Yuan Gupan crossed his arms and said, "Didn't you say before that you didn't look down on the master? Why do you want to be the master's wife now... You think it's beautiful."

"You can yell so loudly in front of your own daughter, it's despicable!"

"you shut up!"

Nangong Ruonan became a little annoyed, and she will definitely not talk to herself next time... To be honest, the previous video was okay, because it was Ze Yu who forced her.

But in the back, she was the one who spoke the truth alone, and the truth was heard... This is the most shameful thing!

"Okay, I'll shut up."

Yuan Gupan didn't speak anymore, but just fast forwarded a bit.

【"Zinao is right behind the door, you have such a loud voice... Aren't you afraid that Zi Nao will look at you differently tomorrow?"】

【"It doesn't matter... Husband... This way, it's more exciting..."】

【"You are really an out-and-out pervert? Your empress!"】

【"Hmm...yes, Ruonan is a pervert...a perverted empress~"】


"Go to hell!"

Nangong Ruonan couldn't take it anymore, so he shot again and destroyed the video, but unfortunately, the picture appeared again the next moment.

【"Master... Gu Pan is wrong, wrong!! Don't, don't! Master!"】

【Snapped! ——]

【"Wrong...Master! Really wrong!"】


Yuan Gupan's face turned red this time, and he hastily turned off the recording.

Then the empress and the demon master looked at each other... This time it was Nangong Ruonan's turn to sneer: "Yo... who was that just now? Shouting louder than me?"


Yuan Gupan felt so embarrassed that she accidentally put the wrong video and put it as her own.

But... It's nothing, and what's more embarrassing, it's not like she hasn't experienced it before.

"It's me, so what? I am willing! Unlike you, a sneaky man who steals his daughter!"

Nangong Ruonan bit her lips: "You, you are not the man who stole your daughter! I have asked Zi Nai and Zhuyue...it is your daughter, Yuan Xiyue became a husband first...first, choose Yu first. Woman, you are also a sneaky demon cult master!"

"The empress who cheated on me dares to speak of me?" Yuan Gupan sneered, anyway, she was used to being humiliated, so it didn't matter.

But the empress obviously didn't have the indifference of Yuan Gupan, at the moment she was so angry that her jade body trembled slightly, up and down.

"You... shameless!"

"It's better than you being sneaky! What's wrong with me being shameless? But I have a reputation anyway, and you don't have any. Isn't this just stealing a man?"

"...Then I'll go ask for a name to show you!!"

Nangong Ruonan became anxious, got up directly from the bed, glared at Yuan Gupan viciously, regardless of whether she was still wearing a black suspender skirt and the stockings were still damaged, she just pushed the door and went out.



【Look at my fierce update】

303 Succubus Empress

Yuan Gupan just watched Nangong Ruonan leave in a daze.

And Nangong Ruonan was also swayed by emotions, and at the moment he was angry.

For the past 1000 years, she has become accustomed to pressing round and looking around everywhere!

Her talent is better than Yuan Gupan's, her cultivation is stronger than Yuan Gupan's, and her power is also stronger than Yuan Gupan's!

And Yuan Gupan is just Ze Yu's slave... a mere slave!

She was going to be Ze Yu's wife!It's time to call this lowly slave lord ruthlessly!

"Choose Yu."

Nangong Ruonan found Ze Yu, who was chatting with Dongfang Yanran at first...but he was carried away suddenly, and the empress dragged him out forcefully.

This made Dongfang Yanran feel dissatisfied, but because the other party was the empress, she could only swallow this breath.

"what are you doing?"

Ze Yu frowned slightly.

"I want you... to give this emperor a title." Nangong Ruonan looked at Ze Yu seriously, but when he said this, his face still couldn't help turning red.

"Are you out of your mind?"

Ze Yu reached out to touch Nangong Ruonan's forehead.

"You're the one out of your mind!" Nangong Ruonan knocked off Ze Yu's hand.

"No, all of a sudden, what do you want to do?"

"You, don't you understand?" Nangong Ruonan bit his lips, feeling ashamed: "This emperor... wants to be your wife, you, you can't refuse, answer yes, you can only answer yes!"

Ze Yu touched his chin: "Not good."


"Unreasonable trouble."

"...The emperor said, you are not allowed to refuse."

Nangong Ruonan raised his hand and used spells to imprison Ze Yu, and Ze Yu frowned slightly, without thinking about struggling.

Struggling definitely won't make it out...the difference between Huashen and Nascent Soul is too great.

"Aren't you afraid of being seen by Zi Nao and Zhuyue?"

"I can make them invisible."

Nangong Ruonan whispered.

"Is this your love for them?"

"...Then what do you have to do to agree?" Nangong Ruonan felt restless, thinking of her daughter, she couldn't restrain Cho Yu anymore.

I had to let Ze Yu go.

But her self-esteem does not allow herself to be rejected!

Just kidding... She is an empress!

"Engrave this."

Ze Yu took out a seal.

This made Nangong Ruonan frown immediately, his face turned cold: "Impossible, it is impossible for this emperor to be your slave."

"And don't think I don't know...you have a special slave seal in your hand. Once it is engraved, it will be engraved on the soul, and it cannot be removed for a lifetime, even if it is as cultivated as me..."

"This is not the slave mark, this is the succubus pattern. After engraving it, your physique will become like a succubus, and you will be very thirsty for desire, but you will only be thirsty for me..."

Ze Yu explained softly that he had prepared this seal in advance to engrave it for the Empress.

After all, the Empress is not a fool... Who would be willing to be a slave to such a strong person?

Yuan Gupan was willing to do that because his mind and body had collapsed.

"Do you want to transform this emperor's body?" Nangong Ruonan narrowed his eyes.

"...My lord empress has a thousand-year-old Dao heart. Could it be that she thinks that her dao heart can't restrain the desire brought by this mere succubus pattern? After all, this seal was made by me, a little Nascent Soul Realm. The Empress is a powerhouse who has fully transformed herself into a god."

"I don't want it." Nangong Ruonan definitely doesn't want it...even if it's not a slave seal, she doesn't want it either.

What if there is a fraud...?

"Then I also refuse your request."

"and many more…"

Nangong Ruonan bit her lip, if she went back like this, how Yuan Gupan would laugh at her.

Besides, isn't the effect of this imprint just to make her like Ze Yu?Isn't it like this these days?What's the difference?

As for only having desires for Ze Yu alone... Anyway, it is impossible for her to be tempted by other men.

Ze Yu is an exception, an exception of exceptions!

I have a thousand years of Dao heart, mere desires, why can't I restrain it?

"I'll engrave it... But the premise is that you didn't lie, and after I engraved it, you have to admit that I am your wife."

"It's a concubine, and my only wife is Shino."

Nangong Ruonan suddenly had nothing to say, she wanted to say that she was an empress, how could she be a concubine?

But the main wife is her own daughter... It seems, it seems that she can't compete with Zi Nai, she sighed, and she had no choice but to agree.

"To engrave something like this... What a shame."

Nangong Ruonan lifted her suspender skirt a little, but she was seen all over again by Ze Yu... But anyway, she didn't care about it, she closed her eyes slightly, and she was in her lower abdomen At the place, the texture of the succubus is engraved...

In the instant engraved, she noticed the changes in her body.

It feels... so hot, the closer you get to Ze Yu, the hotter it gets, and you become more sensitive to the smell, but only become very sensitive to Ze Yu's smell... As soon as you smell his body, your thighs can't help but want to Moving closer and together, the beautiful feet wrapped in black stockings couldn't help but tense slightly and bowed.

"It's just... desire, don't think about controlling this emperor."

The spiritual power on Nangong Ruonan's body was slightly churning, and he calmed down immediately, his body was not so hot, but he still felt a little different.

"As expected of the Empress."



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