"No... no! No! No!! Mom! What are you doing?!"

Wu Su gritted his teeth, and there was an uncontrollable anger in his eyes. His roar made Bai Xiaoyu and Bai Xiaoxiao, who were watching from the side, feel ear-piercing.

"Why are you so depraved?! Mother?!"

"Are you sorry for me!? You shameless!! Shameless!"

"Bastard...I'll kill you!!! Kill you!!!"

Wu Su Wu Neng was furious and roared.

It's just that when Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Xiaoyu watched this scene, they just felt relieved and relaxed a lot.

"Husband, Mu Qing is really happy today... You can treat Mu Qing like a wife... Really..."

Wu Muqing was really happy from the bottom of her heart, and tears rolled down from the black cloth covering her eyes.

This scene made Wu Su very worried.

With Wu Muqing in his arms, Ze Yu acted like a baby with her delicate body in his arms, talking to him sweetly and flattering him.

Wu Su's world view has been subverted.

"You scum... scum!!"

Wu Su couldn't do anything, he could only yell at Ze Yu.

"Call me Dad."

"Has your husband changed his mind again? Okay~ Dad~"

Wu Su didn't feel anything about Ze Yu's humiliation at first, but the ironic scene in front of him made him feel ashamed.

Ze Yu said it to him...but his mother called it like that?

"Haha...then it's time to call me Grandpa." Ze Yu couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What, master? Does the master like this? I, I can't do it..."

"No, no, I didn't talk to you."

"...didn't talk to me?"

Wu Muqing was stunned for a moment, then hugged Ze Yu tightly, and tried to pull down her skirt: "Master, you, you don't want to hand me over to others, do you? Who, who is still watching here... Me, I only want you, master..."

"I won't hand you over to others. I won't hand over my own things, but, in fact, it should be said that he originally belonged to your body, right?"


"Forget it... just pretend I didn't say it."

Wu Muqing didn't dare to ask any more questions, after all, Ze Yu had already done a lot of inexplicable things to her, so she could only hold him in her arms: "Would you like...to kiss for a while longer? Husband?"

"No, you turn around."

"Okay~ Husband, do you want to hug me..."

Just when Wu Muqing was still expecting something, Ze Yu held the knot of the cloth covering her eyes with his hand: "Do you want to see me?"

"I want to! Of course I want to... um... For example, if the master agrees..."

"Then let me show you what I look like."


Wu Muqing's blindfold was lifted, she immediately opened her mouth excitedly, but before she turned her head to look at Ze Yu's appearance, she first saw Wu Su lying in front of the chair, sitting on Ze Yu's stepping stone, his His jaw was bloody, he screamed in pain, and looked at her.


The excited tone stopped abruptly in an instant, leaving only shock and a short silence, as if everything was silent, only the pupils of the mother and child looked at each other tightly.


326 Rebellion! !


Wu Muqing didn't know what to do now, but felt... her whole body was cold and trembling, and the original excitement and excitement had completely disappeared, leaving only a kind of panic and bewilderment.

Why, why is Su Er here?

Just now, he saw it all...?

"Mother..." Wu Su looked at Wu Muqing with a complex expression, gritted his teeth, and said in a hoarse voice:

"...You, shameless woman!"

This was the first time Wu Su was disrespectful to Wu Muqing, he glared at Wu Muqing, his eyes were full of confusion and bloodshot eyes.

"Wu Muqing, you are really shameless!!" Wu Su yelled at Wu Muqing, his whole body had already broken his defenses, and the psychological defense line was that Ze Yu hugged and hugged Wu Muqing, but Wu Muqing's own mother did not resist at all. By then, it had completely collapsed!

"Are you that cheap? Mother? Mom!! General Wu Muqing!! You are a general!"

"You are my mother! Why have you become like this now? You are looking for a man... Just look for it, I am your Nascent Soul, and I was once a part of you! If you can feel happy, of course I have no objection, but Why are you humiliating yourself like this?!"

"You can have a manservant...but why are you someone else's slave?! Mom?"

"You are cheap...you are really cheap! Shameless and shameless!"


Wu Su's speech was incoherent, and he broke down crying.

And Wu Muqing didn't know what to say, she felt that Wu Su was right to scold her, she was such a shameless woman, but it was because of half a month of... abuse and humiliation by Ze Yu.

As a result, she became like this, and she no longer had the majesty of a great general.

"Master...why, what is this..."

The first person Wu Muqing thought of for help was Ze Yu.

You know, in fact, she can resist Ze Yu now, she has recovered her cultivation base, and she has no slave mark, so she can completely tear her face with Ze Yu here and get back all the places.

But she didn't, she didn't dare... Who knows what kind of tricks Ze Yu has, she can't bear it anymore!

The instrument of torture was covered with various things, she heard and acted.

There is a bead linked to something called a "Rubik's Cube".

The beads would rotate with the rotation of the Rubik's Cube, and Ze Yu handed her the messed up Rubik's Cube so that she could restore it, but where had she seen such a thing?Can only turn Rubik's Cube randomly by feeling.

After putting together one side, I endured the incomparable... shame, but just saw the dawn, only to realize that this thing has been put together on one side, and I have to fight on the other side, and I have to continue to disrupt it.

This is regular, and several sides move together, and only when they are connected can they be restored.

This made it take her a long time to recover the Rubik's Cube...

In the General's Mansion after that day, there were three extra quilts in the sun, and Wu Muqing, who was limp on the bed and didn't want to move anymore, his eyes were full of emptiness.

There were various things on the torture cloth... Wu Muqing really didn't want to try again.

"Master...please, tell me what...what's going on, okay?"

Wu Muqing also had a bit of a breakdown, and her son found out about her... These things, things that cannot be said.

And my future daughter-in-law is also watching... Maybe it's time to become a "future sister"?

"Why don't you let your son explain it to you?"

Ze Yu looked at Wu Su, and his psychological suggestion started: "Tell me, what you wanted to do when you came to this yard, and what you wanted to do to me."

The anger on Wu Su's face disappeared in an instant, becoming empty and lifeless:

"I want to come here to take away the innocence of these two little bitches, Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Xiaoyu, and play with them well. I mixed the fragrance of the soul with the fragrance of Lingxuan, trying to stun them all. , and then do all sorts of things to them."

"Because it's ecstasy, they will forget everything the next day and marry me. On the wedding day, I will play with them once and scold them for their impurity, but I took away their purity! "

"In this way, they owe me. In order not to let me speak out, they can only cooperate with me in various things, and of course they will not suggest that I have hundreds of mistresses outside."

Ze Yu couldn't help sighing: "Fuck, hundreds, more than me, it's fine."

As he spoke, Ze Yu held Wu Muqing's beautiful feet and rubbed them well: "But it's fine, your mother Sao."

Wu Su's mind suddenly trembled crazily. Although he was speaking the truth, he could hear what Ze Yu said in his heart! !

asshole! !kill you kill you kill you! !

It's a pity that he can only be furious in his heart.

But the truth on his lips continued to flow:

"And I suddenly discovered just now that the servant I wanted to kill before was still alive. It just so happened that he seemed to like these two little bitches from the Bai family. I just wanted him to kneel and look at me. Playing with Miss Bai and Bai Xiaoyu, this little girl, made him impotent and furious, made him collapse, made his life worse than death, and in the end he could only cry and think about his worthless self..."

That's the end of Wu Su's words.

And Wu Muqing's eyes also suddenly turned cold, her expression returned to her previous sternness, her eyebrows were tightly frowned, the terrifying spiritual power in her hands raged, and then a lightning strike directly directed at Wu Su!

The high temperature and lightning scorched Wu Su's body in an instant!

His lips were chapped and his eyes were empty, he could only take a small mouthful of breath: "Mother... go..."

"Don't call me mother! You..."


Wu Muqing was already furious, she was really very angry.

His own son turned out to be such a scumbag? !

"You say I'm shameless? You are shameless! You have lost all the face of our Wu family, do you know that?!"

"You are really good. You have been secretly raising mistresses outside... How did I teach you?! If you like other girls, you can pursue them, but you can't force them!"

"How did you do it? You still want to fan. rape. Xiaoxiao and that maid? What do you think?!"


"Couldn't you marry them openly... No, you are a rebellious son, you are such a scum, you are not worthy of marrying a good girl like Xiaoxiao! You really are going to die!"

"How could I... how could I have stripped you out of a son? I should have kept you in my body, and I shouldn't have allowed you to give birth to a consciousness and form!"


Wu Muqing was really about to explode, her hundreds of years of education had all been taught to dogs!

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