342 Aunt Yinyue Endures Humiliation

"You...do you think we are easy to deceive?!"

Aunt Yinyue frowned, and looked at Ze Yu with slightly red eyes, not because she was crying out of anger, but because she had just buried her family and loved ones, and there was still redness around her eyes...

"Then do you think that there is no price to pay for gaining power?"

Ze Yu asked back, and then slowly raised his hand, the terrifying spiritual power enveloped the entire ruined city: "In this world, I can do almost everything except bringing the dead back to life, which is against common sense."

Under the cover of Ze Yu's spiritual power, the city that was originally in ruins began to be rebuilt. The rubble flew up, the remaining bricks were restored, and the whole city returned to its original appearance, except that there were no living people.

Both Yin Yuegu and Wu Muqing looked at this scene in shock. This kind of thing had already surpassed their imagination. It was a matter of rebuilding a city in an instant... How is this possible?

"So, to get my inheritance and teaching, you have to pay a corresponding price. What do you think you can give me?"

Ze Yu smiled softly, and then asked.

Aunt Yinyue naturally knew that she had nothing left at this moment, only this well-developed body was left.

"What's the difference between you and those soldiers...?" Aunt Yinyue gritted her teeth and looked at Ze Yu: "You saved us, but you want to invade us again!"

"Yes, they won't talk to you like this, but in front of me, you can choose to leave now, and I won't attack you."

A moment of hesitation flashed across Yin Yuegu's eyes. As a girl, she naturally valued her body and innocence, but... these things seemed less important than ending this troubled world.

It's even a small price to pay.

By dedicating yourself, you can obtain the inheritance and teachings of such an existence, and gain strength.

And if they search for opportunities by themselves and become stronger...then maybe they work hard, and the chances they finally get are not as good and powerful as the chances given at will by the one in front of them.

But even if she said that... thinking about it this way, Aunt Yinyue was still... scared.

"Still indecisive? Feeling afraid of being scammed?"

Ze Yu smiled softly again, and then said: "Then you can make another request, I can satisfy you, as long as I can do it."

"One wish per person?" Aunt Yinyue wanted to ask right away.

"You have only one wish."

Wu Muqing and Aunt Yinyue looked at each other immediately, and then Wu Muqing retreated behind Aunt Yinyue: "Miss, just make a wish, I... listen to Miss."

Yinyuegu decided at this moment that she would never let Wu Muqing down in her life. She thought about it, and then said:

"I want to talk to my parents and him again, is that okay? People have souls, right? Can you... let their souls talk to me?"

"You are really... an unceremonious wish." Ze Yu couldn't help but said.

Aunt Yinyue: "Can't you do it?"

"It can be done. Your parents and your favorite childhood sweetheart have not died for too long. I can gather their souls and let them talk to you again, but the time is only seven days."

"Seven days... that's enough!" Rather, it was beyond Aunt Yinyue's expectation.

"Then let them come back to life now."

After Aunt Yinyue finished speaking, Ze Yu shook her head: "No, not now."

"Didn't you say you could do it?"

"But you didn't pay anything, Miss Yin." Ze Yu smiled softly.

Yinyuegu's delicate body trembled suddenly, she clenched her robe tightly, and took a few steps back, her steps trembling.

Wu Muqing hurriedly protected Aunt Yinyue behind her, and then gritted her teeth: "If you want...just let me be alone, I, I will come for Miss."

"This is her wish. She has to pay the price herself to realize it. You can't replace it."

Ze Yu gave a low laugh, in fact he was just...tired.

He is very familiar with Wu Muqing's body, where it itches, where he will groan when pressed, he knows it very clearly.

But Aunt Yinyue, he still doesn't know that this Empress Dowager Yinyue who will be born thousands of years later, the empress dowager who is the mother of the world, is just a helpless girl, and she is like a little white who is being slaughtered in front of her. Like a rabbit, weak, pitiful, and fragile.

"Xiaoqing, my own wish, I will come by myself... But, I have to add one more condition, besides my parents and the boy I like, you also have to let Xiaoqing's parents survive for seven days."

"Okay, it doesn't matter, two more is not much."

"……it is good."

Yinyuegu's eyes showed determination and despair, she lowered her head, then stretched out her hand, and untied the belt around her waist with great difficulty and helplessness. After the clothes fell off a little, she opened her bellyband slightly, her delicate body trembling .

The snow-white lower abdomen is exposed, the delicate and small belly button... This is the beautiful belly of the future Queen Mother Yinyue when she was still a girl~

"You carve..."

"If you want to say please, besides, I am your... master now."

Zeyu's chuckle sounded like a devil in Yinyuegu's ears.

Biting her rosy lips, Yinyuegu's beautiful white feet under her shoes were trembling slightly, holding the edge of the apron with both hands, raising her head, her eyes were tightly closed, as if tears were being squeezed out of her eye sockets Yes, too scared.

"Master, please... engrave a mark on the apprentice."

"What imprint?"

The one-sentence questioning gradually broke Yinyuegu's inner dignity and shame, what was lost... what was lost...

You can't do this, Aunt Yinyue.

Are you sorry for... him? !

He confessed to you twice, played with you every day, and you asked him to give you flowers, but at the last moment of his death, he steadfastly protected the flowers, because they were flowers for you!

But now you are so easy, in front of another man, so depraved, let him engrave... engrave...


As Yinyuegu's trembling voice fell, the slave mark also fell, engraved on her lower abdomen, Yinyuegu couldn't help opening her eyes due to the hot temperature of the iron, her pupils trembled and contracted, her lips parted slightly, Can't help but scream:


Then Aunt Yinyue bit her white-toothed red lips tightly to prevent herself from making a sound, but she still couldn't help but gasp.

As the iron was removed, Yinyuegu's lower abdomen was hot and hot, engraved... engraved...she was polluted...dirty...

From now on, others will know that they are slaves when they see the imprint on their lower abdomen.

As the hot feeling gradually faded away, Yinyuegu dared to look down at the imprint that was engraved on her, the humiliating imprint, and then quickly put down her hands, letting the apron cover the imprint, and then put on her clothes.

But... But there is infinite guilt in my heart.

I'm sorry, Amu, I'm dirty, I've become someone else's slave, and I didn't even agree to your confession.

sorry Sorry sorry…



【stubborn! 】

343 Aunt Yinyue's "Resurrected" Childhood Sweetheart

Ze Yu put away the slave seal: "Then from now on, you are mine..."

"Slave." Aunt Yinyue completed the sentence for Ze Yu with a blank expression.

But Ze Yu shook his head: "No, it's an apprentice."

"Master who wants his apprentice's body...hehe...it's really bad." Aunt Yinyue mocked in a low voice.

But Ze Yu likes to hear this.

"Then hurry up." Aunt Yinyue said, and walked towards the newly restored city.

"Hurry what?"

"Go to my house or the inn... Is it possible, just in the wild, you think? Of course, if you like this, master, apprentice... there is no way."

Yin Yuegu's voice was full of resentment towards Ze Yu.

She knew that Ze Yu would not kill her, nor would he do anything to her, at most he would suffer some...unspeakable things.

But you have to suffer anyway, why don't you scold me a few words?

Seeing Aunt Yinyue's expressionless and incomparably cold appearance, Ze Yu suddenly remembered something that had been useless for a long time.

【Mind reading】

Even if he has reached the God Transformation Realm now, the most he can do is to feel someone's malice and kindness towards him.

The specific idea is unknown, as far as he knows, there is no spell that can do it.

But systematic mind reading can do it, and it has to be a system.

And [Mind Reading] can only bind one person at a time, who was the person who was bound last time... He has already forgotten, anyway, it is now in a state of no binding, just bind Aunt Yinyue.

However, after binding the mind-reading technique, Ze Yu read Yin Yuegu's "maliciousness" towards him.

[Scumbag, go to hell, go to hell, go to hell! 】

[Why are there such shameless people?Obviously such an existence, why is there such a desire for such a thing? 】

[Bastard bastard bastard, what kind of strong man, what kind of master... is just a dirty scum! 】

【……so scared…】

Ze Yu could feel the panic and fear hidden in Aunt Yinyue's heart.

No matter how big the change and the big blow she experienced, it only happened in one day, and she still needed time to let her heart settle down.

If it were the future Yinyuegu who lost her cultivation but kept her thousand years of experience, she would be so calm and scary facing the current Cho Yu.

It's a pity... now Yinyuegu is still a little girl.

"Are you in such a hurry? So...can't wait?"

Ze Yu pinched Aunt Yinyue's chin, and then slid her fingers along her cheeks, which made Aunt Yinyue feel very uncomfortable, as if her dignity was being trampled under her feet: "Let go!"

"Who's looking forward to it? I just want to see them soon... Scum!"

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