Nangong Zi Nai seemed to say these words deliberately to Bai Xiaoyu, like a warning.

Bai Xiaoyu also felt relieved, thinking that it was yellow tonight...

The door of the room was gently closed by Nangong Zi Nai, but before leaving, she couldn't help but look at Ze Yu, and then let out a yell.

Ze Yu also sighed helplessly.

But this time it was Bai Xiaoyu's turn to be nervous, she heard the young lady's shout just now... The young lady who has always been introverted and gentle, went from shy to yelling step by step.

She could hear everything clearly!

From something like "Calling Dad or something...that's too embarrassing! No, this is not okay." to "Hey...Daddy..."

Hearing this, Bai Xiaoyu blushed.

"Then, that, you, your first wife seems very jealous and angry, why don't you go after her and coax her? I, I don't matter...Anyway, I'm a maid, and I'll warm you up, warm... warm your bed it is also fine."

Bai Xiaoyu's white and tender legs trembled slightly, and she kept clutching her skirt with her hands, feeling a little scared.

"Are you afraid?"

Ze Yu propped his chin and asked softly.

"No, no!"

"Your legs are shaking, Miss Xiaoyu."

"No shaking! You read it wrong!"

"Don't forget, I can be said to be your master now." Ze Yu said with a smile.

In a sense, yes.

If Ze Yu and Bai Xiaoxiao were husband and wife, then Bai Xiaoyu would be their maid, and Ze Yu would be Bai Xiaoyu's master...Of course they could also be called masters.

"Then, what do you want to do to me..." Bai Xiaoyu blushed slightly, and was also a little scared.

"Call the master to come and listen, Miss Xiaoyu."

"No way!" Bai Xiaoyu subconsciously refused, but immediately remembered that now Ze Yu was the party with a higher status.

So she had no choice but to bite her lip: "Lord, master..."

"Then put this on."

Ze Yu took out a collar and put it on the table.

Bai Xiaoyu's pupils trembled suddenly, and his legs were a little weak: "You, do you have to play with such a big one? You, you won't abuse me, right?"

"It won't hurt, you put it on first."

"……I see."

Bai Xiaoyu could only compromise, and put on the collar with a flushed face, feeling, feeling like it was worn by a dog.

Then Ze Yu took out a dog ear headdress from nowhere, and put it on Bai Xiaoyu's head.

Bai Xiaoyu immediately covered his head in fear, and touched the dog's ears: "What is this furry thing?"

"You are a dog now, you have to talk barkingly, you can't speak human words."

"I don't want it! You are too much! Don't think that just because I like you, I can tolerate you... Uh!" Bai Xiaoyu said it accidentally.

But Ze Yu looked at her with great interest: "Sister Xiaoyu, what did you just say?"

Bai Xiaoyu's face was flushed red, and a sense of shame and humiliation that he had never felt before filled his heart. He was treated like a dog, put on a collar and dog ears, and revealed his thoughts...

"Wang Wang..."

With his eyes closed, Bai Xiaoyu could only utter such a humiliating cry.

Otherwise, otherwise I have to say again that I like Cho Yu.

"Okay, you go to warm the bed."

Ze Yu stood up, ready to leave.


"Help your miss warm the bed, I'm going to coax my first wife." Ze Yu pushed the door and left.

Only Bai Xiaoyu stayed where she was at a loss, but she was also glad that she escaped... She wasn't ready yet.



335 You've Already Taken My Crush, Why Don't You Let My Sister Let You Go? !

"Aren't you going to accompany your two little wives?"

Nangong Zi Nai looked at Ze Yu who was chasing him with her hands on her hips, and puffed up one cheek: "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, I'm not sad at all, not lonely at all, and not jealous at all."

"Okay, don't be angry."

Ze Yu touched Nangong Zi Nai's head.

After coaxing her hard all night, Zi Nao calmed down and fell asleep contentedly hugging her husband.


It's just that Ze Yu fell asleep tonight, and some people couldn't sleep.

Bai Cheng was sitting alone in his yard drinking wine, his eyes were full of emptiness.

"Why... why?"

"Obviously you have your own fiancée, and even the empress is your slave. Why do you want to attack my sister!!"

Bai Cheng threw the empty wine jar heavily on the ground.

There were many fragments of wine jars scattered on the ground, and a large piece was wet. Obviously, he had been venting his emotions.

The empress he fell in love with at first sight was snatched away by Ze Yu, and even trained to become a flirt.

And his younger sister...was also married away by Ze Yu.

It hurts! !

"No, it's not an option to keep drinking like this. Alcohol's paralyzing effect on me is too weak."

Bai Chen shook his head. As a half-step god-turning powerhouse, things like alcohol really don't have much effect on him.

It will be dissolved in almost a moment, this is his body's self-protection mechanism.

"Go out... let's go."

Dragging his heavy body, Bai Cheng wandered around in his yard.

"I have seen the master..."

Bai Xiaoyu, who came out to fetch water for the young lady, lowered his head and said, before going back to the young lady.

Looking at Bai Xiaoyu's back, Bai Cheng felt a little... thought.

Why is it that he keeps taking away people around me?

Why couldn't he be the one who took away the people around Ze Yu?

Bai Xiaoyu is Ze Yu's bed warming maid... According to that kind of person's temperament, Bai Xiaoyu's body must have been broken, and it was already late at night.

If something happens between him and Bai Xiaoyu, as long as Bai Xiaoyu doesn't say anything, then he can be green and choose Yu!

Moreover, even though they have the same surname, Bai Xiaoyu has no blood relationship with him, Bai Xiaoyu was given the surname.

"Wait a minute, little fish."

Bai Cheng suddenly called to stop Bai Xiaoyu.

Bai Xiaoyu turned her head in a daze: "What's the matter, master? What's the matter? Miss is thirsty and needs a drink of water."

"Then after you bring water to Xiaoxiao, come to my room."

What Bai Cheng said was very cryptic... But Bai Xiaoyu is not a simple maid, so he naturally knows the meaning of this sentence under the unspoken rules.

She shook her head immediately: "Master, what's the matter, you can talk about it now, there is no need to go to your room to talk about it, sir?"

"Xiaoyu, you are a smart girl, and you don't want to... just be a maid all the time, right? As long as you want, I can give you the same status as Xiaoxiao, and you will also be the daughter of our Bai family."

"Master...what's the matter with you, you are not such a person, no, I am already... the master's person."

Bai Xiaoyu said in a low voice.

And Bai Cheng was stunned for a moment, this familiar...


Bai Xiaoyu has also...

No, maybe, maybe there are other meanings, the master and the master are the same.

"Then I am also your master." Bai Cheng said in a deep voice.

"Master, what's wrong with you...?" Bai Xiaoyu felt that something was wrong with Bai Cheng today.

Gritting her teeth, Bai Xiaoyu slightly pulled down the collar she had pulled up. This collar was to cover the dog collar she was wearing around her neck... This bastard, Ze Yu, asked her to wear the collar, and it was locked!

She doesn't have a key, so she can't take it off!

"Master, I, I already... belong to the master..." Bai Xiaoyu couldn't say anything, so he could only say in a low voice: "You should know that people like master have possessive desires for their slaves."

"Master, you don't want the Bai family to be wiped out by the master, do you?"

"So... I don't know what happened today, sir, I'm leaving."

Bai Xiaoyu quickly left, today's Master Bai Cheng is very strange, it's better to leave quickly.

Master Bai Cheng is usually very nice to people, why today...

And Bai Cheng's eyes became even more hollow at this moment, and he fell to the ground directly: "Why...?"

Why can't he even be a bad guy?

When he wanted to attack Bai Xiaoyu, he had already been put on a dog collar by other men, and after various trainings, he had already become the private property of other men.

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