And the mistress also told her husband how bad your original partner was, and the husband nodded in approval.

This is so angry...!

Although she is just a concubine, her daughter is Ze Yu's main wife... This is another complicated relationship.

"Wait, what are they doing?"

The corners of Nangong Ruonan's eyes twitched, watching what Ze Yu and Wu Muqing said, and then the two of them entered an alley in the palace, and Wu Muqing squatted down...

"I shouldn't have come here! Worrying for nothing!"

Nangong Ruonan gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly.


After making Wu Muqing no longer thirsty, Ze Yu finally came to the door of the Empress Dowager's bedroom, where the lights were still on, and as a state of transformation, Ze Yu could hear the rustling sound of writing inside.

Obviously it was so late, and the Empress Dowager Yinyue was still working.

Hearing the footsteps outside the door, the Empress Dowager Yinyue stopped to deal with the paperwork. The black and white world in her vision became blurred at the moment when she raised her head. It turned out to be a little haggard...

Naturally, there is nothing serious about her body, but she has always had a small problem with her spirit, which made her look not in a good mood.

It's just that this can't hide the temperament of an old woman on her body... It's just that her temperament is obviously older, but her face is not old at all, but she still looks older than Wu Muqing.

Wu Muqing's face stays in her twenties, but she stays in her thirties, but the 30-year-old Yin Yuegu is naturally beautiful, but has a different charm.

The snow-white collarbone was slightly exposed to the air, and the Queen Mother Yinyue's robe was slightly loose. Anyway, Wu Muqing was the only one who came to see her at this time, and she was fine.

"Xiaoqing, come in."


The door was pushed open, and the Empress Dowager Yinyue showed a slightly surprised expression because she saw Ze Yu beside Wu Muqing: "Why did you bring a handsome young man here? Gu has told you many times, Gu does not need a boy .Slaves."



330 Empress Card Husband Treasure~

Seeing that Wu Muqing brought him a handsome young man in his twenties, and he couldn't show his cultivation, he must be a mortal.

So the Empress Dowager Yinyue subconsciously thought so, because such things had happened before.

Qing'er felt that she was under too much pressure. I don't know who said it. A queen mother like her who has power over the government usually likes to use male slaves to vent pressure or something.

But she has never experienced that kind of thing between a man and a woman... Although the outside world says that she is a mother, she is actually a virgin and has no human experience. She doesn't want to hand over her innocence to those men .slave.

So naturally it was rejected every time.

"Miss...he is not a male slave, but a new guest of my general's mansion."

"A doorkeeper? A mortal... wait, you don't mean..."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue's expression suddenly became serious. If this young man was Wu Muqing's guest, she would not be able to see the other party's cultivation level.

There is probably only one possibility.

"Young man, are you in the God Transformation Realm? No, you probably aren't a young man should I call you?" The Queen Mother Yinyue smiled.

"My name is Ze Yu, and I'm in the early stage of Transforming God Realm."

Flames of spiritual power flowed from Ze Yu's hands. That kind of aura was undoubtedly the unique aura of the God Transformation Realm. This ray of flames might be able to burn a layer of skin off a strong Nascent Soul!

"It's indeed the early stage of becoming a god... Your name is Ze Yu, and that guy calls you Your Excellency, how about it? Wait, Ze Yu...?"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue muttered the name again, and quickly found information about the name from her memory: "Bai Cheng and Gu talked about you, you are from the Beixuan Realm, you are less than 30 years old, and you have achieved Nascent Soul Consummation cultivation."

"The two daughters of Empress Fuyao of Beixuan are both your fiancées. According to the rumors that Bai Cheng heard there, you have unclear relationships with many contemporary young girls in Beixuan...even Empress Fuyao I have an unclear relationship with you."

"And now you tell Gu that you are in the early stage of becoming a god again..."

There was a bit of murderous intent in the eyes of the Empress Dowager Yinyue, but her expression was filled with a smile: "Then you, a genius like you, who has already become a god, came to our Dongxuan Realm... you Don't you think you can go back alive? How dare you come to see me swaggeringly..."

Ze Yu also smiled. It's not like he hasn't seen this kind of situation before. Facing the empress, facing the devil, and facing the teacher's wife back then... He was always lower than them, but he was not theirs. Kneeling under yourself?

"My lord, are you going to kill me now?" Ze Yu shrugged indifferently.

And Wu Muqing looked a little embarrassed, if these two people fight... who should she help?

One is my husband, and the other is the lady whom I swore to be loyal to for the rest of my life.

"No, I won't kill you, on the contrary, Gu admires you very much."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue let out a low laugh, and then said, "If you are less than thirty, you will become a god, and your future is limitless... You have a lot of luck in your body, so I probably won't be able to kill you, why don't you come here Xuan Dynasty works, I can give you everything you want!"

"As long as there is something in the Dongxuan Realm, you don't hesitate to mention it, and Gu can give it to you, unless you want to be the emperor... This Gu can't agree to you, but everything else is fine, as long as you take refuge in our Dongxuan Dynasty."

Ze Yu rubbed his chin, and then said: "Tomorrow is the wedding of Miss Bai and Xiao Qing's son. I think the groom should be me."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue was stunned for a moment, and she weighed the pros and cons in an instant, and then smiled: "Yes."

"What else?" The Empress Dowager Yinyue felt that Ze Yu would not be satisfied with this.'s a little strange, why does Ze Yu call Wu Muqing Xiaoqing? Is the relationship between them very close?

Only Wu Muqing blushed slightly when she heard Ze Yu calling her name, and felt very happy...Because Ze Yu used to call herself some kind of X-dog, scum...never called her by her name.

This is how wives are treated~

"Also, I want to..."

Ze Yu raised his hand and pointed at Empress Dowager Yinyue.

The Empress Dowager Yinyue shook her head immediately: "I said it all, the throne is the only thing that cannot be given to you."

"No, I think you misunderstood, Queen Mother. I don't want the throne, I want you."

Ze Yu said with a smile.

"You want... lonely?" Empress Dowager Yinyue was taken aback for a moment.

But Wu Muqing's expression changed suddenly, and she wanted to pull Ze Yu's sleeve.

But Ze Yu was directly under the sleeve robe, and turning the Rubik's Cube slightly, Wu Muqing's face suddenly turned red, her thighs moved inward, quickly, she was about to lose her footing...

Miss, the lady is right in front of me!Master... No, my husband is too bold...

in two senses...

"You mean, young man, you want a lonely body, don't you?" Empress Dowager Yinyue couldn't help asking again.

Why is this boy's request so weird?

What's more, what is a strong person in the God Transformation Realm staring at her body... No, the information about this young man is that this young man is very flirtatious, the empress has an affair with him, and the daughters of the empress also have an affair with him...

Besides, I even forgot that the other party was just a teenager, young and energetic, full of vigor...

But, how dare he?

"Yes." Ze Yu nodded.

"...You are very courageous."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue's face turned slightly cold, she was not sincere, but Ze Yu was teasing herself like this, there was no need for her to give Ze Yu a good look.

"Do you think Gu said that if you can't kill you, is it true that you can't be killed?"

"This is the imperial palace! Gu's domain! Attempts to desecrate and Gu... still want to leave?" The terrifying spiritual power of God Transformation Consummated from the Empress Dowager Yinyue slightly overflowed.

"...The Empress Dowager may have misunderstood what I meant. I mean, I want to help you, Empress Dowager, relieve your mental pressure."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue temporarily withdrew her spiritual power, but she still looked at Ze Yu with a cold face.

No matter how you say it, this person blasphemed himself just now, did he really take himself seriously?

"Empress Dowager, in the past few years, have you eaten food without taste, your eyes have turned black and white from time to time, and you have no feeling of touching things?"

"..." The Empress Dowager Yinyue did not speak.

"It seems that I have hit the mark. Then, I can help you cure these things, Queen Mother."

"You said just now that you want my body?"

"Well, because the treatment method...needs a little more intimate contact."


The Empress Dowager Yinyue shook her head, then stood up slowly, untied the heavy dragon robe on her body, revealing the light yellow robe underneath, and directly picked up the long spear on the weapon rack behind her.

It's true... long guns!

Ze Yu was stunned for a moment, because this thing is a musket!

Did the Dongxuan Dynasty order a little weapon technology tree?

The terrifying spiritual power was crazily compressed inside the musket, and Ze Yu felt that his life was in danger.

"Young and energetic, don't be too arrogant, today, I will teach you a lesson!"

"Who do you want to teach? My husband is arrogant, and I have been taught by him. How dare you teach him?"

Another terrifying wave of spiritual power rippled behind Ze Yu, it was a wave that surpassed Huashen.

The ethereal-eyed Empress Fuyao hovered at the door of the Empress Dowager's bedroom at a low altitude with gentle steps. If the spiritual power in her hands erupted, the entire capital would be wiped out in an instant!Including the people in it!Everyone including all monks!

I am afraid that only Wu Muqing, Ze Yu and Queen Mother Yinyue can survive!



[I'm going to make a picture of Zi Nai's character, I plan to make a composition of Bai Xue, the protagonist and the empress kiss, and then Zi Nao pushes the door and enters, I just saw this kind of picture (then you can use this appointment to make those Bai Xue pictures in the previous chapters Replace~)]

[Nangong Zi Nai: Are you polite?Father, are you really polite?Impolite? 】

[Or a separate Zi Nai character design]

[The problem is, the first one may be a bit expensive ()]

[Then how about I open a single chapter to count how many heroines there are, and then you can comment under the heroines you like, and I can choose to ask for drafts, which is relatively poor... I can only make appointments for a few, find online It’s fine to make a picture of a person, it’s better to imagine it yourself]

[AI drawing, I don't know how to cry]

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