It turned black for a while, and at the same time regained sight, and the restored sight was still black and white.

"Could it illness has worsened again? How come...the past has only become black and white, why this time, this time, I can't see it directly?"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue frowned tightly, and this anxiety made her tense nerves even more tense.

"Why is this..."

"Wait, my it shaking?"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue couldn't calm down at all. She looked at her hand holding the quill pen, and it was trembling... She couldn't feel the touch of the pen in her hand, so she could only hold it tightly, but her hand was shaking...




"Really, I'm so envious of them that they can hold a wedding with your husband."

The next morning, the bare-skinned empress sat up from the bed with her upper body, looked at Cho Yu who had changed into a wedding dress over there, and couldn't help puffing up her cheeks, feeling a little jealous.

Obviously she has never been married to Ze Yu, she is also an empress after all!

But why is it that Miss Bai's family can do it?

That's abominable!

"When I go back, I will do it for you."

Ze Yu smiled helplessly.

"What you say is what you say! Husband!"

"Forget it!"

Nangong Ruonan is not so jealous now, she feels a little happy in her heart, her alluring jade feet are slightly raised, kicking up and down, the dignified empress is like a little girl now.


In the morning, at the wedding, the guests who came saw that the groom was an unfamiliar face, not the little general Wu Su they were familiar with, and there was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

And Wu Muqing also came over to explain the scandal about Wu Su, and apologized to everyone...

Cho Yu also showed his cultivation in the early stage of transformation, and no one dared to object.

On the contrary, they were shocked again... There is another strong man under the Queen Mother's influence!

The three god-turning realms... This made the person who had been thinking about it in his heart suddenly put away his thoughts.

Originally, there might still be people who wanted to start a rebellion, but now no one dares at all, the three god-turning realms... take the lead?


After the complicated ceremonies of the wedding, it was the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Bai Xiaoxiao in the wedding room was a little nervous and seemed very restless, but... she didn't feel scared, she just felt nervous because she was going to be exposed to unknown affairs.

"Go to sleep, I'll go first."

After Ze Yu came to the bridal chamber, he explained and was about to leave.

After all, he promised Bai Xiaoxiao that this was a fake marriage.

Will not touch her body.

But Bai Xiaoxiao grabbed the corner of his clothes: "Don't go..."

"I won't touch you. From now on, you can continue to live your life without incident."

Ze Yu said something again, but Bai Xiaoxiao shook her head, still grabbed the corner of Ze Yu's clothes, and then said in a low voice: "It's me... don't you look good? Why, you want to go?"

"you sure?"

"I'm sure!"

Bai Xiaoxiao plucked up the courage to speak out.



"Husband~husband~I like you like you~husband~"

Bai Xiaoxiao hugged Zeyu, her voice was very charming.

I thought, I thought it was just a simple thing, a simple thing, she mustered up the courage...

But then she regretted it!

Choosing Yu is too much!

But now... I don't regret it so much...

"How much do you like it?"

"I like it very much!"


As Bai Xiaoxiao said that, she kissed Ze Yu's lips. This was... her first kiss...

The action is rather youthful.

There was nothing Cho Yu could do, since Bai Xiaoxiao took the initiative, then he had nothing to do.

And after Bai Xiaoxiao fell asleep, Bai Xiaoyu was about to relay the relay, and Ze Yu also knew that Bai Xiaoyu would come, and just wanted to tease this arrogant little maid, so he waited at the door.

Sure enough, the door was pushed open.

Ze Yu took a sip of wine: "Miss Xiaoyu, are you so impatient?"

"Ah, yes, very impatient, very impatient."

Zeyu was stunned when he heard the voice, and then he looked up at the door, and saw Nangong Zinai, whose hair had turned pale golden because of practicing exercises, standing at the door.

This time she didn't wear twin ponytails, but a side ponytail like a wife's. She squinted her eyes and looked at herself. Bai Xiaoyu could only stand timidly behind Nangong Zi Nao.



334 The Jealous Nangong Zi Nai

"Zi, Zi Nai?"

Ze Yu suddenly lost his composure, his hand holding the tea was shaking, and then quickly took a blanket and hung it around his waist to cover it up, mainly because he hadn't put on any clothes yet.

Although he and Zi Nao have seen them all, there is no need to cover up.

But... in the current situation of being caught and raped, he thinks it's better to cover it up.

"You still recognize me, Brother Yu." Nangong Zi Nai's eyes were full of resentment, and then her rosy lips parted slightly, but in the end she didn't know what to say, so she could only grit her teeth angrily:

"Why every time, every time I come all the way to see Brother Yu, you are having fun with other women! Why!"

Really every time!

every time! !

"Zinao, calm down, calm down, listen to my explanation on this matter, this is just a fake marriage... Me and this young lady of the Bai family..."

Nangong Zi Nai suddenly snorted softly, then walked to the sleeping Bai Xiaoxiao, leaned down, and of course some places also trembled, the weight was unshakable, okay, give birth to the kind that can definitely feed ten !

Then Zi Nai moved her small nose slightly, then narrowed her eyes and looked back at Ze Yu:

"The smell is so strong, it's a lie!"

"It was she who pulled my sleeve and refused to let me go. I can't blame me for this."

"Scumbag." Nangong Zi Nai folded his hands on his chest and hummed softly.

"I can't deny it." Ze Yu said shyly.

Bai Xiaoyu stood at the door, listening to the conversation between the two, he didn't know whether to interrupt or not.

Originally, like Miss, she mustered up the courage to run over to find Ze Yu. When she heard the cries disappear, she wanted to knock on the door and come in... But who knew, when she came, there was a very big and beautiful blonde The girl wearing a white and blue skirt is already standing at the door.

It looked like he had been standing there for a long time, and his face was particularly ugly.

She walked over and was about to ask who you are... The other party spoke first instead. The first reaction of the other party when seeing her was to open her lips slightly, and her chest heaved obviously, as if she had been severely injured a second time.

Then he said: "There is a second one... being the groom twice in one night, right... Idiot! Big idiot!"

The voice is also slightly crying.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Bai Xiaoyu already felt sympathy for this pale blonde girl.

As for now...

"She can't be... that guy's original wife, right? Is this being caught and raped?"

Bai Xiaoyu thought to himself.

It's not the right time for her to come, is it?If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be so embarrassing if I knew it earlier... At the beginning of the bridal chamber wedding night, I sat with the lady, then I could get Xiaoyu...

No, what is she thinking?

"Forget it, you guys continue, I won't bother you, hum..."

Nangong Zi Nai snorted again, ready to leave, after all, this is their wedding night, so don't disturb them anymore.

In fact, she didn't just arrive here. In fact, she arrived in Dongxuan Realm with her mother, the Empress, yesterday.

But I don't know what my mother saw, so I asked myself to stay in the capital first, not to go to the palace, saying it was for her own good... I guess the palace raised another coquettish bitch!

Then today she heard that there was a big wedding, and she was here to eat delicious food and watch the excitement.

As a result, at a glance, he saw that the groom was his fiancé! !The bride is not her yet!

In the end, she waited at the door and listened for a long time, the more she listened, the worse her complexion became.

"I'm sorry, Zi Nao, how about... can I accompany you?" Ze Yu felt a particularly strong sense of guilt raging in his heart.

"No, I'm the main wife. No matter what they do, they are just concubines."

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