"I said, you have to call me master."

"Scum." Yin Yuegu repeated again, and then snorted: "You can use the slave mark to force me to say what you want to hear, but you know that I was forced to say it , if you think this is very interesting and can arouse your desire, then it's up to you."

【He doesn't really want to use the slave mark, does he?Don't...please, don't...I don't want...I'm sorry for him...I'm sorry for Amu...]

Aunt Yinyue's stubbornness was only pretended on the surface, because she had no dignity and no power to resist in front of Ze Yu. She was weak and could only fight back with words...to cover up her fragility.

And Ze Yu likes to make people do things he doesn't like: "I won't force you to call me master."

【Very good…】

Aunt Yinyue breathed a sigh of relief.

"But since you don't recognize our master-student relationship, you should still call me master, good slave~"


Yinyuegu's heart trembled, the slave imprint on her abdomen was burning hot, her mouth was slightly opened, and the imprint's compulsory effect began to take effect.

[Don't...don't, don't say it, no, you can't do that kind of thing...]

【I'm sorry about Amu... Obviously his grave is a few hundred meters behind you, and the boy who likes you is there!His spirit may be watching you from the sky! 】

[And you rejected the boy's confession twice! !Then at this moment, he easily calls a man who has met for a day, master... Delicate, humble... What is this? 】

[No... no... no! ! 】

"Master...Master, master." Warm tears welled up in Yinyuegu's eyes.

"The tone is too stiff."

Aunt Yinyue's tears rolled down her cheeks, like a puppet being manipulated at will, and a charming voice came out of her mouth:


"Okay, the master is very satisfied with your performance and likes it very much, I can now fulfill part of your wish."

Zeyu snapped her fingers, Yinyuegu couldn't see it, but she could feel the change, it was the soul cohesive.

【That's great... My patience was not in vain. Enduring such humiliation can bring my father and mother back to life... This humiliation...is nothing! 】

【Great...really great...】

When Aunt Yinyue showed a somewhat relaxed smile, Ze Yu smiled again and said, "By the way, the master gave you a reward. As a slave, what should you say?"

[Just tell him what you want to tell him, and let him be satisfied. Your purpose is to revive your family and Amu, talk to them, and then become stronger to end this chaotic world... When you become stronger, you will be in the Vigorously take revenge on the scum in front of all this humiliation! 】

[It's okay, just bear with it. 】

【You will not always be weak like this. 】

【...So now, let this scumbag be satisfied. 】

Aunt Yinyue forced a smile, suppressed her voice, and made it sound more charming. She imagined that it was Amu standing in front of her, that shy boy with her red lips slightly parted, but There was another boy's voice that made a sound at the same time as she made it!

"I like it too? You...Master?~"

"...Aunt Yue?"

Yinyuegu's pupils constricted at this moment, she turned her head suddenly, and looked around, she couldn't see, but she did hear Amu's voice.


She heard it again, more clearly this time.

"Why do you say you like other men, obviously, obviously you never told me, you rejected me twice, the last thing I did before I died was to protect the flowers I was going to give you... why, Why do you want to betray me? Why do you want to let me down? Could it be that you can’t do it to me, but you can do it to him?!”

Amu's voice echoed in Yinyuegu's ears, in her mind, and in her heart.

[Amu?Amu?It's not like this, it's not like this...Why is Amu the first condensed soul? 】

【what did I do? 】

[I told other men that I liked it in front of Amu? 】

Aunt Yinyue couldn't accept it, couldn't accept it!

"I didn't hear what you said just now, can you say it again?"

Zeyu looked at Yinyuegu with a smile, and in his sight... Amu didn't exist either.

Gathering souls, how could such a thing be possible?Even if he is in the God Transformation Realm!

If it is really so easy to condense a person's soul and make him regain consciousness... then Xiao Mu will not guard the soul lamp alone for hundreds of years.

Xiao Mu's crushes who worked so hard to revive are all people with incomplete memory... How could he let his soul condense so easily?

What Aunt Yinyue saw was just an illusion, but she believed it to be true. Her Amu was resurrected, and that soul full of resentment was staring at her!

"Is it okay not at this time, hey... master, master! I beg you, don't let me say such things in front of Amu, don't... don't... please, master...!" Aunt Yinyue grabbed the choice Feather's sleeves, pupils trembling.

Ze Yu tilted his head: "At this time, I remembered... I am your master?"



344 No matter what happens, my favorite must be you, Amu!

[To make things difficult for me, he is deliberately making things difficult for me, he did it on purpose, on purpose, this scumbag, this devil! 】

Aunt Yinyue immediately understood what Ze Yu was thinking.

But even if Ze Yu came clearly, so what?

All she could choose... was obedience, pleading, and humbleness.

[Apologize...Apologize to him, and then he will let me go, and will not force me to do various things in front of Amu]

[As long as Amu didn't see it...he was miserable, I'm sorry for him, I rejected him twice, because my playful heart made his sincerity disappear...]

【I can't hear his confession anymore, it's obviously short of the last time... It's just short of... such a night, but everything has changed! ! 】

【I can't let Amu be hit again...】

"Master... I'm sorry, it's my disciple who is arrogant, it's my disciple's fault, forgive me, okay..."

Aunt Yinyue looked around nervously, then leaned against Ze Yu's ear, and spoke in a very low voice. The moment she spoke, she kept praying in her heart.

[Amu, don't come here, don't come here, don't... hear what I say next. 】

【Please do not…】

"Master...wait a minute, wait a while, Amu is gone, master can treat me as he wants, I will definitely cooperate, I will not show such a disgusting expression to intentionally anger the master, no... So, don't let Amuzai see me say that and do that, okay?"


Aunt Yinyue pressed her soft and delicate body against Ze Yu's body very jerky and stiffly, in an attempt to give Ze Yu some sweetness, and then let her go in front of Amu.

Under the robe, the warm thighs were slightly raised, rubbing against Ze Yu's body.

This kind of deliberate seduction is obvious, but... this kind of youthful girlishness makes Ze Yu feel very wonderful.

But why did he let Aunt Yinyue fulfill her wish?

"You're lying to him."

Ze Yu shook his head, and these words made Aunt Yin Yue stunned.

"Why do you want to lie to him? He obviously likes you so much, even after being rejected by you twice, he still went to buy flowers for you, waited for you to come back, and then continued to confess to you, but you wanted to lie to him... to lie to him You are still fine, you are still the clean one, the one he likes."

"I'm a scum, but you're also a liar."

Aunt Yinyue was deeply stunned.

【He's right... I'm deceiving Amu, I'm hiding something bad, I don't want Amu to know, but he is waiting for me so affectionately, but I deceive him like this...】

A deep sense of guilt welled up in Aunt Yinyue's heart again.

"I'm sorry...Amu." Aunt Yinyue whispered.

"That's right."

Aunt Yinyue heard Amu's voice became low.

"I'm already dead, Yuegu, it's impossible for you to be widowed by me for the rest of your life, and you have to find a new man. When you encounter this kind of thing, you can only cling to such a strong man. There is nothing you can do..."

"Then... I wish you happiness, I wish you a happy life."

"..." Aunt Yinyue's body trembled violently, just like when she saw her parents' dead bodies.

【I lied to you, but why are you still so gentle? 】

'This is because of the Amu you imagined. Ze Yu's face was hidden under the black robe, looking at Aunt Yinyue who had a complex expression at the moment.

'The imaginary must be the most perfect him in your heart. '

The illusion that Zeyu gave Yinyuegu was a fantasy that unfolded under psychological hints. What Amu said and the tone of his speech were all based on the "image perfection" of the person she liked in Yinyuegu's mind.

If Amu is really here, how he will react is still unclear.

But in the end...everything here is just an illusion constructed in Yinyuegu's spiritual world.

The past misfortunes happened long ago. A year later, Aunt Yinyue really stayed a widow all her life for her childhood sweetheart. She didn't fall in love with other men, and she didn't indulge herself to raise male slaves.

And what he is doing now can be regarded as saving Yinyuegu and making her wake up from the illusion. If she doesn't wake up, the Dongxuan Dynasty that she spent thousands of years building will be shattered, and the peaceful and prosperous world will fall into chaos again.



Yinyuegu clenched her fists suddenly and lowered her head, because she didn't know which direction Amu was in, so she could only lower her head and make her voice louder.

"Listen to me... I like you..."

【I really want to say that I want to be a widow for you for the rest of my life, but with this scum around, she is also marked as a slave, that is probably impossible...but...】

"I will always like you. No matter what changes happen to me in the future, when I think of the person I like, the first thing that pops up in my mind must be you!"

If it was Yinyuegu from the past, she would definitely not have made such a shameful confession.

She must have wanted to get Amu to say this, then she teased him, and finally agreed.

But after this sudden change, Aunt Yinyue understands that she should say something when the time comes, and don't procrastinate... Because if you procrastinate, this kind of change may happen again!

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