"I'm very happy, Aunt Yue, I believe in you...you can do what you should do. I know your temperament, so you must be thinking about becoming stronger now, right? Go."

"……it is good."

Yin Yuegu's voice suddenly dropped again.

【Become stronger... I want to too, but the price I pay is my body!I want to carry you behind my back and be robbed of my innocence by this scum... 】

[However, even if I am deprived of my innocence by this scumbag, I must still like you the most, Amu, no matter what he does to me, I must still like you the most]

【Yes, no matter what kind of treatment I suffer later, I will always think of Amu in my mind, and if I think of him, I won’t be afraid anymore】


When she came to the unmanned inn in the city, Aunt Yinyue took off her clothes, only her bellyband and obscene trousers were left on her body, and her small and beautiful feet were exposed to the air.

Her face turned reddish from fear and shame, but she clutched the quilt tightly and stared at Ze Yu: "I tell you, no matter what you do, I will..."

Zeyu only had a black mask on his face, preventing Aunt Yinyue from seeing her face clearly.


[? ! ? ! ? ? ! ! 】

Aunt Yinyue retreated crazily to the corner of the bed and covered her body with the quilt. This was unexpected to her. Why did such a thing happen?This is different from what she thought!

[No, I can't panic, I, I like Amu, yes, just think about Amu, just think about Amu]


Suddenly, Aunt Yinyue's beautiful feet were grabbed by Ze Yu: "You, what are you doing? Your feet... are very dirty."

"Put on silk stockings for you. I have made a plan for you, and I didn't let you do it yourself."

Zeyu put black knee-high socks on Yinyuegu's well-proportioned and graceful jade legs, and her delicate jade feet were covered with black silk. The beautiful black silk feet stepped on Zeyu's hands, which made Yinyuegu feel a little at a loss at the moment.



345 Aunt Yinyue's Gradual Wavering

"what is this?"

Aunt Yinyue touched the slippery black silk stockings on her thighs, feeling her legs were a little strangled, but...it was...pretty good.

【It would be great if Amu could see it too】

"You look beautiful now, you know that?"

【Of course I know!To be seen by a scum like you, I would rather be an ugly monster, I just want to show Amu...]

Although she thought so in her heart, of course Aunt Yinyue couldn't say that kind of words, she could only smile: "Master likes it as long as it is."

"It's not good just because I like it. Don't you have someone you like? Let him see what you look like now. He must be very happy. His heart beats faster and his blood boils."

Zeyu's chuckle sounded like a devil in Yinyuegu's ears.

"Are you... a demon?" Aunt Yinyue couldn't help but tremblingly said.

[This scumbag insults and defiles me, forget it, why does he keep reminding her about the existence of Amu? ! 】

[But... Amu shouldn't look at him, right?He said to let himself follow this scumbag to become stronger, he should be...won't follow...]

Ze Yu laughed lowly: "Tell me, is it possible that he is watching you in this room?"

[Are... looking at me?Amu? 】

Yinyuegu's pupils trembled suddenly, and her heart that had been forced to calm down was flustered, and she looked around, trying to find Amu's breath.

But how could she sense it.

But that sense of immorality made her feel that her Amu was everywhere, maybe he was watching her quietly from the side at this moment, looking at her, a shameless woman!

Just now he said that he would love Amu for the rest of his life.

Now I'll take off my clothes, and I'm going to have sex with another man!

These inner changes were all read by Ze Yu, he could be said to have mastered all of Yin Yuegu's thoughts.

"The black silk beautiful legs are all tense."

Zeyu's fingers slipped under Yinyuegu's feet, which made Yinyuegu feel itchy and uncomfortable, but there was nothing she could do.

"What...beautiful legs with black silk? Can you, don't call it that, it's disgusting..."

Aunt Yinyue couldn't help but said, feeling goosebumps all over her body.

Being held by a man who doesn't like scum.

【A little...comfortable...】

"Really, do you feel sick?"

Zeyu's fingers slid across Yinyuegu's instep, and spiritual power flowed on her fingers, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis for Yinyuegu. She worked hard all day to bury those lost relatives. After such strenuous exercise.

So when Zeyu's fingers slid across Yinyuegu's black silk jade feet, he used spiritual power to help Yinyuegu invigorate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, which can be regarded as... giving her a massage.

【What is this, okay, so comfortable... It's hot... I feel a warm current from the soles of my feet to my brain... I feel like my whole body is about to soften...】

Aunt Yinyue bit her lip: "It's disgusting...very disgusting!"

"In this case, the master will not touch you."

Zeyu put down Yinyuegu's jade feet directly, and the spiritual power was drawn from Yinyuegu's beautiful feet.

"You, what are you doing? Why did you stop? You..."

Aunt Yinyue said subconsciously, because she was really not used to it, she almost went up into the clouds in the last moment, and she felt that her whole body was going to die of comfort, this kind of foot massage.

Sliding over gently, there was a faint, itchy feeling...but there was heat spreading from the soles of the feet all the way to the whole body, and it was very irritating...that feeling.

For the first time... had such an experience.

But this kind of experience is suddenly interrupted, just like the water has just been released, and there is still a little swelling in the lower abdomen, but the channel is stuck there, and if you don’t let it go, the remaining swelling makes you feel very uncomfortable.

"I, I didn't say anything..."

Aunt Yinyue's tone weakened, she seemed to have said something she shouldn't have said.

"Don't you feel disgusting? You don't want me to stop, and you say I'm disgusting. What are you going to do? Good boy?"

"...As you like." Aunt Yinyue turned her head away.

But Ze Yu's hand directly pressed her thigh: "Then do as I like."

This time the stimulation was more intense than the stimulation on the soles of the feet, because Yin Yuegu had been walking for the past few days, and her soft thighs had already been a little sore, and even after experiencing such an accident, she was mentally fatigued.

However, the spiritual power in Ze Yu's hands brought a warm current to Aunt Yinyue again. This time it spread directly from the root of her thigh, which made Aunt Yinyue's body tremble uncontrollably, and her voice could not be held : "Huh~?"

[Why, what is this?what is this? 】



The fatigue and soreness of the day have all disappeared, replaced by a warm, very comfortable feeling, like the cool wind in summer, the warm sun in winter, drink it when you are thirsty After chilling, I just took it out to remove the ice so that I can drink a big mouthful of fruit juice without sore teeth...

The voice could not be restrained.

But obviously it was just pressing his thigh again... Why, why did he already make a sound.

【No, I can’t make any more noise. No matter how this scum treats me, I can’t make a sound or show any expression. I want him to know that I only have disgust and disgust for him...】

[This kind of thing can only feel happy if you do it with the person you like, that is, with Amu]

[Okay, it's decided, no more sounds! 】

Ever since, Aunt Yinyue began to endure, she felt that this was the only way to make up for Amu.

But in fact, this can only make her feel at ease, without guilt.

However, all these ideas were understood by Ze Yu.

"Okay, it's over, your body...is it almost relaxed?"

Zeyu suddenly stopped massaging, and Aunt Yinyue had been trying to consciously restrain herself from making a sound, and at this time she also replied coldly:

"I said no, will you let me go?"


【? ? 】

"But..." Ze Yu added another sentence, sitting in front of Aunt Yinyue: "I can continue to give you a massage to relax, you enjoy it, this kind of massage? Then you also want... This kind of thing is mutual Yes."

[Scum...it really is a scum! 】

"what do you want me to do?"

"Come on, I'll teach you..." Ze Yu held Aunt Yinyue's wrist.

Immediately, Aunt Yinyue's face turned red, and there was a young girl's fragrance in her jade hands. Before she came to the room, she had actually bathed. As a mortal, she was not like a cultivator, who kept her body clean all the time.

Her feet will also smell after walking too much, and her body odor will also be covered by the smell of sweat.

"Is this all right? Master..." Aunt Yinyue called out very stiffly, "Master."

"It's pretty good, uh... the scent of rose petals." Ze Yu actually picked up Yin Yuegu's black silk feet and smelled them.

This perverted behavior made Yinyuegu feel very ashamed, and at the same time felt that Zeyu was a pervert who enjoyed this kind of thing, which made Yinyuegu feel ashamed and annoyed, but she couldn't stop it.

[Whatever, anyway, anyway, my favorite is Amu, not this scumbag]

[I like Amu, I like Amu, I like Amu the most... I can't be sorry for him, I can't. 】

Numbing herself over and over again, Aunt Yinyue thought she had calmed down, but suddenly the root of her thigh was pressed hard, it didn't hurt, it didn't hurt at all... On the contrary...

【Excellent?what is this?It’s not in the same dimension as the massage just now... I feel my whole body is so warm, it’s going to soften, it’s so light, it’s bad... my brain is going to become...]

【It's blank...】



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