"...So, why don't you leave this person to me, I'll deal with him, in exchange for peace of mind, the day after tomorrow is the day of marriage, there can be no accidents."

Wu Su seemed to be thinking about the overall situation.

But in fact, he wanted to take away Ze Yu only for his evil taste.

He wants to lock up Cho Yu until the day of his marriage!

Then... let him kneel there, watching him snatch Bai Xiaoyu, Bai Xiaoxiao's purity, let him listen to their shouts, and watch them lose their senses by him!

"Xiao Su, this is a servant of our Bai family, let us deal with it."

Bai Cheng tried his best to calm himself down, and then said: "Besides, as Xiaoxiao's fiancé, if you stay here for a long time, it will not be good for Xiaoxiao's reputation. Xiaosu, you should go back first, and there will be more opportunities to be with Xiaoxiao in the future." Together... this servant, I will deal with him!"

Wu Su frowned inwardly, but because of Bai Cheng's face, he was getting married soon, so he couldn't reveal his true nature, so he could only smile:

"...Since Brother Bai Cheng said so, I have no choice but to go back."

"There's so much chatter."


After Wu Su left, Bai Cheng tried to calm himself down and looked at Ze Yu, but his body couldn't stop shaking.

In which direction will the empress... look?

What is the purpose of choosing Yu?

Don't you know your own sister?

"Thank you brother...for saving Xiao Yu."

Bai Xiaoxiao also breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at Bai Cheng.

"No, it's alright..."

Bai Cheng's voice blurted out, stuttering a little.

And Bai Xiaoyu quickly grabbed Ze Yu: "Hurry up and say thank you, master."

"Thanks...thank you, master."

Ze Yu lowered his head and said.

But when Bai Cheng looked at Ze Yu who bowed his head, he became even more panicked, what on earth was he going to do?

"No...no, it's okay, Xiao Su is like this, more cautious, you, you are also surprised, go to rest first, Xiaoyu, take him to the best guest room...the one where the general stayed last time! "

Bai Cheng doesn't know what Ze Yu is going to do, but it's more important to please the other party first... If the empress is really nearby, she must not make enemies.

The Dongxuan Dynasty is now peaceful on the surface.

But General Wu is about to reach the end of his lifespan... If the Empress makes a move at this time, the Dongxuan Dynasty will be in chaos.

"Old, master?" Bai Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, wondering if his master's mind was broken.

"Is there anything else?" Bai Cheng was still in shock.


Bai Xiaoyu can only bite the bullet and take Choyu to the best guest room.

And Bai Cheng also sent a voice transmission to Bai Xiaoyu: "Don't arrange anything for him in the future, he can do whatever he wants, treat him as a distinguished guest, I know you have doubts... but I have my own arrangements, Xiaoyu, you can do it That's it."

Bai Xiaoyu was also puzzled by these words.

After bringing Ze Yu into the room, Bai Xiaoyu couldn't help asking out of curiosity:

"Hey... have you thought of anything recently? Who are you? Why does the master treat you so well?"



[The big drop is coming, I suggest saving it and watching it tomorrow morning ~ I will finish writing the end of this amnesia tonight]

324 Restoring Memory, Playing With Wu Su

"I, I don't know... who am I..."

Ze Yu sighed, he was also helpless.

Bai Xiaoyu bit her lip: "...Forget it, if you don't know, you don't know... Then...um..."

The two slender jade hands hooked each other and put them behind him. Bai Xiaoyu was a little shy, and held back for a long time before saying with a reddish face:

"Just now... Thank you very much, for helping me block that scumbag young master's tricks."

"I just couldn't understand it, so I subconsciously reached out to block it..."

"Idiot." Bai Xiaoyu couldn't help saying.

"Why are you scolding me!" Ze Yu felt wronged.

"Idiots are idiots. Don't think that if the master treats you well, I will treat you as a distinguished guest. I will still ask you to get up early! You can stay here by yourself... I'm leaving."

Bai Xiaoyu bit her lip and left, after leaving the room, she sighed.

"Although you helped me block once, you won't be able to help me the day after tomorrow... It's okay, after all, it's a little superficial fate."

As Bai Xiaoxiao's maid, she naturally wants to marry with the young lady. After marrying, she can be a maid who does sundries, or a maid who warms the bed when the young lady is inconvenient.

Of course, if it was Wu Su, that scumbag... he would definitely do extreme things to her and Miss

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoyu couldn't help but become silent, and a little scared.

And Bai Xiaoxiao was the same, she didn't dare to tell her brother Bai Cheng that Wu Su was a scumbag, after all...she vaguely knew that behind this marriage, there was a lot of interest involved.

She didn't want to trouble her brother.

My brother came back from the Beixuan Realm without success this time, and he had already suffered a lot of criticism, and after he came back, he was obviously haggard and depressed... It seemed that he had suffered some blows or accidents there.



Soon, time passed by little by little, and it was the eve of the wedding in a blink of an eye.

"Did you regain your memory?"

The memories of the past few days suddenly flooded into Ze Yu's brain, causing him to frown slightly: "Wu Su...I won't trouble you, but you will embarrass me first."

"Then it's no wonder I..."

Ze Yu was a little angry now, letting a clown jump in front of him really made him a little angry, and he had to take measures.

Wu Su is not troublesome, the trouble is his amnesia, which must be completely fixed.

Ze Yu decided to heal Wu Muqing once and for all tonight, and then tomorrow's wedding... With him around, can there be a wedding?

It's time for the joke to end.


Ze Yu frowned slightly again, the field he expanded directly covered the entire Bai family mansion, and an unexpected visitor came.

"...Don't blame me if you came to the door on your own initiative."

Ze Yu smashed the wooden sign directly, and asked the mother of this Nizi to come in person.

After all, Wu Muqing can be regarded as his woman... To be precise, she should be a slave, so he can also be regarded as his son.

It's not too much to torture and kill this kind of rebellious son.


At this moment, Wu Su stepped into the Bai family's mansion, and Bai Cheng was not at home tonight, so he deliberately let others hold Bai Cheng with a banquet.

"I can't wait until the wedding night..."

After licking his lips, Wu Su stepped into Bai Xiaoxiao's yard.

Bai Xiaoxiao is also a Nascent Soul cultivator, so she could sense it naturally, she went out with a slight frown, and looked at Wu Su:

"Master Wu Su...tomorrow is the big wedding, but it's a little too inappropriate for you to come here tonight? If this is known, it will ruin the big event."

"Don't worry, no one will know."

Wu Su showed a gentle smile: "I'm here, just to express my heart to Miss Bai in advance. Miss Bai probably doesn't want to be just a tool for marriage. If Miss's cultivation can be improved, then ...I think everyone will value you, right?"

Bai Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, and Bai Xiaoyu stood beside her, holding a lantern.

"Master Wu Su, I don't understand what you are going to do. I don't feel that I am not taken seriously. I think I am doing well now."

There is another sentence that Bai Xiaoxiao dare not say, that is "If I marry you, I will feel bad."

"This is Lingxuanxiang. Keep it next to your pillow for a year. Practice every day, and your realm will be raised to half-step transformation! At that time, your brother will be proud of you, won't you? Miss Bai."

Bai Xiaoxiao didn't want to take that broken incense: "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, just give you a gift, miss, I put it here."

Wu Su put down the incense... lighted it by the way, and then stepped back politely.

It really looks like a gift.

"Are you staying here too?"


Wu Su turned his head suddenly, only to see Ze Yu standing behind him with a smile.

"What... so it's you, a servant, and you haven't died yet? But, it just so happens..."

Wu Su had already made a plan in his heart, and after Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Xiaoyu were fainted by the fragrance, let Ze Yu kneel there and watch!

"Did I make you stand up and talk?"

"You are... yes, I should kneel."

Wu Su's knees bent down, and he knelt heavily on the ground. The psychological suggestion took effect at this moment, making Wu Su kneel on the ground.

And Bai Xiaoyu and Bai Xiaoxiao who were behind were both looking at this scene in disbelief, but they dare not speak at the moment.

Wu Su knelt down for a while before breaking through the hint: "I...I...?"

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