fair and tender skin was stained with seductive black powder, a pair of beautiful white silk legs were slightly intertwined, and touched together warmly.

Illusion, is the illusion going to become real?... I'm full of my head, my head is full of only my husband?



[Sorry, I still made a mistake]

【Too sleepy, sleep】

[But today, at least it's the fourth update () Let me order a monthly pass... How can I beat this shameless Sadako in front of readers!But...well, it's so exciting...in front of the readers...secretly making pies...]

[This kind of cheap author will be severely beaten with a monthly ticket, and ruthlessly pouted! 】

302 Jiang Yu's younger sister, a girl with fox ears~

"I, what did I do again..."

The next morning, Nangong Ruonan clutched her head and woke up in a daze. The memory of last night flooded her heart, which made her heart beat faster.

A strong sense of shame filled her heart.

"I actually took the initiative to do that... I really... eh..."

Nangong Ruonan felt regretful and excited.

Then a thought popped into her mind.

"If... I really became his wife, so, so what? In this way, my curse can also be undone... But, Shino and Zhuyue, will they agree?"

After thinking about it, Nangong Ruonan's face turned red: "I, why would I think like this? Serving a husband with my daughter or something... How can such a thing be allowed! It violates human relations!"

"It's just, it's not impossible..."

The empress's heart is rippling, after all, this feeling is the first time for her, and it is difficult to hold it... What's more, there is a hint deep in her soul, and this hint has always affected her character.

Because she loves her daughters... so her character has been approaching the direction of a good wife and mother. She was originally ruthless, but she also had some thoughts about the so-called love.



At the same time, the border between the Devil's Cult and the Righteous Way is located at the border, because the Empress did not issue an attack order, so the war has not yet broken out.

However, the Devil's Cult and the Righteous Way have had a long history of grievances, and small-scale battles still occur from time to time.

The powerhouses in the half-step transformation of the gods are all standing still, but the monks below that are fighting very frequently.

"Chasing! That's the younger sister of the master of the Corpse Refining Sect. It will be of great use to capture her!"

Several orthodox monks in the Nascent Soul Realm were chasing a little fox.

The little white-haired fox turned into a beast, and its speed of escape was amazing...but the Nascent Soul cultivator behind him was also chasing him closely.

"Oops, oh, oh, oh... I shouldn't have disobeyed my brother and ran down to join the battle!"

The little fox had several scars on his body, and he screamed in his heart that something was wrong.

She originally thought that she had broken through to the Nascent Soul and could play some role... She didn't expect that she would be recognized as soon as she made a move, and several righteous bastards were chasing her!

If it goes on like this... She's afraid her life is in danger, if it doesn't work, she can only call for her brother to come over...



"Nangong Ruonan, have you been confused by the master recently, and your mind is confused? This demon master has already solved the curse for you, why don't you retreat? My demon sect has suffered heavy losses these days!"

When the empress's spring heart sprouted, Yuan Gupan pushed the door open, frowned and looked at Nangong Ruonan, whose face was reddish, wearing a black suspender dress like a romantic girl.

Seeing Yuan Gupan, the empress hurriedly suppressed the strange emotions in her heart, and then looked at her with a cold face:

"That can only be blamed on your Demon Cult being too weak."

"Yes... my Demon Cult is weak, but why don't you watch these videos?"

Yuan Gupan let out a low laugh, raised his hand lightly, and white spots of spiritual power gathered over him.

In this forbidden area, the spiritual power in every place in the air will record all the pictures at all times, and Yuan Gupan can be said to be in control of everything.

Although she has been busy dealing with the war affairs these few days, she couldn't be happy with Ze Yu... But every day she watched the Empress gradually degenerate, and the corners of her mouth never fell.

It's really cool to watch...

"What video?" Nangong Ruonan frowned slightly.

"About your video."

In the spot of light, the picture gradually emerged, Nangong Ruonan was pressed against the door, and even the light spot of the video was directly processed in perspective to blur the door.

Nangong Ruonan was held at the door by Ze Yu, while Nangong Zi Nai stood outside the door.

But there was no sound, only Nangong Ruonan could be seen blushing, looking at Ze Yu in a panic, his lips were twitching, and he kept saying something, like begging.

And the door was swaying all the time, as if it had been knocked back and forth...

"Actually, there is still sound, do you want to hear it?"

Yuan Gupan's voice was joking, and he looked down at Nangong Ruonan who was sitting on the edge of the bed, his face gradually becoming ugly.


These light spots of spiritual power dissipated immediately.

"It's useless. The records of these videos are collected centrally and backed up."

Gently raised his hand again, and the screen reappeared.

Nangong Ruonan's face suddenly became ashamed and annoyed, the white under the suspender skirt undulated slightly, obviously she was very angry.

"Not only this paragraph, but also just now..."

Yuan Gupan snapped his fingers, the screen switched, and this time there was sound.

That was Nangong Ruonan talking to himself while sitting by the bed.

【I actually took the initiative to do that... I really... eh...】

【If... I really became his wife...】

【I, why would I think this way?Serving a husband with my daughter or something... How can such a thing be possible!It's against people. Lun! 】

【It's just, it's not impossible...】

"Look, look, who is this person covering his face and saying such shameless words?"

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