As he said that, Ze Yu directly tore open the trousers of the Queen Mother Yinyue, and her white and tender thighs were immediately exposed to the air.

This time, he trembled with his thighs, because there was not much meat, so he only trembled slightly, like white waves rippling.

Empress Dowager Yinyue's snow-white beautiful feet were also exposed, rosy in white, and her plump toes were slightly constricted because of this sudden change.

She didn't expect that someone would dare to insult her like this... ripping off her obscene pants like this.

"You bastard! What are you doing? How dare you blaspheme Gu?!"

The Empress Dowager Yinyue was immediately ashamed and angry, staring at Ze Yu viciously like a wild cat with fur.

But the slave imprint on her lower abdomen was heating up, so she couldn't resist, she could only speak, but her body was uncontrollable, unable to move, she could only watch as Ze Yu's big hand was being rude and dirty on her thigh Pinch it up and down.

This is a scenery that Amu has never seen before, and Amu has never even seen her beautiful legs... But now the white and tender legs are pinched wantonly in Ze Yu's hands!

"Round and smooth... Delicate and firm, as expected of the beautiful legs of the Empress Dowager, how nice..."


When Ze Yu said the last modal particle, he directly slapped Empress Dowager Yinyue on her thigh again, and her flesh trembled again. Several red spots appeared on Empress Dowager Yinyue's round, white and soft legs. Slap mark.

It's like a stained mark!

Such dirty marks!

Appearing on the lap of the empress dowager of the Dongxuan Dynasty!

A month ago, the Empress Dowager Yinyue was still sitting on the highest dragon chair, watching countless people kneeling and worshiping in front of her, and then she dismissed Ze Yu's name and information.

But a month later, she was blasphemed by this man!

Her beautiful legs and beautiful feet were all red!

【Damn it... I'm going to kill you, kill you, kill you, kill you, cut you into pieces, and I won't let go of my hatred! ! ! 】


But on the surface, the Empress Dowager Yinyue could only stare at Ze Yu coldly and not speak, but that was all she could do.

If you refute it, I'm afraid it's not a slap on the thigh... you will be punished even more...

Round thighs now, round after that...

"Okay, I won't tease you, Empress Dowager, I believe you are a sensible person, so I won't talk about what's there or what's not."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue kept a straight face and frowned slightly. Even though her beautiful feet were forced to be placed on Ze Yu's thighs and then kneaded, her thighs were beaten twice from time to time, leaving a few more red marks:

"you say…"

"In the evening, I don't have time to treat you, Queen Mother. I want to accompany Zi Nai, and Ruonan, Xiaoqing, Xiaoxiao, Xiaoyu, etc. Maybe someone will come here later, I can't stay with you all the time You treated it."

"During the day, I also want to spare time to go shopping with Zi Nao. She is still a girl and likes to play. Of course I want to accompany her."

"So, I said let me see you... I can't spare time for this."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue said with a cold face, "If you don't have time, then I won't bother you."

Zeyu shook his head with a serious look, and then became a little bolder, holding the beautiful feet of Queen Mother Yinyue, and moving her feet back and forth: "But ah... as a doctor, I definitely can't look at you. The patient is under a lot of stress."

"So, how about I help you see a doctor when you go to court every day?"

Empress Dowager Yinyue's complexion changed.

"What are you going to do?" Empress Dowager Yinyue revealed a trace of fear in her eyes.

This is the Empress Dowager Yinyue.

"Nothing." Ze Yu smiled.



"Greetings to the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Meet the Empress Dowager, long live long live your empress!"

The huge court hall accommodates tens of thousands of officials, and the number of officials in the court hall is probably more than the number of people in a village!

And the little emperor as a puppet sits on the dragon chair that everyone can see.

But they all know that this is a puppet, the person who really controls the entire Dongxuan Dynasty, in the curtain behind the dragon chair.

Normally, the curtain would reflect the outline of the Empress Dowager's body, but turned out to be a completely opaque curtain.

And the empress dowager whom these people look up to... is not sitting on the dragon chair at this moment, but a man sitting on the dragon chair, and the queen dowager's delicate body is held in the arms of the man, and a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings are stretched across the man. In his arms, the fleshy and beautiful feet squirmed slightly, obviously a little scared.

But she still tried to stay calm and shouted to the people outside:

"Get up."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager!"

Ze Yu also slapped Empress Dowager Yinyue's thigh hard, and jokingly said: "...Thank you... Empress Dowager!"

This sound, crisp and loud, was heard by more than 1 people in the entire court!

At this moment, the Empress Dowager Yinyue trembled.



350 Madam, are you listening?Empress? !

At this moment, the entire court was discussing the sound of the crisp applause just now.

Because that sound is very like... the sound of hitting the skin.

Some female ministers couldn't help but think of the time when their husbands suddenly became brave...

The male ministers thought of the time to completely release their desires for concubines...

But they are just thoughts that pop up in their minds for a moment.

This is the empress dowager, how could she do such a thing?

"What happened behind the curtain? The empress was beaten?"

"Of course it's impossible. It must be someone else who was beaten. Just wait, the empress will explain."

"But... I think it sounds a lot like me last night..."

"Presumptuous! How dare you think of Empress like this? What kind of existence is Empress? How can she be compared with that Yiqinglou girl?!"

"How do you know I'm going to Yiqing Building?"

"...This, this...I, I just said it casually!"

The two male ministers communicated with each other.

But they never thought that this voice was just as they thought!

At this moment, Aunt Yinyue was already panicked to the extreme, they heard it, more than 1 people heard that she was hit on the thigh by a man, and the crisp "pa" was heard in everyone's ears! !

She also couldn't glared at Ze Yu anymore, who knew how bad he would do it?

A few more slaps would make it even more inexplicable.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! The maidservant should die! Damn it! Please make amends for the queen mother!"

In the end, Yinyuegu could only think of this method, to fake the maid's voice, then slap herself a few times, and finally said her own voice: "It's okay, when anyone is careless, step back first."

"Thank you Empress Dowager, thank you Empress Dowager!!"

At this moment, the people in the court hall were relieved, it turned out that some lowly maid messed up something, and then slapped themselves.

How could it be that the empress was slapped?

Impossible, impossible... how could such a thing be possible.

On the contrary, the people below admired the kindness of the empress.

"Everyone... Aiqing, just now, because of some things... it affected the court, now...continue."

There was a slight pause in the Queen Mother Yinyue's voice, but it was not obvious. Everyone was just pretending to be the Queen Mother, deliberately emphasizing the need to be calm.

But they didn't know that Aunt Yinyue couldn't calm down at all.

This scumbag's hand actually slipped through her elbow!This made her completely unable to calm down!

"Your Excellency Zeyu...don't go too far."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue held onto Ze Yu's arm tightly with her hand, not letting Ze Yu's hand lie in it, and kept it fixed in the armpit.

"Your Majesty's armpits... are quite smooth, but I don't know if there is any smell..."

Ze Yu chuckled, and took out his hand, but the smell of Aunt Yinyue's armpit was on his fingers.

Seeing Ze Yu's perverted behavior, he actually wanted to smell his armpits... Although his armpits are definitely not smelly, as a strong man in the state of transformation, every part of his body is clean and full of fragrance of.

As a woman, Yinyuegu also has a faint fragrance on her body, the body fragrance of a young woman.

But... this kind of behavior undoubtedly made Yinyuegu feel red in the face, and felt that she was tarnished and humiliated, and that the other party treated her like this!

But the most annoying thing is that he has nothing to do with Ze Yu.

He could only stare blankly at Zeyu put his finger under his nose, and then calmly smelled it: "... there is no sweaty smell, I am a little disappointed, it smells similar to the rest of your body, a faint fragrance, the fragrance of roses smell."

"That's nature. When I was bathing alone, all the rose petals floating in the spring water were full of aura. Naturally, I always carry this fragrance on my could it stink?"

"Besides, if you are as strong as you and me, how can you sweat?" Empress Dowager Yinyue snorted.

And Zeyu used his fingers to push away the ruddy lips of Queen Mother Yinyue. This behavior made Aunt Yinyue feel even more ashamed.

"There is a way to make you sweat, and sweat a lot. Do you want to try it? After sweating, take a bath, and you will relax a lot physically and mentally."

"I don't need it."

Aunt Yinyue didn't know what kind of sweating Ze Yu was talking about.

It must have been sweaty.

"You said you don't need it, so you don't need it? Do you think it's up to you?"

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