Wu Muqing showed guilt towards Bai Xiaoxiao.

And Bai Xiaoxiao stood under the eaves, looking at Ze Yu who was sitting on a chair in the yard, and Ze Yu was sitting there with a lazy look.

"Master General, I want to be with Xiao Yu...ah, no, with, with your master..." She didn't know how to address Ze Yu anymore.

In the past, Ze Yu was the person she rescued, and she could call him Xiao Yu, but now, there is a gap in status. In the past, her status was far higher than that of Ze Yu, but now she can only look up to him.

At this time, Ze Yu said softly: "Miss, you can just call me Xiao Yu, just like before, thank you for saving me, otherwise, if I am discovered by others, I am afraid I don't know where I will end up now, and whether my life is in danger."

"...Then, Xiaoyu, I... want to marry you tomorrow, is that okay?" Bai Xiaoxiao whispered with a reddish face.

It's really embarrassing for a lady in her boudoir to say such a thing...

"I know this is an exaggerated request. You have already helped me solve the troubles tonight, and I still want you to protect me from the storm... All I can give you is my body..."

The more she talked, the more Bai Xiaoxiao felt that she was shameless. One was asking for such a thing, and the other was saying such things.

"Yes." Ze Yu nodded, and agreed: "You saved me once, and I will help you once, tomorrow we can get married on a fake basis, I will suppress all their criticisms, and then I don't have to touch you. "

"But you already helped me once tonight..."

"This is a personal grievance." Ze Yu took a cold look at Wu Su's soul lamp, the dark fire burning faintly.

"He offended me. I let him be killed by my own mother. Seeing my mother's depraved appearance in front of me, he died in collapse and despair. This is my own business. I will help you tomorrow." Yes, it's different."

"That's it, no need to say more, go to bed early, I will come tomorrow."

Ze Yu got up from the chair.

But Wu Muqing, who heard that Ze Yu insulted herself and said that she was so... lowly, could only bite her lip, and did not dare to refute, nor did she dare to resist.

He could only sigh, and silently followed behind Ze Yu.

"Tomorrow and night, you can also come to me in your wedding dress. From now on, you are my concubine."

"...Huh?" Wu Muqing raised her head with a surprised expression.

"You can continue to be a slave if you don't want to."

"Yes, of course I do!"

Wu Muqing hurried over and hugged Ze Yu's arm, the dignified general was leaning on Ze Yu like a little wife at this moment, the two groups, gentle, moist, squeezed Ze Yu's arm between them.

"Master... no, my husband is the best~"

Wu Muqing's unhappiness disappeared instantly.

In fact, what Ze Yu did to her can also be said to be an exchange of equal value.

One is to pay the debts to the mother, and the other is to give her a few hundred years of life... For the sake of a few hundred years of life, Wu Muqing felt that if she degenerates a little bit, she can just show off a little more in front of Ze Yu.


Looking at the back of Ze Yu's departure, Bai Xiaoyu didn't know what to say, as if the younger brother who had been following behind her had become someone she needed to look up to one day.

However, she still approached her young lady with some concern: "Miss, you, you should not marry... Even if you endure a little criticism, at least you don't have to pay the price of your body."

Bai Xiaoyu knows his young lady's temper, and will definitely give her body away tomorrow because of the guilt in her heart!

"Isn't this... what it should be? He helped me block the criticism, and all I can give is my body." Bai Xiaoxiao shook her head: "Besides, I'm not a peerless beauty... the general's figure and appearance Don't lose to me at all, and the general... seems to be playing with him, if he agrees, it is already my extravagant wish."

"That's right, it's because he treats the general as a female, slave, plaything, and the general still looks so...depraved..."

Bai Xiaoyu bit his lip: "Wu Su is a scumbag, but he is better than Wu Su, miss, you don't know, he often smells that kind of smell when I pass by in the morning, and I go to look for it at night. My lord general...doing that kind of thing every day!

I, I... It's not that I'm ungrateful, talking bad about him behind his back... It's just that I'm worried that Miss will become that degenerate... If I, if I degenerate, I don't care, but I'm worried about you, Miss... So... I can replace you Go depraved! "

Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly showed a chuckle: "Xiaoyu, it doesn't matter if you are depraved... Do you like Xiaoyu?"

"No, no! How is it possible! There is no such thing!" Bai Xiaoyu quickly denied, but her flushed face revealed her true thoughts.

"Why not, I see that you two get tired of crooked together every day..."

"That's his clumsiness, I'll teach him things!"

"Yes, yes, yes... It's just that I don't dislike Xiaoyu either. I feel ashamed to be depraved by him... But he will be my husband tomorrow. It's just that I'm so depraved in front of my husband. It's okay, right? ..." Bai Xiaoxiao said in a low voice.


Bai Xiaoyu saw that something was wrong with Bai Xiaoxiao, and yelled.

"Okay, don't think so much... If you like Xiaoyu, then I will give it to you tomorrow after I give it to you." Bai Xiaoxiao smiled gently, looking very understanding.

"Give it to me! Miss! I said I don't like him! Even if he becomes stronger, I don't like him either! Don't like it, don't like it, don't like it!"

Bai Xiaoxiao shrugged her shoulders: "Then shall I lock the door of the bridal chamber tomorrow?"

"No!" Bai Xiaoyu subconsciously shouted, and then quickly covered her mouth, while Bai Xiaoxiao just smiled and said nothing.




329 Meet the Empress Dowager Yinyue, the Arrival of the Empress

"Husband, we... have to go see Miss."

Walking out of the Bai family's mansion, Wu Muqing spoke softly.

Because it is indeed as Wu Muqing said, this is an inevitable thing, the Queen Mother will come to watch the ceremony tomorrow, so she must know about Cho Yu.

Moreover, changing Miss Bai to her fiancé, as well as the increase in her lifespan, must be reported to the Queen Mother.

Sooner or later it will be said.

"Are you talking about the empress dowager? It's only natural, and I'll meet her sooner or later."

Ze Yu glanced at the system interface.

【New patient: Aunt Yinyue】

[Identity: Empress Dowager Yinyue of the Eastern Xuan Dynasty, a powerhouse who has completed the transformation of the gods]

[Illness: Colorless, tasteless, insensible, and without symptoms. As a strong person in the state of transformation, there are almost no diseases that can trouble Aunt Yinyue. It's just that as the empress dowager of the Dongxuan Dynasty, she has never slept or rested once in more than 1000 years. For a moment, her nerves were tense all the year round, and she was handling the affairs of the entire Dongxuan Dynasty by herself, causing the pressure of continuous work for 1000 years to accumulate on her spiritual level...]

[And in the past ten years, these backlogs of pressure have finally caused some mental problems for the Empress Dowager Yinyue. The mental oppression has made her sensitive to the taste of food, color, and her physical sense of touch is extremely weakened]

[She can hardly taste the difference in taste between foods, they are all like white water, and the world in her sight often becomes a colorless world with only black and white, and her body's sense of touch to the environment is also weakened by most, often appearing mentally. trance state]

[The host is asked to enter the palace to meet the Queen Mother, and to provide effective treatment before she completely collapses]

The system really couldn't see him being idle for a moment, so it wanted him to have the next treatment.

And look at this disease... a typical social animal disease.

It seems that this Empress Dowager Yinyue, on the surface, has power over the government and the public, and her mother respects the world, but behind her back is... a social animal who is pushed to the extreme.

However, if there is no sense of taste, sight, touch, or feeling, he just has the means to deal with it.



Feeling apprehensive, Wu Muqing brought Ze Yu into the palace.

The whole journey was almost unimpeded, Wu Muqing put on the evil spirit mask, no one dared to stop her, and no one dared to stop Ze Yu, she only thought that Ze Yu was a distinguished guest.

So in the middle of the night, Wu Muqing brought a man to the harem of Dongxuan Dynasty.

"I remember, the current emperor of your Dongxuan Dynasty is still an eight-year-old child? Why are there so many concubines in the harem?"

Ze Yu felt that there were many women's auras in the harem, and suddenly felt a little strange.

Is it possible... that a child can drive a big car at the age of eight?

Maybe Xiuxian's physique is a little different. Anyway, when he was eight years old, he took a bath with Nangong Zinai, and he didn't feel anything.

You must know that Nangong Zi Nai at that time was already very iconic.

"Most of them are the former emperor and the concubines left by the former emperor... Most of them are widows, and a small part is for the current little emperor to support the scene, but the little emperor must not have that ability, so there are so many in the harem. The vast majority of concubines are virgins who have not been humanized."

"And the previous emperors, the previous emperors, the longest-lived ones, didn't live past the age of 11... and they didn't even have the ability to do anything to their concubines."

After Wu Muqing finished speaking, she felt a little regretful: "...husband, you, you don't... have that kind of thought about them, do you?"

"I'm not your son."

Ze Yu shook his head, a little interested, but not necessary.

"It's just that I have some doubts. Didn't the emperors of your Dongxuan Dynasty live long?"

"This..." Wu Muqing showed a guilty look on his face: "In fact, the emperors of all dynasties have no blood relationship with the lady. They are all orphans found from the wilderness. After they grow up a little, they will be sent to Go to the 'Paradise', where there are delicious food and beauties, and they will live to the end of their lives in luxury."

"Then declare to the outside world that they died, were assassinated, or had an incurable disease, or simply arranged a fake coup. In short, the emperor who has independent consciousness cannot be allowed to stay in the court."

"After all...the person in charge of the Dongxuan Dynasty is the Empress Dowager."

Ze Yu understood: "Children are easy to manipulate, right? Let them grow up, and they will naturally gain their own power...then the impact will be great, right?"


"I still feel sorry for them who are about to be killed when they are teenagers... Now it seems that I am being sentimental." Ze Yu laughed lowly.

And Wu Muqing murmured softly: "Miss is not a big villain... She is not like your empress from Beixuan Realm, she is ruthless."

"Indeed." Ze Yu nodded, it took him a lot of effort to clean up the Empress.

When the two were talking about the empress behind their backs, they didn't know that the empress was silently eavesdropping on their chat.


In the clouds a few thousand meters above the palace, Nangong Ruonan's expression was originally expectant, but now he has a straight face.

She was wondering what expression her husband would make when he saw her coming?

But I heard someone say behind her back that she is ruthless... Although she was indeed like this in the past and couldn't refute it, but my husband didn't help her to say a few words about what happened to her now... I was inexplicably angry.

And how long has it been, only a month!

Why did you hook up with another woman?

Nangong Ruonan is like a wife who has traveled thousands of miles across the sea and across the river to visit her husband. She was worried that her husband would feel lonely and have a bad life in an unfamiliar place... But when she came here, she found out that her husband I was having sex with my new mistress there, talking and laughing...

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