
"...Understood, husband."

Nangong Ruonan spoke reluctantly, then turned and left with complicated emotions.

She wants to eliminate the texture of her belly... yes, her power can do it.

"Do you really think I'll accept your mercy?"

As Nangong Ruonan said, she wanted to use her spiritual power to dissolve the texture, but the next moment, her brain went blank, her breathing became rapid, and there was a warm current sliding down her thighs... her whole body Also fell from the sky.

Empress Fuyao...incontinent?

"...Damn...human scum! Counting on me!"

Nangong Ruonan clutched his forehead, feeling extremely uncomfortable, his body was extremely hot, and fell down in a forest, staring angrily at the direction of the Demon Cult's forbidden area.



305 The Dead Empress

"I must settle accounts with him when I go back!"

Nangong Ruonan rested in the woods for a long time before recovering.

She really didn't expect that Ze Yu would bind the succubus mark on her body with her curse!

Once she tries to dissolve the succubus streak, the texture will affect her curse.

And her curse is that kind, if it is resolved a little, it will affect her body and mind, making her forced to fall into a state of desire... a disgusting curse!

This made it very difficult for her to crack the succubus pattern...that is, she had to endure the humiliation of Ze Yu all the time!

"But there is a way... This texture has been eliminated by 99%... As long as I endure this pain [-] times, I can dissolve this texture... It's just a curse, there is no way."

"This hateful scum!"

Nangong Ruonan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists: "But Zi Nao and Zhuyue like him...and the kind that they can't help themselves, especially Zi Nao, for Zi Nao, that scumbag is her childhood sweetheart... Could it be? Am I really going to be used as a tool for him to vent his desire forever like this?"

Empress Fuyao became more and more angry, more and more uncomfortable, and her body was hot from time to time... It was the first time that she felt despair.

Facing double despair.

Her cultivation was restrained by Ze Yu, and her body was still being played with wantonly by him. What did she take for her? !

"Forget it... let's go to the border first."

Suppressing the heat and discomfort in his body, Nangong Ruonan's figure disappeared in an instant.

It didn't take long before she showed up at the border.

The half-step gods from the Dongxuan Dynasty, and the five half-step gods from the five decent sects all came to see Nangong Ruonan.

"I have seen the Empress."

Nangong Ruonan sat in the main seat, and said calmly: "This time, I'm sorry to waste your efforts, but this time, the war against magic can be stopped."

As soon as these words came out, the five decent leaders under Nangong Ruonan all nodded silently, but they still felt relieved.

None of them want to fight with Mo Dao... It's no good!

Although the loot obtained is rich, several Nascent Soul realms may be lost, and some of them may fall...

not worth it.

Only Bai Cheng from Dongxuan Dynasty frowned:

"My lord empress, are you playing tricks on our Dongxuan Dynasty? I will cross the boundless sea and come to your Beixuan realm, and just return without doing anything?" After Bai Cheng finished speaking, he realized that he was speaking a little loudly, and then Become a little weak: "This... I can't explain it to the Queen Mother... Your Excellency, you know, I also have difficulties. I brought a lot of troops for you..."

"Why, it's easy for you to explain how many of you die and go back, right?"

Nangong Ruonan didn't take Bai Cheng seriously, and the relationship between Beixuan Realm and Dongxuan Realm is not unequal, unless you come with the Queen Mother and General of the Dongxuan Dynasty... Otherwise, who in the four realms can kill her empress alone ?

Well... except for that scumbag!

But that scumbag used dirty methods!

Don't count...!

"My lord empress, you, you can't be so unreasonable..." Bai Cheng showed embarrassment, but with a little humility...

"I will give you the treasures as compensation, and you can go back to your Dongxuan Dynasty."

"... Has your curse been lifted?" Bai Cheng thought of this possibility, and it seemed that this was the only possibility.

The empress spoke calmly: "I negotiated with the demon lord, and she helped me break the curse."

"...So that's how it is." Bai Cheng couldn't help showing a wry smile, and didn't know how to feel.

Only Yun Miao, she had some guesses... She remembered that Yuan Gupan also belonged to the master's woman.

So the Empress and Yuan Gupan have settled down... She can also change her mind.

The empress was dealt with by the master, and the master asked Yuan Gupan to undo the curse of the empress, but it took so long for the empress to come back...the master must have done something.

Maybe...become like her, maybe?

"Who said that this demon master has settled with you?"

The curtain of the tent was lifted, and Yuan Gupan, who was dressed in a pure black evening dress, walked in slowly, pulled away the chair directly opposite the empress, and sat down with her legs crossed.

Nangong Ruonan's face suddenly changed, not because he was afraid of Yuan Gupan's surprise attack... but because he was afraid of her tricks!

It's just that everyone else became vigilant immediately, except for Yun Miao, she saw Yuan Gupan coming, and felt relieved for a moment.

"Yuan Gupan, you are courting death, do you know that?"

Nangong Ruonan looked at Yuan Gupan calmly... However, she is only pretending to be calm now, and her heart is already panicked to the point of death.

"I actually thought about it carefully just now, why can't I release the video after you withdrew the troops?"

"The handle is in my hands, and you can't resist... It seems that there is no reason for me not to come and play with you?"

Yuan Gupan chuckled, she just wanted to play tricks on the Empress!

How can such a good opportunity be let go?

"It's up to you to play tricks on me?"

Nangong Ruonan tried to calm himself down.

Everyone held their breath and focused, only the head of the Roland sect kowtowed the melon seeds secretly, and there was still no movement when using the spell. Have fun!

"Pretend, keep pretending, you're in a panic now, right? Mrs. Nangong?"

"This emperor has never had a husband, you call me madam...is this your trick?" Nangong Ruonan frowned frivolously.

"This is not my play, this is... my play!"

Under Nangong Ruonan's wide-eyed eyes, a picture was projected. There were two faces, no body, a man and a woman... kissing passionately, and it was the woman who actively entangled the man, and even the tongue could be seen All spit out.

The woman's face was flushed, and her eyes were blurred. While kissing, she murmured in a low voice: "Husband... um... my husband... so comfortable..."


The slightly muddy sound of saliva exchange slightly echoed in the tent.

Except for the sound in the picture, the tent is completely silent.

For a moment, everyone's mouths were slightly opened, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Because the woman in that picture... is the Empress Fuyao, Nangong Ruonan who is sitting in the main seat at the moment!

That aloof and pure empress actually hugged a man and asked for a kiss, and even called him "husband...what's my husband..."

The eyes are blurred and intoxicated.

Seeing this scene, Bai Cheng felt the most complicated.

He... is interested in the Empress.

From the first time he met the empress, he wondered if he could have some relationship with the empress... Even if it was just a good friend, he felt satisfied.

He flattered the empress again and again...but the empress didn't take him seriously.

Even touching the other person's arm was coldly rejected.


In Bai Cheng's mind, the face of the empress who was cold to her overlapped with the empress who was full of lust and desire to ask for a kiss from a man in the picture in front of him now.

Something was clogging his chest...it made him feel so depressed...why...why? !

"Yuan Gupan!!!—"

Nangong Ruonan slapped the table and stood up, her face was extremely red. At this moment, she felt uncomfortable all over. She felt, felt as if she had been seen by countless people... Her secret, such a humble secret, was known!

She suddenly swiped the screen away, but Yuan Gupan looked at her with a chuckle, then raised his hand to make the screen appear again.

The screen continues to change...

The man pushed the empress roughly away, the empress looked confused, and then the man slapped the empress...and pinched her chin, as if he didn't regard the empress Fuyao as an empress...not even as an ordinary woman, but as a humble existence.

"Are you angry?"


"What are you going to say? Huh?"

The empress's face was flushed red, no matter what was on or off the screen.

"... Husband, Husband, yes, did Ruonan do something wrong?"

At this moment, Bai Cheng suddenly covered his chest... so stuffy...

But Yuan Gupan smiled happily. After more than 1000 years...she finally saw the Empress deflated!



[By the way, in the picture, it’s just showing the face, not showing the body. There are some special explanations in the text, but to prevent you from quantum reading, let’s talk about it again]

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