Seeing them leave, the boy jumped over the wall with excitement and went to the street, the direction seemed to be the direction of the flower shop.

Ze Yu watched silently in mid-air, and touched his chin: "I didn't expect the Queen Mother to have a childhood sweetheart boy, and he had such a teasing personality when he was a child..."

After muttering, Ze Yu continued to follow Aunt Yinyue.


On the way out of the city, Wu Muqing persuaded Aunt Yinyue for a long time, but unfortunately she was not persuaded, and finally gave up.

So Wu Muqing had no choice but to compromise, and then changed the subject: "Miss, this is the second time you have rejected him, is it really okay?"

Yinyuegu puffed up her cheeks: "It's fine."

"But Miss, do you like him? Don't be afraid... He is really disheartened and gave up on you, Miss?"

"No, you can tell that I like him. Can't he see that I have a crush on him? I play with him every day." Aunt Yinyue said softly, and then showed a girlish smile meaning:

"Wait tomorrow...he will send me flowers, and I will accept his confession."

What else could Wu Muqing say, but he shrugged helplessly.

Ze Yu immediately enjoyed watching the fun, but it's a pity that he can't get out melon seeds now, otherwise he has to eat it. This is the traditional art skill of being the holy son of Luolanzong.

Just fun...quickly turned to silence.


The next morning, Yinyuegu, who had played outside all day, woke up and took a bath in the lake outside, making it fragrant and white, ready to go back to accept the flowers and confession from her childhood sweetheart.

This is what she's been waiting for...

But soon she could no longer smell the fragrance of her body, replaced by the smell of gunpowder.

Yin Yuegu and Wu Muqing looked at the shattered city in front of them, the blood everywhere, the remaining flames, and the gunpowder smoke hovering in the sky, their eyes suddenly became dull.



341 Aunt Yinyue's First Love Has Been Broken, Her Family Has Been Broken

" became like this, obviously, obviously we only went out for one night, why did it become like this after one night?"

Yin Yuegu's pupils trembled slightly, she couldn't accept the scene in front of her at all.

Why did you just sneak out for one night, and why did you come back to your own home like this?


"Miss! Don't go there!"

Aunt Yinyue wanted to run into the city, but Wu Muqing hurriedly stopped Aunt Yinyue, "If there are still enemies in the city, if we rush in like this, we will die!"

"...Xiaoqing, do you know martial arts? Aren't you a cultivator with cultivation? Even if it's an enemy can protect me, right?"

Aunt Yinyue clenched her fists tightly, her body was trembling, she really wanted to know what happened to her parents... and what happened to him!

"But cultivation base is very low, and I'm completely crooked. It's okay if there are enemies without cultivation base...but what if someone has cultivation base? I can't see you in danger, miss , otherwise I can't explain to the master."

Wu Muqing was also trembling all over, and the magic sword wrapped in rags behind her back also trembled slightly with the change of the master's mood.

She has cultivated by relying on the magic sword.

But it is at the cost of burning vitality.

"Who are you going to tell me if the master is gone?! The longer it drags on...father and mother, and him...and Xiaoqing, your parents... the more life-threatening you will be! You are the most powerful in our city Bar?"

"...Miss..." Wu Muqing was terrified, but seeing that Aunt Yinyue was about to cry, she could only take the magic sword from her back: "We... go to the city, miss."

She also worries about her parents.

And behind them, Zeyu's illusory body is solid, he can make a move now, and he has the strength of the God Transformation Realm. In the current Dongxuan Realm, no one can be his enemy, maybe there are other God Transformation at this time environment, but not a big problem.

"Is this what happened to them afterwards?"

Ze Yu glanced at the follow-up future given by the system.

[After entering the city, Yinyuegu and Wu Muqing discovered that all their family members were killed in the chaos of war, and Yinyuegu's favorite childhood sweetheart also died. The soldiers who occupied the city found them, and Wu Muqing easily defeated them with her cultivation. But the leader was a monk at the eighth level of Qi training, Wu Muqing overdrawn a lot of life, and that's how he killed the leader]

"The talisman paper given by the system has the words master and apprentice, so why not..."

Ze Yu had an idea in his mind.

Then followed the two girls.

After entering the city, Yinyuegu and Wu Muqing returned to their family's mansion. The mansion was already in ruins and the flames were still burning. Looking at the dead bodies of their parents, Yinyuegu couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Miss... You, come and see... There are... flowers here."

"Where do I have the heart to look at flowers!!..." Aunt Yinyue's voice trembled, but she still looked back.

She saw a complete flower on the ground. It didn't grow in the grass, but a flower tied in an exquisite package. It was bright and bright. It seemed to be the only complete thing in the ruins.

And the reason why it is complete is because someone is desperately protecting the flower.


Aunt Yinyue looked at the person she liked who was no longer human, and her expression once again became dull and empty.

But Wu Muqing frowned slightly, clenched the magic sword tightly, she sensed that someone was coming here.

"There are still living people? Ouyou, there are still two watery girls! Brothers tied them up, and they are blessed!"

The enemy troops swarmed in, looking at Wu Muqing and Yin Yuegu with desire in their eyes.

But Wu Muqing felt the pressure, there were some people with cultivation.

better than her...

"It is indeed a blessing."

Ze Yu snapped his fingers, and the entire enemy army in the city turned into blood mist.

And Wu Muqing looked at the man in black who suddenly appeared in horror.

"Miss, run! Run! This person is beyond human power! Run!!"

Wu Muqing hurriedly threw the sluggish Yinyuegu out.

But Ze Yu caught Yin Yuegu: "If you throw it like this, you will get injured, Xiao Qing."

"You, who are you? Why do you know my name... let go of Miss!"

"Don't worry, I don't have any malicious intentions, even if I do, you have no power to resist, right?" Ze Yu's chuckle came from under the black robe.

"What do you do?" Wu Muqing held the magic sword, her body trembling.

"I want to take you as disciples. If you want to become stronger, you can come to me. I will wait for you at the gate of the city. I will only wait until evening. After evening, I will leave."

"Then you put down the lady first!"

"Good good."

Zeyu put down Yinyuegu helplessly, and then disappeared.

Wu Muqing hurried over to support Aunt Yinyue, while Aunt Yinyue was holding the flower in her hand: "Xiaoqing...why didn't you stop me yesterday, why didn't you say anything more about me, I regret it, really I'm so sorry..."

Aunt Yinyue looked at the flowers in her hand tremblingly. She had been waiting, waiting for the boy's third confession. This was the last time...but it happened to be the last time, and she couldn't wait.

Can't wait any longer.

And... At this time, she should be taken care of by her father and mother's family, saying why she sneaked out again.

But she can no longer be beaten by her parents, nor can she hear their nagging.

"Miss, it's not your fault... If we were here yesterday, we would be corpses under the ruins."

"What's wrong with that?"

Wu Muqing was silent for a while, then looked at the corpses and the ruins: "It's the fault of this chaotic world, now there are wars everywhere, every sect, sect, country, thieves, rebels, deserters, everywhere parents and I fled here, I know very well..."

"If it's not messed up, what happened today won't happen?" Aunt Yinyue said in a low voice.

"If all of these are unified, perhaps this troubled world will end."

Aunt Yinyue was silent for a while: "Then... let's end this troubled world?"

"Miss, what are you kidding?" Wu Muqing shook her head, she knew it was impossible.

"Then what's the point of our life?"

Yinyuegu looked at Wu Muqing very seriously.

"... I, listen to Miss, Miss wants to end this troubled world, then I will follow Miss."

"it is good."

Aunt Yinyue stood up, "We'll bury them all, and then we'll go find that man in black robe just now... He's very strong, we can learn from him, and then unify the world."

The words of the two girls are very naive and naive, but in the future...they really did it.



In the evening, Ze Yu watched the sky turn into sunset red, and then turned to look at the two girls behind him: "Have you figured it out?"

"Think it over...Master." Yin Yuegu and Wu Muqing said at the same time.

And Ze Yu nodded: "Okay, you must want to become stronger, right? After going through so much."

"Yes, we want to become stronger... Please master teach us how to do it."

Ze Yu nodded again, and then took out the slave's mark: "Then lift up your clothes, expose your lower abdomen, and engrave this mark, this is the first step for you to become stronger."

Yinyuegu and Wu Muqing were not ignorant girls either. The moment they saw the texture of the imprint, their faces turned pale with fright, and their delicate bodies trembled slightly again.



[Also, wait!will become 0/99]

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