348 Empress Dowager Yinyue's Awakening, What?slave?solitary?


Aunt Yinyue heard the familiar voice again and turned her head stiffly.

This time it wasn't just the sound, she also saw Amu's body, her face was pale, and she looked at her in disbelief.

【is that a lie…】

[Hey... are you a liar? 】

[This is not true... this is not true! 】

[No...but...I saw it, Amu was looking at me, saw that I betrayed him, saw all this, saw this dirty self! 】

"Amu, listen to me, this is...this is fake...it's not what you see..."

"Yuegu, actually, I've been watching, and I've seen everything, these few days."

Aunt Yinyue hugged her head immediately, she didn't want to face it... she didn't want to face it, it would be great if all this was fake, why did Amu come back to life?

Resurrected to see the person you like betrayed him?

【Illusion... This is an illusion... This is an illusion...】

【Fake, all fake...】

Aunt Yinyue didn't want to face it, how could she face such a thing.

Ze Yu wanted to continue playing with Aunt Yinyue, but unfortunately, a mechanical sound that he hadn't heard for a few days rang in his ears, and his body was also disappearing.

[Congratulations to the host, the treatment is completed]

[Here is a reward: complete cultivation in the stage of transforming gods]



"It's fake... it's all fake, you lied to me... bastard, scum, you must have lied to me too... you can't be seen by Amu, this kind of thing... can't be... such a shameless me... was, What did Amu see..."

"don't want!!"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue suddenly opened her eyes, panting heavily, woke up from the bed, then looked at the strange things in front of her, and suddenly froze, and looked at Ze Yu who was sitting on her, she didn't care to be stunned, and directly Shameful and angry, he wanted to fly Zeyu.

"Why are you on the lonely bed?!"

But now that Ze Yu and Empress Dowager Yinyue are at the same level of cultivation, Empress Dowager Yinyue failed to get Ze Yu out of bed.

"You... have you become a god?"


Ze Yu smiled: "Indeed, you did call a monster when you first saw it."


Empress Dowager Yinyue couldn't understand what Ze Yu was saying, but she soon understood.

"Let me help you recall." Ze Yu took out a black mask from the storage bag.

Then Zeyu put on a black mask and unbuttoned his shirt.

Coupled with this posture pressing on the Empress Dowager Yinyue, the Empress Dowager Yinyue immediately recalled everything that happened after she fell into a mental illusion after she fell into a coma!

"It was you...you, you...you entered Gu's illusion, and then let Gu..."

The pupils of the Empress Dowager Yinyue trembled as she recalled everything. It was really... a memory that made her feel terrible.

After 1000 years, she has almost forgotten her love and liking for Amu, but when she fell into an illusion, she once again experienced the tenderness from Amu and the innocence from her childhood. Everything about Amu, and I like him again... But compared to liking, it is actually more guilt.

"Don't you also feel very comfortable? You often beg me as a master."


The Empress Dowager Yinyue has nothing to say, because after she recalled the illusion, she was a girl when she was a child in the illusion, but now she is the empress dowager who has experienced thousands of years and seen everything is right and wrong. .

Naturally, she can look at herself as a young girl from the perspective of God.

The self at that time... was almost completely played around by Ze Yu, indulged in pleasure, and then continued to degenerate. It was only three days, and he forgot about the person he liked.

Also... and did the last deceitful thing!

In the end, because of my shameless and shameless behavior, I finally woke up!

This kind of thing... makes the current Queen Mother Yinyue find it unacceptable.

"You go out now, otherwise, Gu will pull you to blow yourself up, don't think that Gu is joking."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue is now somewhat affected by the illusion, and her mentality is no longer calm at this moment, she may really blew herself up by dragging Ze Yu.

But Ze Yu got up slowly, and then suddenly turned his head: "My dear apprentice, the master has taught you, how do you ask the master to do something?"

At this moment, the Empress Dowager Yinyue felt that her body was no longer her own, as if she was under the control of Zeyu. There was something hot in her lower abdomen, and she clearly felt the shape of the thing in her lower abdomen. texture!

In the illusion, that man in black, that is, what Ze Yu carved for himself!

That slave mark!

It's the texture of that thing!

"What did you do to Gu while he was in a coma?!"


"...Master... Yuegu is wrong, Yuegu shouldn't have spoken to the master in this tone, Yuegu showed her belly and apologized, please master, yes, I'm sorry..."

The aloof Empress Dowager Yinyue's face was flushed at the moment, and she spoke in a weak tone like a little girl.

Then Qianqianyu lifted her light pajamas slowly, revealing a slender willow waist, white and tender skin, and a pink slave mark under her small navel.

After doing all this, the Empress Dowager Yinyue regained her consciousness, and then her face turned pale immediately, feeling ashamed and unbelievable for her behavior just now.

Feeling scared at the same time.

[After that, will I be controlled by Ze Yu all the time? 】

【What kind of? 】

Ze Yu raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that the mind-reading technique that was bound in the illusion was also bound in reality.


Empress Dowager Yinyue, who regained consciousness, looked at Ze Yu coldly, but did not speak.

[If I annoy him, he will definitely ask me to do various things. In the illusion, I lost my innocence. I'm sorry, Amu, but in reality... I'm still innocent. He didn't do anything while I was in a coma. Just engraved this slave mark]

【It takes me a while to get rid of this imprint, but it's not impossible to get rid of it】

[One month, as long as I try my best to listen to Ze Yu's words and keep my innocence within this month, then after one month, I will be free, and I will be worthy of Amu...]

【I’m too weak in the illusion, but it’s not like this in reality, so I won’t be indulging in that kind of pleasure】

"Don't look at me with that look, Empress Dowager."

Ze Yu shook his head, and then sighed: "If it wasn't for me, you would have slept like this for thousands of years. This mark is for me to enter your illusion, but I risked not being able to get out of your illusion to save you Ah, but you look at me so coldly, how sad..."

After pondering for a while, the Empress Dowager Yinyue also got up, and helped Ze Yu to sit down:

"It's Gu who just woke up and didn't understand the facts. Since you saved Gu, Gu won't take revenge... But, you engraved a slave mark on Gu, it's too much, isn't it?"

【I want to lie to him that I can't get rid of the slave mark by myself, and not let him know that I can get rid of him in a month, and then deal with him like this, and negotiate conditions】

But she didn't know, Ze Yu heard her thoughts very clearly.



[Immediately listen to politics behind the curtain]

349 Hearing the Government Behind the Curtain

Ze Yu: "Excessive? Is this excessive? Empress Dowager, if you don't wake up, the Dongxuan Dynasty will be destroyed, and the peaceful and prosperous times will turn into troubled times again. You say... you are my slave, and the entire Dongxuan Dynasty In comparison, isn't the price small?"

[What nonsense! 】

But the Empress Dowager Yinyue could only show a slight smile: "Didn't you say before that you want to treat Gu? Now that Gu has allowed it, you are also allowed to have some not too much contact with Gu during the treatment. I heard Xiaoqing say that you I like to look at the feet of beauties...then I can let you massage the feet, how about it?"

"Empress Dowager, do you think this is a thank you gift?" Ze Yu chuckled.

"Of course not, I'm giving you a thank you gift, and there are other things, I won't let you down."

[Stabilize him first, thank you?This person is already in the same realm as me, and I can't make him stronger, so those treasures that are dispensable to him are not important at all compared to blaspheming my queen mother, all he wants is my body, let me Surrender to him, call him master, and fall severely]

[But I won't do that!Amu... I am sorry for you in the illusion, but in reality, I will definitely not. 】

The Empress Dowager Yinyue seldom touches a man, but this time she took the initiative to hold Ze Yu's hand, and sat with Ze Yu, her beautiful legs slightly touched the side of Ze Yu's thigh, and then she spent all her money, grabbing Ze Yu's hand Putting his hand on his thigh... Although he was wearing obscene pants, he didn't directly touch his thigh.

But this is really a great sacrifice for the Queen Mother Yinyue.

If it weren't for the possibility of not doing so, she would be treated even more excessively. How could the Empress Dowager Yinyue endure her jade legs being touched by a man like this?

But Ze Yu rubbed her thigh unceremoniously, and then patted her!


The sound echoed in the room, feeling very shameful.

The Empress Dowager Yinyue didn't feel any pain, but she felt that her dignity was being pressed to the ground and humiliated. This feeling has not been felt for a long time!

Only when she was still growing up and cultivating, did she experience this feeling, this feeling that someone is pressing on her head, despises her, can easily take her life, and do anything to her...

Humiliation... What a humiliation!

"Don't... go too far."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue's eyes couldn't help turning cold, she lost the smile just now, and clenched the jade hand holding Ze Yu a little bit, as if she wanted to pinch Ze Yu's hand directly.

"I'm too much, so what?"

Ze Yu slapped Empress Yinyue on the other thigh again: "So what if I go too far?"

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