Nangong Ruonan stared at Ze Yu, her face turned slightly red: "You, you..."

"Me?" Ze Yu pointed to himself.

"Anything else?"

"I'm your wife now... I'm your concubine, right?"


"Then, what about the proof?"

"Oh~ proof..."

Ze Yu hugged Nangong Ruonan, and then brought him into the room.

The moment she was hugged, Nangong Ruonan's mind went blank, it was so hot...I want...

"Husband? Hmm...?"

Nangong Ruonan directly hugged Zeyu back and pressed him on the sofa. The effect of the succubus pattern was remarkable. The cold and proud Empress Fuyao turned into a succubus with loving eyes.

It's just that Dongfang Yanran gritted her teeth angrily when she saw this scene...but she had no choice but to leave angrily.

Just before leaving, she didn't know who to take a photo and show it to.

What kind of empress... a bitch!


"No, no, what am I doing?"

After being satisfied, Nangong Ruonan got up from the sofa, slapped his head, and knew that he had done another bad thing, and was immediately annoyed.

"You have to ask yourself that."

Ze Yu said helplessly.

"...It's not your fault, give me, give me that kind of texture!"

"However, my lord empress, you said that your thousand-year-old Dao heart can be restrained. How can mere desires control you, my lord empress?"

"...Asshole." Nangong Ruonan gritted his teeth angrily.

"What do you want to call it?" Ze Yu took out a ring.

Only then did Nangong Ruonan remember what she was going to do, she wanted to find Ze Yu to prove that she was his concubine.

"Husband, husband..." Nangong Ruonan said with some shame.

Who would have thought that the dignified Fuyao empress would have such a shy side?

"Here, take's all your fault, I'm going to coax senior sister."

Zeyu got up and went to find Dongfang Yanran, she was probably very angry now, after all, Senior Sister was his first date...

It's just that Nangong Ruonan doesn't care about this... She's going to settle accounts with Yuan Gupan!



304 Nangong, you don't want your subordinates to know about your becoming a wife, do you?

"Now, you are my slave too, Yuan Gupan."

Nangong Ruonan sat on Yuan Gupan's throne calmly, looked at her with a low smile, and tapped the armrest of the throne slightly with her ring finger wearing a ring.

Yuan Gupan stood aside, with a cold face: "Get out of here, this is the throne of the demon lord!"

"You want to call me Mrs. Nangong, understand? A lowly servant girl."


Yuan Gupan snorted coldly, her slave mark belonged to Ze Yu, except for Ze Yu, she would not listen to other people's words.

"Hmph... forgot to tell you, this throne is full of his marks, I have never cleaned it, if you don't think it's dirty, just sit on it."


Nangong Ruonan immediately stood up with a bit of a bad face, and she asked why her body started to feel hot when she sat on the throne.

It turned out that Yuan Gupan, the bitch, was on the throne...

Although, her body wants her to get closer to the throne, because of the texture of the succubus, she likes the smell very much.

But her dignity as Fuyao Empress does not allow her to stay any longer...

This desire is impossible.

Absolutely can't let it go any longer.

"Heh... you even dislike the smell of your husband, what kind of wife are you?" Yuan Gupan sneered, and then sat back on the throne by himself, taking a little...

"Master's smell... really makes people unable to extricate themselves..."

"Shameless..." The empress snorted coldly, then crossed her arms and said, "I don't dislike his smell, but yours."

"Is it? lol."

Yuan Gupan and the empress looked at each other, neither would give way to the other, the two had been enemies for thousands of years, even if they were serving the same man now, it was still impossible for them to let go of their previous suspicions, on the contrary, because of this reason, they might even be jealous of each other.

"It's just, Nangong, are you really in love with Master?" Yuan Gupan's expression returned to calm, and his voice was somewhat serious.


Empress Fuyao didn't veto immediately, but bit her lip, and spoke after a while: "Of course not, why should I like him? It's only because of Zi Nao and Zhuyue's influence that I choose to let him be my man. It is a great reward for him, why do I have to like him?"

"Ha ha…"

Yuan Gupan just chuckled twice, looking at Empress Fuyao in front of her, it was as if she saw herself back then.

I thought so too at the beginning, but unfortunately now... I have degenerated into a foolish slave who only has a master in his mind...

But she clearly saw that when Nangong Ruonan answered just now, she hesitated. In the past, the empress would definitely veto this kind of question immediately, but now, she hesitated for a long time.

"I don't have time to listen to your eccentricity here. I'm going to accompany my daughter. Goodbye."

"I don't have time to amuse you, remember to take the time to go to the border and withdraw the troops, otherwise... About your video, of course, I will not publish the picture, the master doesn't like his woman to be seen by others, but I will show your absent-minded face , and your voice, let those who admire you see, what kind of slut is the empress they admire..."

"I don't think it matters if you don't withdraw, but I'm looking forward to the expressions they will show..." Yuan Gupan smiled softly.

Nangong Ruonan clenched his fists, not out of shame...but out of fear.

She, she imagined that kind of thing, unexpectedly, unexpectedly felt a little exciting?

When did she become such a woman?

Taking a deep breath, she didn't look back, and walked outside the hall: "I see."

"So obedient? It seems that they don't appreciate the expression of the empress they admired in front of their master, who is such a bitch... It's a pity."

Yuan Gupan felt a little regretful, after all, she was also discovered by her subordinates about her relationship with Ze Yu...

Really shameful.

But it doesn't matter anymore... Does face matter?It doesn't matter anymore, I have been humiliated by the master long ago...


"I'm going to the border to stop the war."

Nangong Ruonan and Ze Yu were talking.

"Is this going to stop? I was thinking about getting Yun Miao to rebel."

"Yun Miao? Do you have a deal with her?"

Nangong Ruonan frowned slightly, obviously she didn't know the relationship between Yun Miao and Ze Yu.

Because Yun Miao is the owner of the Jade Girl Pavilion, which symbolizes the purity of the Jade Girl Pavilion, the first thing she thought of was that Ze Yu had given her a considerable benefit.

But it is indeed a transaction, several billion transactions!

"That's right... I gave her a child." Ze Yu said.

"Child? Could it be that woman Yunmiao's rebellious child... a girl with colorful spirit roots?"

Ze Yu rubbed his chin: "I don't know yet, it may be six-colored spiritual roots, or seven-colored spiritual roots. It will take a month to find out."

"It will take a month to find out...?"

Nangong Ruonan was puzzled, isn't talent something that can be tested at any time?

Even a newborn baby... wait, baby?

It seems that the spiritual root talent of the fetus can only be detected in the fifth month of pregnancy, because the spiritual root is also born and grows with the birth and growth of the fetus, and it will take a while to stop growing.

"What did you do to Yun Miao?"

Nangong Ruonan thought about what Ze Yu would do... She couldn't help thinking about it, but felt that it was a fantasy...

That's the owner of the Jade Girl Pavilion, and Yun Miao's views are countless times more conservative than hers!Recognized as the number one beauty in the Beixuan Realm, she is extremely pure.

"She's my slave, and I've made her belly bigger... or so."

Nangong Ruonan's eyes twitched: "You..."

"Huh?" Ze Yu looked at Nangong Ruonan: "Your succubus pattern, its effect can be passive or active. If you don't want to be limp on the ground now... you better pay attention to your current identity."

Hearing Ze Yu's words, Nangong Ruonan clenched his fists, and then smiled: "Husband, you are really... a scum."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"You really hold a powerful force in your hands..."

Empress Fuyao never thought that she could form her own power in this way.

This cheap husband of hers has slept the two strongest leaders of the righteous way and the evil way, and the women under him will not let go...

If a cheap husband like her really wanted to do something, she would be able to disintegrate both the Devil's Cult and the Righteous Way in an instant...

"Let's not talk about that, are you going to the border? Then you go, and help me send a message to Yun Miao, let her come here to raise a baby."


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