Ze Yu chuckled, then put Yin Yuegu down, let her sit back on his dragon chair, and put his hands on her shoulders.

Because of the slave mark, Aunt Yinyue couldn't move and could only let Ze Yu's hand hold her.

"Your Majesty, you can go up to court with peace of mind, that's all."


What else could Yinyuegu do, she could only forcefully restrain herself from making a sound, and then listened to the minister below.

A pair of big hands kept pressing on his shoulders. Most importantly, he was not very honest. He went down a little bit, lighter, and heavier, with a special technique...

And the most important thing is that the sensitivity has been greatly improved, so just pressing the shoulders makes her feel very... very comfortable...

An unprecedented feeling.

Under such emotional stimulation, it is really hard not to make a sound...


"Your Majesty, the lord of Hopeless City has been exploiting and tyrannizing the people in the city, and has been blocking news. It has been checked today. Do you want to replace it?"

Hearing this, Aunt Yinyue frowned deeply.

Because she had just experienced the scene of family ruin and death in the illusion... She could hardly bear such "chaos".

"Disposal, this still needs...needs..."

Aunt Yinyue firmly grasped the armrest of the dragon chair, and then turned her head to stare at Ze Yu. This person intensified his strength for a moment just now, the very big one, and it's not the painful one, it's a stimulating feeling It spread from her shoulders to the Tianling Gai, making her brain blank in an instant.

"What do you need? Ma'am?"

The ministers below felt strange, why did the empress half-talk?

"Is there still a need to ask?"

The majestic voice of the Empress Dowager Yinyue came out of the curtain, causing the minister to bow his head: "Understood! This minister naturally understands!"

But the frightened minister didn't know.

The empress dowager he was afraid of, behind the curtain, did not have the slightest majesty of the matriarch.

She was actually wearing a tight-fitting lavender short skirt, her thighs were completely exposed, and she was tightly wrapped in flesh-colored stockings. Her fleshy feet were tight at the moment, her arches were arched, and sweat dripped from her round and plump thighs Left behind... the meat stockings outline a graceful curve, and the thighs are together... a look of discomfort.

She clenched the handle of the dragon chair tightly, her expression was very strange, she bit her lip, what she just said was transmitted through sound transmission, she could no longer speak a complete sentence.


As Ze Yu's strength became stronger, the numbness of the whole body was conveyed from the shoulders, causing Yin Yuegu to collapse directly on the dragon chair.

【What is this, what is this, what is this... oops...】

"Niang Niang, what Wei Chen said just now, please give me instructions..."

【What is he talking about... Is anyone talking?Oops... Oops... Oops...]

[I can't help it... I thought about it...]

Aunt Yinyue's pupils were turned up, her rosy lips were slightly parted, her tongue couldn't help sticking out, her expression was a bit disfigured, the hand on her shoulder had just poked hard at the stiff shoulder muscles with her fingers, and she felt that her whole body was shaking. I have no energy...

It's too easy...

[White teeth... White teeth, what is this...]


But at this moment, there were countless discussions in the court hall.



【Damn it】

351 Madam, what did I do wrong? !

"Ah... ah..."

The Empress Dowager Yinyue was panting heavily, and finally recovered, and then tried to calm down.

[Leave this scumbag alone. If I can't answer what he said just now, they will see the clues. More than 1 people know that I was treated like this by a man behind the curtain... I will Absolutely can't maintain the majesty as the empress dowager]

【This kind of thing is absolutely impossible...】

【Just now he mentioned instructions...】

Empress Dowager Yinyue, who had experienced countless things, quickly realized:

"Instructions? Why don't you talk about it first, what can you do?"

Hearing this, the minister below suddenly showed embarrassment, knowing that the Empress Dowager was testing himself, but he just played when he couldn't make up his mind...

But he could only bite the bullet and speak

"Weichen feels that although this matter is complicated, it can be solved. Let's make things simple first, and then deal with them one by one. Some of the cases are quite complicated, and there are too many things to say...Weichen dare not I won't go into details to waste your empress's time, I will give you the specific documents later, and ask your empress to make a decision."

After a lot of nonsense, the minister still pushed the matter to the Empress Dowager Yinyue.

Normally, Aunt Yinyue would definitely reprimand him, but now... she agrees, just give him a document, and she can deal with it later.

Now, there's really no way right now...

She was unable to speak due to Ze Yu's method, and her speech was intermittent, coupled with physical discomfort.

It can only be transmitted to these ministers through sound transmission.

"Sound transmission is not allowed, speak with your mouth."

Ze Yu suddenly gave the order jokingly.

Yinyuegu's pupils constricted immediately: "Your Excellency Zeyu, don't go too far, okay? Gudu allows you to treat him like this... At least let Gu spend this morning normally!"

Ze Yu was about to slap Yin Yue Gu on the face.

Yin Yuegu dodged subconsciously, but suddenly found that she couldn't move, and could only watch Ze Yu's hand fall...

But Ze Yu's hand stopped in mid-air:

"Your Majesty, you don't want your courtiers to find out that you are a shameless woman, do you?"

"Where am I shameless?!"

"Huh?" Ze Yu lowered his hand a little.

Aunt Yinyue, who was afraid that the people outside would know about her slap, her pupils trembled suddenly: "You don't want it, you can't, you can't...you can't slap Gu...you will be known!"

"So? What does it have to do with me? I'm running out of patience. I don't want to lose my innocence on the dragon chair, so I just figured out what you should do."

Ze Yu's voice was calm: "And this slap is a hundred times more sensitive, the pain will not be amplified, but the stimulation at that moment will be amplified, in your brain..."

"When the time comes, there will be applause from behind the curtain, and they will hear their mother's screams and gasps again. What do you think will happen?"

"...I'm really looking forward to it, hehe..." Ze Yu smiled softly.

Yinyuegu's whole body was trembling, she was really scared... because this kind of thing... really cannot be known.

She really has never experienced this kind of thing.

The fact that I became a slave and was wantonly humiliated by a man was known to more than 1 ministers of my own... and it will spread all over the capital immediately.

In the end, the entire Dongxuan Dynasty will know that their empress dowager is a shameless bitch who likes to be abused!Still in the court, doing such a presumptuous thing!

Shameless, shameless, bitch, these bad reputations will always be carried on her!

People in the streets and alleys are discussing, "Let me tell you, do you know our empress dowager? She is actually a bitch who likes to be beaten!"

[No...don't...don't do that kind of thing!Can't! ! ! 】

Yin Yuegu's lips trembled, her thighs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings trembled: "Don't do such a thing, okay?"

Ze Yu didn't speak, but his slap was still in the air.

But he did not persecute him, but the voice from outside came in.

"Your Majesty, I have something to play."

Aunt Yinyue wanted to answer, but Ze Yu pinched her chin with his other hand, and then put his thumb on the side of her mouth, and put it in her mouth. If she spoke, she could only utter The sound of swallowing.


will also be exposed.

[I'm going to be found out, I'm going to be found out, if I don't answer...! ! 】

"Your Majesty?" The voice from outside sounded again.

【No, I really can't delay any longer... But I can't, I can't listen to this man...】

【I'll be sorry for Amu! ! ! ! ! 】

"We, let's talk about this matter after the morning court is over, okay? Okay? At that time, Gu will meet more of your conditions..."

Ze Yu smiled and said nothing.

"Mother... Your Majesty?"

The voices from outside continued to sound.

The frequency of spiritual power sound transmission between the courts is constantly increasing.

[There is no way, there is no way, I can't lose my reputation, there is no way! 】

"What do you want, you say, you say... Gu promises you..."

Yin Yuegu's eyes showed urgency.

I was so impatient that I was about to collapse!

And Ze Yu calmly transmitted the voice: "I have three new wives in Dongxuan Realm... But, I lack slaves, I want to raise an obedient dog, no matter how bad the dog's temper is. How explosive, what kind of treasure is it, I want it to be obedient, if the master tells it to sit, it can't stand, if the master points east, it can't go west...do you understand?"


Aunt Yinyue was shocked all of a sudden, she couldn't believe that Ze Yu said such bold words so directly?

Make her feel overwhelmed all of a sudden.

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