Due to the long-term backlog of pressure, the Empress Dowager Yinyue is sometimes very insensitive to touch, and now I am afraid it is that "sometimes".

"Maybe she was just really tired and slept a little longer at one time, but just during this period of time she lost her sensitivity to touch, and she couldn't feel that someone was calling her or touching her. I tried to let her She regains her body sensitivity, see if you can wake her up."

Although the Empress Dowager Yinyue has lost the feeling of the touch from the outside world, but Ze Yu's divine hand magnifies the feeling. If you lose the feeling by ten times, then if you magnify it by one hundred times, you will have the feeling?

Just like the last time when Ze Yu took off Queen Mother Yinyue's clothes, she didn't notice it, but when she was dressing her, she felt the feeling of her fingers sliding over her skin very clearly!


Zeyu touched many parts of the Empress Dowager Yinyue, and even slapped her hard on the face directly, which was about ten times the pain, but the Empress Dowager Yinyue showed no sign of waking up at all, and even the red marks on her face , and instantly recovered.

After all, he was only in the early stages of transformation, and the Queen Mother Yinyue had completed the transformation of the gods, and even a slap in the face would not hurt the Queen Mother Yinyue.

"Husband, can you wake me up..." Wu Muqing's eyes showed despair.

Even the only husband she can rely on can't wake up Miss, who else can she turn to?

and many more…

Wu Muqing looked behind her, she knew that the empress would definitely follow, as the existence of the empress, perhaps there is a way!

"Don't think about it, I can't help it. I'm not a doctor. You asked me to kill her. I can do it easily, but I really don't know how to save people." Empress Fuyao appeared at the door with her arms folded, whispering talking.

"Why is this..." Wu Muqing's eyes were a little empty.

And Ze Yu patted her head: "Don't worry, there is a way."

"Really? Husband?" Wu Muqing grabbed Ze Yu's arm: "If Husband saves Miss, then Husband will even teach Miss in the future. As long as, as long as it's not too much, I can pretend that I didn't see it."

"Teach me what, don't slander my innocence, I'm just treating the empress dowager's illness." Ze Yu frowned lightly, how could you say that about him, he's not that kind of person.

"Yeah, heal my illness. When I wake up the lady, my husband will also treat me~" Wu Muqing's voice was charming, her thighs wrapped in black pantyhose were slightly raised, and her short skirt suddenly opened back. Opened up, the thighs and rounded curves are outlined by the black stockings, which are very attractive, and the absolute field is very attractive.

The black silk feet even scratched Ze Yu's calf, and the five plump shells and beads opened and closed slightly under the black stockings, as soft and greasy as ice cream.

"Then you just put your ass up and wait."

Ze Yu replied casually, and then looked at the system interface.

[Hereby reward: Necklace of Mental Stability]

This is the reward record for curing Wu Muqing, what Ze Yu was looking at was the following.

[Automatic consultation has been triggered, progress: 100%]

[Detailed condition report of the patient "Yinyuegu": Due to the accumulated mental exhaustion for thousands of years, in recent days, seeing the empress break through to the god of transformation, a new crisis situation that may threaten the four realms, coupled with the misunderstanding of the host's obscenity. Leaving her, causing her mental stress to surge]

[All the pressure combined broke through the critical point, causing her to fall into a coma and trapped in the illusion that her spirit was born independently]

[The content of the illusion is the most beautiful period of life that the patient "Yinyuegu" thinks is the most beautiful period of life, and it is ignored. It may take the patient to spend hundreds of years in it before he realizes that he has fallen into the illusion and wakes up]

"I see…"

Wu Muqing saw that Ze Yu had discovered something, and asked quickly: "Husband, did you see anything at the doctor's office?"

"emmmmm" Ze Yu pondered for a while, and then said: "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Wu Muqing suddenly became nervous, took a deep breath, hesitated for a while and then replied: "First, tell me the good news..."

"The good news is that your lady is fine, she just passed out from too much pressure, she can wake up by herself if she doesn't care, but she will sleep a little longer..."

"Really?" Wu Muqing suddenly showed a joyful expression.

"...Then, what about the bad news?"

Ze Yu: "The bad news is that if you sleep a little longer, it may be hundreds of years of 'billion points'."

"...Hundreds of years?" The joy on Wu Muqing's face disappeared immediately.

"Maybe not just hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years." Ze Yu said again.

Wu Muqing's face immediately lost all color. Although she knew that the lady was fine, but...

"In this case... even if the lady wakes up, the Dongxuan Dynasty will no longer exist, or it will fall apart, and the peaceful and prosperous world that the lady worked so hard to build... will turn into a chaotic world full of wars."

"Don't worry, I'm still here, I will link into her illusion and bring her out."

Empress Fuyao frowned when she heard this, "...husband, although you may have your own means, I still want to say that the illusion of the God Transformation Realm, that is, the spiritual world of the God Transformation Realm, cannot be easily entered. .”

"Husband, your cultivation level is lower than that of the Empress Dowager Yinyue. If you encounter an accident in the illusion, you have no way to wake up yourself, and you may be trapped in the illusion with her for hundreds or even thousands of years."

Ze Yu looked at the Empress with a smile: "If I had no courage, I would have been killed by you long ago, wouldn't I?"

"...But husband, you don't need to take risks for her! Can't you just give up on her? I, I am better than her, and my appearance is not inferior to her, right?" Nangong Ruonan bit her lips lightly.

She was a little worried about Zeyu.

"Are you caring about me?"

"... Well, you are the emperor's husband, so I am naturally worried about you, no, can't you?" Nangong Ruonan's face turned red.

"No, no, just don't worry, trust me."

Ze Yu looked at the system interface.

[Treatment plan: use the props assisted by the system to enter the patient's dream, pay attention to the conditions of use of the props, and let the patient realize that this is an illusion]

[Help in Healing: Master-Apprentice Link Textured Talisman Paper·Disposable]

[Master-apprentice contract texture talisman one-time: After use, any part of the patient's body can be turned into a link pattern. The host can use this texture to enter the patient's illusion, and the patient in the illusion will also have textures]

[Precautions: Do not tell the patient the truth of the illusion directly, otherwise it may cause the patient's mental breakdown further]

[Intimate system tips: It can make patients realize that there are too many changes between themselves and reality, so that they doubt themselves and then wake up]

[Come on master~ The system has suppressed %&%...? (disappears)]

"What's the last line? It's garbled again?"

Ze Yu frowned lightly, but he didn't pay much attention to it, this system is always like this.



340 Aunt Yinyue's favorite childhood sweetheart

"Go out first, I'm going to start treatment."

Ze Yu looked at Wu Muqing and Empress Fuyao, and said softly.

"... Husband, be careful." Both Wu Muqing and the Empress said so.

And the empress bit her lip, and said softly: "I will wait for you to come back, you, don't make me a widow..."

"Don't worry, it won't happen. In a few days, you'd rather be a widow, shouting no more, please, please." Ze Yu said jokingly.

Nangong Ruonan's face turned red immediately: "Then, then I'll wait...huh..."

Saying so bluntly, Nangong Ruonan's thighs wrapped in white knee-length socks under the white skirt couldn't help being slightly clamped, and the warm thighs slightly touched together, soft and soft, like two pieces of clear Sweet and gooey ice cream crashes together.


After waiting for Nangong Ruonan and Wu Muqing to leave, Ze Yu also took out the talisman paper given by the system, and pasted it on the lower abdomen of Queen Mother Yinyue.

Looking at the gradually formed texture, Ze Yu's eyes twitched: "I thought the system was serious once... What's the difference between this and the lewd pattern?"

I am afraid that when the Queen Mother Yinyue wakes up and finds such a texture on her body, she will be so angry that she will kill Ze Yu immediately.

But it may also be embarrassing and helpless... This kind of expression is the best. It looks at you with the eyes of a scum, but there is nothing to do with you. It can only obey your words, but the actions are so reluctant. The eyes So cold and ruthless again.

Sitting on Yinyuegu's body, Zeyu closed his eyes and fell into Yinyuegu's illusion.


[System intimate notice: You can choose to understand the patient's past before treatment, or skip the understanding and proceed directly to treatment]

"Let's find out." Ze Yu regretted not asking Wu Muqing about Yin Yuegu's past first.

In order to avoid being stuck in Yinyuegu's illusion as the empress said, and unable to get out, Zeyu chose to go through Yinyuegu's "story".

[Using to virtualize the host's phantom mental body, the phantom jumps to the previous day]

Zeyu's vision went dark, and when the light came back to him again, he found that his body had become blurred, and the scene in front of him had turned into a city, where he was... It seemed to be in the courtyard of a rich man's family .

In front of him, Yin Yuegu and Wu Muqing were in this courtyard.

Wu Muqing has not changed much, it is similar to her future appearance, only a little more youthful, after all, Wu Muqing's appearance is fixed at the age of twenty, which is not much different from the current age of nineteen.

Aunt Yinyue has changed a lot. She is ten years younger in appearance. She is the age of a young girl at the moment, about nineteen years old. She does not have the temperament of a queen mother on her body. Yuegu's figure has also developed well, and her beautiful legs are as straight and tender as the future, but they are certainly not so plump.

There is still some room for development, probably because after the mother's appearance in the world, she has become more tolerant, after all, tolerance is great.

"There's another... boy?"

Ze Yu looked at a young man with slightly trembling body and reddish face standing in front of Yin Yuegu and Wu Muqing.

The boy looked very shy: "Yuegu... Then, that, do you remember what happened three years ago?"

Aunt Yinyue sat on the wall of the yard, sitting with the young man, as if she was planning to climb over the wall and leave at first.

And Wu Muqing looked down at her young lady with a worried expression, fearing that she would fall off.

"Three years ago, you said that you accidentally pulled your trousers? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Of course, I won't laugh at you myself." Aunt Yinyue couldn't help it when she said He covered his mouth and let out a low smile.

This made the teenager blush even more, but he still mustered up his courage: "No, I mean, three years ago... I, I expressed my heart to you... Then, you said, we are too young to have Adulthood, now that we are all adults, you, what do you think of me...?"

Yinyuegu was stunned for a moment, and then smiled lightly: "What do you think, I don't think much."

The boy was confused for a moment: "Me?"

Then his face turned red: "But didn't you say, let me wait...I've been waiting for three years now, you, you're not kidding me, are you?"

Aunt Yinyue propped her chin with her hands, and looked at the boy indifferently: "I said we were too young, and I didn't say whether I like you or not. If you think so yourself, what does it matter to me?"

"You, you..." The boy was a little angry, his face turned even redder, this time he was angry.

Yinyuegu, on the other hand, kicked her calf and looked up at the sunset: "I don't give any gifts for my confession, I don't even have a flower. I'm still the eldest lady of the Yin family. I don't want to lose face if you marry me back empty-handed." !"

The boy suddenly showed a hopeful expression: "I, I see...I'll go buy it right away..."

"No, I'm going to sneak out of the city to play later, you can find me tomorrow, and I'll be back tomorrow morning." Aunt Yinyue jumped to the other side of the wall as she said that, and sneaked away.

And Wu Muqing hurried over the wall immediately: "Miss, wait for me, don't sneak out again, the master will scold you!"

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