Seeing the humiliation of himself kneeling on the ground, he suddenly felt incredible, but he was about to get up immediately, and then looked for Ze Yu furiously.

But Ze Yu snapped his fingers directly, and various barriers unfolded, surrounding the courtyard without being disturbed by others, and then he stepped on Wu Su's head with the mud that had been stepped on the grass under his shoe, and directly The filth stepped on Wu Su's head, and then stepped down heavily, causing his head to sink into the ground.


Wu Su just felt that he couldn't resist the person who was stepping on him. He suddenly understood that Ze Yu had been playing him all the time! !

No wonder he didn't die, no wonder that guy Bai Cheng wanted to protect him!

It wasn't him playing with Ze Yu or Bai Xiaoxiao at all.

It was Ze Yu who was teasing him!

"You, who are you... Is it interesting to tease me like this?! If you are strong, why do you pretend to be weak?!"

Wu Su wanted to look up at Ze Yu, but he couldn't even raise his head, he couldn't do it, he could only growl.

Ze Yu felt both angry and funny:

"Is it possible that I have temporarily lost my memory... But, I have lost my memory. I am a mortal, so you can humiliate me like this, right? That's all... It's useless to talk too much."

"You'd better die."

"...Xiao Yu, wait, wait a minute..."

Bai Xiaoxiao bit her lip, and said at this moment: "He is the son of the great general, and the great general is a strong man who transforms spirits. If you kill him, you will definitely be hunted down by the general afterward...I, I am worried about you..."

Naturally, she wasn't worried about Wu Su, a scumbag, she was just worried that Ze Yu would be implicated.

Although Xiao Yu seems to have regained her memory...but she thinks that Ze Yu is Ze Yu.

" are the son of the general, by the way, isn't the general called...Wu Muqing?"

At this moment, Wu Su's pupils constricted: " do you mother's name? It's impossible...except for me and the empress dowager, only Brother Bai"

"It's really that burnt goods."

"Huh?" Wu Su was in a daze again, feeling a bad premonition in his heart, a kind of panic, and then continued to climb...


325 mother...why...why? !

"What did you say?"

If Wu Su just felt humiliated, then Wu Su now felt a kind of anger from the bottom of his heart.

As a child born from the Nascent Soul separated by Wu Muqing, the bond between him and Wu Muqing is deeper than that of an ordinary mother and child!

It takes more than a hundred years of practice to cultivate the Nascent Soul!

The person he respects the most is his mother Wu Muqing!

If it is said that he has desires and evil intentions towards those other women, he can be violent in front of them, reveal his true nature, and treat them as human beings at all...

Then Wu Muqing was the only exception.

Wu Su's love, respect, and filial piety towards Wu Muqing are all extremely strong, and the emotions he harbors are extremely noble!

But at this moment, at this moment, how dare Ze Yu insult his mother? !Said his mother was a burnt goods?

How can this be tolerated? !

"I'll kill you! I don't allow you to insult my mother!!"

"Don't worry."

Ze Yu exerted a little force on the soles of his feet again, and pushed Wu Su's head down a little more.

"Let me look for it, which is your mother's video, sorry, there are a lot of videos..."

"It seems to be this."

Ze Yu took out one of the floating shadow beads and let it suspend in mid-air.

And Ze Yu put the tip of the shoe directly on Wu Su's chin, and then picked it hard!

Blood splashed directly, and Wu Su also changed from lying on his stomach to lying down. Ze Yu stepped on his body, so that he could clearly see the screen projected by the Floating Shadow Orb.

Inject spiritual power into the Floating Shadow Bead, and the image is projected instantly. A woman dressed in a gray cloth robe looks like a captured female prisoner. Her eyes are still covered by a black cloth, her body is tied with a rope, and her wrist is hung on the The woman on the beam appears in the picture.


Wu Su recognized it at a glance, this was his mother, there was no way he could have mistaken his mother!

Not to mention, the interior and layout of this room is the room where my mother lives! ! !

"That's right. Let me tell you, your mother is on fire. She was very cold and rebellious at first, but within a few days she began to ask for it on her own. If it weren't for the sound-proof barrier, the whole You can hear her hysterical yelling in the general's mansion!"

With a chattering appearance, Ze Yu talked about this matter with Wu Su very casually.

But Wu Su's expression was dull, staring at the picture, the expression on his face was completely unbelievable.

Because... a man stepped out of the screen.

When her mother heard the man walking in front of her, she immediately blushed and her heart beat, and she was so excited that she said excitedly:

"Master... You, you are here? Today... Today Mu Qing wore this kind of female prisoner's clothes... Please severely punish Mu Qing, a shameless and heinous criminal!"

" are so coquettish... ah."

"Yes, Mu Qing is Sao... in front of the master..."

The conversation was simply unsightly, and Wu Su's expression became distraught, as if his faith had collapsed...

Because the man in the picture is Ze Yu.

And that his mother!The mother who raised him!

And the connection between him and Wu Muqing is very deep!Deeper than the average mother and child!He is the Nascent Soul separated from Wu Muqing!Nascent Soul created after hundreds of years of practice!

Bai Xiaoyu and Bai Xiaoxiao, who were standing aside at the moment, had no idea what the situation was, and could only cover their mouths.

But the most unacceptable, of course, was Wu Su himself.

His eyes were bloodshot, he held his head, and kept murmuring:

"It's's impossible, it's impossible!! That's fake!! It's fake! It can't be the mother!!"

"Mother wouldn't be so mean!! Just like those bitches, it's impossible!"

"Fake!!! All are fake!!!"

Wu Su tried his best to raise his head, the spiritual power on his body began to riot, and he looked at Ze Yu angrily: "You are lying to me!!!"


"Master, you called me over...what are you going to do?"

Wu Muqing, who was wearing a maid outfit, was panting slightly, obviously because she ran over here, because she had lost her spiritual power after being covered in black cloth, and her physical fitness was no different from that of ordinary people, so naturally she could only come here by running. Of course you will be tired.

But at this moment, Wu Su's eyes were completely dull.

What he saw just now were all videos, those could be fake, but what was in front of him... was the truth in front of him!

Silence, complexity, anger... and finally, it's unacceptable.

Wu Su's heart went through countless changes in an instant.

Dreaming...he must be's fake! !Fake!He's still in a dream... This is an illusion!illusion!

In the final analysis, a servant can suddenly become such a strong person, or be the master of his own mother or something... This is impossible, right?

It's only possible in a fantasy world!Someone is going to deliberately destroy his Dao heart! !

Ze Yu directly used a sound-proof barrier so that Wu Muqing could not hear his son's yelling.

"Tomorrow is your son's wedding day?"

"...Yes, what's wrong? Master?"

Wu Muqing asked in a daze.

Ze Yu smiled softly: "Then don't you feel lonely? General Wu? Your sons are all married, but you are still single. For more than 1000 years, you have never experienced what it is like to have a husband. Don't you feel... Are you sorry?"

Wu Muqing smiled helplessly: " know, I am a general and I have a lot of self-esteem. My husband must be someone who wants to be my equal...but in this huge Dongxuan Realm, I can't find anyone who can stand up to me." waiting man."

Ze Yu touched his chin: "Then maybe you and I are equal?"

The moment Ze Yu said this, Wu Su's heart felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and he had a bad premonition... He was breathing in horror, but he was powerless to stop it.

But this is what he deserves!How many people has he done such vicious things as choosing Yu? The originally loving couple, the originally harmonious couple, were all hypnotized and torn apart because of his personal desires and personal tyranny?

At that moment, as at this moment.

It's just that Wu Su's position has changed from the tyrant to the victim...but it's the retribution of the reincarnation of heaven!

"Then why don't we get married today? How about you being my little wife?"


A look of surprise appeared on Wu Muqing's face. In the past, Ze Yu never regarded her as a human being, but today he can treat her as his wife... This is really what she dreamed of!

"Really, come on, sit down, there are chairs here."


Immediately, Wu Muqing couldn't wait to follow the voice and sat on Ze Yu's lap. Ze Yu took out a chair from the storage bag and sat on the side, with Wu Su as the footstep.

In Ze Yu's arms was Wu Su's mother.

There is a layer of soundproof enchantment in the middle.

This barrier was one-way, Wu Muqing couldn't hear the roaring, roaring, and collapsed cries of his son lying on the ground.

But Wu Su could hear his mother's yelling, and he could also see his mother being held in the arms of another man.

This made him completely unacceptable! !

If the mother really has someone she likes, it's fine if that person treats the mother well. After all, the mother is also a woman...he can accept it! !

But the relationship between Ze Yu and his mother is not that simple relationship between a man and a woman... It's more like the relationship between the women he plays with and him!

As soon as Wu Muqing sat on Ze Yu's lap, she couldn't help but straighten her body a little, then took the initiative to kiss Ze Yu's lips, and hugged him tightly: "Husband...Mu Qing loves you~"

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