【sleep!I'm sleeping now, but I haven't broken a hundred! 】

【Good night! 】

346 I Can't Forget Amu!Absolutely not!

[Really... I can't think anymore! 】

Aunt Yinyue was really a little scared, the methods of the immortal cultivator seemed to be beyond her imagination, she thought that what Ze Yu did to her was nothing more than those disgusting and dirty things.

It is also impossible to be abused or something. If it is the pain of abuse, she may really not be able to hold it.

After being abused, she is afraid that all she can think about is how not to hurt, and then she will completely surrender.

But anyway, she is Ze Yu's apprentice...

[But what is this?This experience... has never been seen before! 】

"How about it, there is something more comfortable, do you want to try it? It can make your body more relaxed."

Ze Yu's voice rang in Aunt Yinyue's ears like a devil's bewitchment.

Aunt Yinyue wanted to say "yes" subconsciously, but she had a premonition that she would become unable to go back...

"No, no need, master, just, let's end here? What do you want to do to me... let's start."

Yin Yuegu couldn't stand the teasing anymore, she felt that if Ze Yu continued to massage like this, she would go crazy.

The moment her mind went blank, she almost forgot about Amu.

"So it starts? That's what you said."

Aunt Yinyue nodded, "Yes."

[? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

【It’s a lie...hey...what is this...】

【Amu...just thinking about Amu at this time, yes, thinking about...Amu... thinking about...】

【Who? 】

[Yes, yes, it's Amu!I like Amu! 】

[Remember, Aunt Yinyue, no matter what happens next, you can't play and forget that you like Amu!This is the only thing that must never be forgotten]

[Can't make a sound, don't let this bastard scum get what he wants! 】


After three hours.

[Amu... can't forget Amu... only this is not allowed, I can be anything, as long as I like Amu...]

【Master...Master...What's the name of the master...I really want to know...】

[No, no, no, no! !This is not right! !Why do I need to know... this scumbag's name? 】

after six hours

【Master... I really want to see what Master looks like... He refused to kiss me from the beginning to the end... Wearing this black mask all the time, I hate it...】


【Amu...why do I remember this name? 】

After twelve o'clock passed.

【I remember... I seem to like a person named Amu...】

【But...it's not important, it's good to have a master...】


After three days passed.

Yinyuegu's eyes became blurred, but there was confusion and a trace of emptiness in the blur.

【Strange, did I forget something】

【I want to think about who is coming】

【By the way, I like it...】

【Oops, I can’t think about it like this, who do I like...what am I going to do...】

Yinyuegu felt that she had become very strange. Although she felt very good, unprecedentedly good, her body was very light and relaxed, and all the troubles in her brain disappeared at once, but she seemed to have forgotten something important.

something very important.

"Master, I'm so strange..." Aunt Yinyue hugged Ze Yu and wrapped her arms around Ze Yu's neck, because she couldn't remember, she had no choice but to ask.

"How strange."

"It's a good thing to be with Master like this, but why do I think it's wrong?" Aunt Yinyue couldn't help asking, her pupils constricted when she asked, and her mind went blank again.

"Maybe... because the person you like has been watching here?"

At this moment, Ze Yu finally helped Aunt Yinyue remember this matter.

"the person I like?"

Aunt Yinyue froze for a moment, obviously her whole body was dripping with sweat, and her body was very hot, but Que felt a chill down her back.

It seemed that someone was watching her.

[The person I like, yes, I seem to have a person I like, who is it?Yes, very important people! 】

[By the way...Amu! ! 】

Aunt Yinyue suddenly recalled the name, and then turned her head suddenly, feeling very scared.

She clearly told Amu that she would never forget him and would always like him, but she actually fell into obsession and forgot about liking Amu!

How is this possible? !

"Amu, Amu, listen to me... I haven't forgotten you, no, I, I like you."

When Aunt Yinyue said these words, she felt guilty in her heart, and then suddenly she couldn't speak, and her brain was broken again for a moment.

Now she could only breathe slowly and lower her head, crying, "I'm sorry...Amu."

"I failed to keep my promise... sorry..."

"Because there is really no way... I can't think in my brain..."

Ze Yu pinched Aunt Yinyue's chin: "I'm lying to you, he's not here at all, he's still wandering outside waiting."

Yin Yuegu was stunned for a moment.

Ze Yu continued: "Do you want to go out and see him?"

In the past, Yinyuegu would never hesitate, but now, she hesitated.

【Why did I become like this? It shouldn’t be like this. I should hate this scum, and then I should not make a sound. I should remember that I like Amu! 】


"You bastard!"

Aunt Yinyue pushed Ze Yu away fiercely, then took the clothes that had fallen under the bed and put them on, and was about to run out, but as soon as her feet touched the ground, they softened and she fell directly to the ground.

This made her stunned again.

[How long has it been? 】

"Like three days?"

[Three days? 】


Aunt Yinyue couldn't help cursing again.

"That's not what you said just now, what you just said was 'Master, I want more'..." Ze Yu chuckled lightly, then stretched out his hand: "Do you want me to help you up?"

"I can go by myself!"

Aunt Yinyue was very stubborn and tried to stand up, but she fell to the ground again with a slap. After repeated many times, she had to crawl to the door.

She couldn't feel sorry for Amu anymore.

Unexpectedly, three days have passed.

There are only four days left before she and Amu can talk.

No, it can't go on like this anymore, she wants to stay with Amu for the last time, and she can't be depraved like this again.

She won't fall for this scum!

"Yuegu, are you here?"

Just when Aunt Yinyue supported the door to get up and go out, Amu's voice sounded from the corridor outside.

This familiar voice frightened Yinyuegu and fell to the ground again.

"Aunt Yue?"

"You are here! Great...I finally found you."

Although I can't hear the sound of the soul walking.

But Aunt Yinyue knew that Amu must not be allowed to come in and see her current self, no!

She didn't put on her clothes, she just put them on, and she didn't have the strength to walk, so she didn't have the strength to put on clothes.

It can be said that the clothes are messy...

What would Amu think when he saw it?

"No, don't come in, Amu! Stay outside the door!!"


Aunt Yinyue burst into tears, once again, she was going to deceive Amu again.

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