But she immediately tried to comfort her...it was just helping herself to put on clothes, it was nothing...just treat it as being touched by a dog, it's all right.

Anyway, if you don't feel it, just pretend you don't...

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay...? ! ! ! ! !


The pupils under the eyepatch of the Empress Dowager Yinyue constricted, her lips could not help but parted slightly, and she let out a coquettish hum.

The feeling of fingers sliding over her shoulders is very clear!It felt more than ten times clearer than when she was normal! !That sensitive feeling, even if it's just on the shoulders... makes her feel so itchy!

"You, you, what did you do to Gu? You took your dirty hands away! Scum! Bastard! Pervert!"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue panicked.

She was mentally prepared to act as if nothing happened, but the sudden recovery of her sense of touch, which was several times more sensitive, made her feel flustered.

"Don't move around. If you move around, I'll put on your clothes. It will be even more troublesome."

"Empress Dowager, do you also want to end soon?"

Ze Yu leaned on the Queen Mother Yinyue's ear and exhaled, and at this moment, the Queen Mother Yinyue felt her ears were very itchy!

The moment the hot air hit the base of her ears, she was so sensitive that she couldn't help shrinking her neck. This kind of movement... the last time she did it was when she was a child, when she made a mistake and her father wanted to hit her, She would shrink her neck in fear.

But she is over 1000 years old now! !

And being teased to react like a child, what is this? !

"Teasing Gu, you will be retaliated!"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue gritted her teeth tightly. As a dignified Empress Dowager, she would not give in so easily!

"Revenge? You have no spiritual power now, and you are no different from ordinary people. How can you take revenge?"

Ze Yu's fingers slid across the delicate skin of the Empress Dowager Yinyue, and put the clothes on for her.

But the body of the Empress Dowager Yinyue couldn't help shivering, her warm white and tender thighs couldn't help but move closer, and her knees couldn't help but bumped and rubbed, her small and beautiful feet were slightly arched.

I couldn't help but let out a pleasant hum...

If someone sees the Empress Dowager's appearance like a young girl's spring at this moment, they will probably turn pale with shock, and then feel that she is very charming.

"...You, you..." The Empress Dowager Yinyue was too angry to speak.

"Okay, I'll put it on for you, don't call me ** anymore."

Ze Yu took off the blindfold for Queen Mother Yinyue again.

And the Empress Dowager Yinyue looked at Ze Yu with shame and anger, picked up the musket and was about to fight with Ze Yu desperately: "Today Gu will definitely kill you!"

Empress Fuyao directly stabbed the table in front of Empress Dowager Yinyue with a sword: "Then you will die first!"

"Heh... Ze Yu, are you a villain who can only hide behind women? You are such a cowardly scum, I look down on you!" The Queen Mother Yinyue sneered suddenly.

But at the same time as he sneered, he was also afraid of Empress Fuyao in his heart.

After all... above the God Transformation, it is really too terrifying.

"Guess how I made the empress obediently call me husband?"

Ze Yu laughed lowly.

Hearing this, the empress couldn't help twitching her thighs, her face flushed slightly, and she remembered how she changed from a proud empress to a lowly female slave step by step a few months ago... until now, She's a foolish wife who only thinks about her husband~

"...You also want Gu to become like an empress? Gu tells you, it's wishful thinking!!" Queen Mother Yinyue gritted her teeth and said.

"Hehe, I was like you a few months ago."

Empress Fuyao couldn't help but chuckled and said, because she had already fallen, but she also wanted to watch the Queen Mother Yinyue fall...

I have become an idiot wife so quickly~

Then she wants to see how long the Queen Mother Yinyue can last?

"Hmph, Gucai is not as lowly as you. He obviously has great strength, but he is obedient and obedient to a man. He is extremely humble."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue snorted softly and clenched her teeth, so she would not give in!

"If you haven't fallen, then I'll look up to you." Empress Fuyao chuckled.

"Ha ha…"

Empress Dowager Yinyue clenched her fists and gritted her teeth at the empress and Ze Yu.

And Ze Yu patted the Empress's round buttocks: "Let's end today, it seems that the Empress Dowager doesn't seem to ask me to treat her illness..."

"Then, husband, shall we... find an inn, or...?"

Empress Fuyao sticking out her tongue, with a little hot air in her mouth, hugged Ze Yu's arm tightly, not caring that her delicate body was tightly pressed against her: "I haven't seen my husband for more than a month, Ruonan really misses him~ "

"That's what you think?"

"Because... because I really like my husband so much... so you see, my husband, I ran here to find you~"

"How much do you like it?"

Nangong Ruonan directly leaned over and kissed Zeyu's lips, and then there was love in his eyes, and his affection was blurred: "I prefer...to find a place where there is no one~ Husband?"

For some reason, Wu Muqing felt a little jealous when she saw this scene.

Slightly puffed up her cheeks... But she couldn't go, she wanted to stay with her young lady.

"Miss, I'm sorry... it's all me, the master... no, the husband... ah, no..."

Wu Muqing's face was flushed red, and she felt that she couldn't explain to Queen Mother Yinyue.

Although the Empress Dowager Yinyue had expected it, she felt complicated when she saw that her former maid had become like this:

"Xiaoqing...what's so good about him? Why even you..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry miss...I..."

Wu Muqing felt very ashamed. In front of her husband and the lady, she could not decide. I am really sorry for the lady...

"Forget it, do you have anything else you want to tell me? Tell me all."

Empress Dowager Yinyue sighed, the aftertaste of just now remained on her face, with a little blush, but this was a shame to her! !

She will definitely come back with revenge!



333 Obviously, I Came First!

"So, because that black cloth can cover your eyes and seal your spiritual power at the same time, you have fallen?"

Empress Dowager Yinyue listened to Wu Muqing tell about most of her experiences.

Of course... Wu Muqing naturally wouldn't say everything, omitting the embarrassing parts in the middle.

But omitting these parts is enough to make Empress Dowager Yinyue feel flushed.

"You... Forget it, I won't talk about you anymore, this is your own business."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue wanted to say something, but she thought that Wu Muqing didn't have to obey her, and she would interfere with all her private life.

It shouldn't.

Xiaoqing has Xiaoqing's own difficulties and the right to make her own choices.

And now Xiaoqing's lifespan has been restored, which surprised the Queen Mother Yinyue. This should have been a good thing, but...if that was the case without the arrival of Ze Yu and the Empress.

"Miss, what are you going to do next? Husband's methods... are terrible."

"You don't have to worry about this. He probably wants to do all kinds of things to Gu to make Gu listen to him, but Gu Nai is the Queen Mother! How could he listen to him?"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue snorted softly.

And Wu Muqing could only smile bitterly in her heart, because... her perseverance is much stronger than Miss.

She has fought on the battlefield for thousands of years, but hasn't she also... fallen?

Although the young lady has dealt with many things and experienced many things, her perseverance is incomparable to her.

But she is also in a special situation, because what Ze Yu did to her was like an exchange of equal value... She gained a longer lifespan.

"By the way, miss, what my husband said just now, about your illness, miss, is it true?"

Wu Muqing couldn't help but asked with some worry.

The Empress Dowager Yinyue was silent for a while, and then nodded: "Yes... because I have been straining my nerves, dealing with paperwork and various affairs day and night."

"So my spirit has been under pressure, causing me a little problem... But, these problems are irrelevant!"

"Anyway, I can still go on. I can't stop for a moment. If I stop for a moment, the people will suffer, the hearts of the people will be chaotic, and there will be rebellions..."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue shook her head, then lowered her head and continued to process the paperwork.

Wu Muqing bit her lip, feeling so distressed...

"Miss, actually, you can take a rest..."

"It's all said, no."

"Miss! You are like this, this is really not acceptable!"

Only then did the Empress Dowager Yinyue sigh: "I also thought about taking a rest... But, this is already an obsession for me, resting is laziness."

"Leave me alone, go back and rest by yourself."


"Go back and rest!"


Wu Muqing also sighed, and had to go back alone.

After Wu Muqing left, the Empress Dowager Yinyue's vision suddenly became dark: "Gu...what's the matter?"

Her vision went dark for a moment, and then returned to normal, but when Queen Mother Yinyue thought it was an illusion, her vision went dark again.

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