"Your Majesty? Did Wei Chen do something wrong? Why have you been silent all this time, Your Majesty?"

The people outside seemed a little impatient.

This also made Aunt Yinyue even more anxious.

"You, let Gu think about it and give Gu some time, okay? Wait until this morning is over, okay?"

Yinyuegu's pupils kept trembling.

But Ze Yu's hand had no intention of letting go.

"Your Majesty... Where did Wei Chen do something wrong?!"

At this moment, the minister outside had already knelt on the ground.

The others also frowned, and couldn't help but say: "Your Majesty, City Lord Lin has always fulfilled his duty. Why are you doing this? If City Lord Lin did something wrong, please ask your mother to give evidence. I will definitely have nothing to say, but now So... what do you mean?"

At this moment, Aunt Yinyue really couldn't bear it any longer. She hurriedly grabbed Ze Yu's arm: "Gu agrees! Gu promises you! Let Gu finish this morning court properly!"

"Promise what?" Ze Yu held a collar in his hand.

Aunt Yinyue's pupils trembled again, but the voices outside were like forcing the palace, she was about to rebel!

She took the collar with trembling hands, and put it on... At this moment, she knew that she was no longer the empress dowager Yinyue.

"From now on... I am the owner's... dog..."

Ze Yu held the chain in his hand: "Then, get down."

Aunt Yinyue's body trembled for a while, but she had to... get down, she felt that everything about her was dominated by this man, obviously she could bear that feeling, but why, why did she still become like this...

It's as simple as that...and you become...

Yinyuegu squatted her delicate phoenix body on the ground like a puppy, her eyes were already full of numbness.

Ze Yu looked down at her condescendingly: "Come on, Wang."

Tears flowed from Yinyuegu's red eyes, she stuck out her tongue with difficulty, her expression was complicated and tangled but helpless, her voice was low:




352 I just want to give you a massage, my mother, to relax

"Okay, the dog is good."

With a smile on his face, Ze Yu stretched out his hand, stroked Aunt Yinyue's head, and stroked her smooth hair.

It's like the owner is stroking the dog's head.

No, it should be removed.

"... Gu Neng, have you answered their questions? If you don't answer, there will be chaos."

Aunt Yinyue resisted the feeling of humiliation, and then said.

"Speak to the master, what should I say?"

[Hold it...Hold it, hold it through now, it's already like this, it doesn't matter if you compromise a little more. 】

Gritting her teeth tightly, Aunt Yinyue said in a low voice, "Master, can you give the dog some time? Just for a while..."

"Okay, good dog."

Wearing a collar and being said to be a dog, Aunt Yinyue endured endless humiliation.

But now I can only endure it.



Although in front of Ze Yu, Yin Yuegu was already a domesticated puppy.

But after all, Aunt Yinyue has thousands of years of experience in dealing with court affairs, so she handled the dissatisfaction of these ministers in a few moments.


Aunt Yinyue was powerless to say this sentence.

Afterwards, the people in the court hall turned into streamers and flew away one after another. At this moment, only Yin Yuegu and Ze Yu were left.

"You are too much!"

At this moment, there was no one around, Yin Yuegu finally dared to yell at Ze Yu, she stared at Ze Yu with murderous eyes.

Then he reached out to destroy the collar around his neck.

"Are you going to be a bad dog? Mistress?" Ze Yu sat directly on the dragon chair, looked up and smiled at the enraged Yin Yuegu in front of him.

"Who's your dog?"

Aunt Yinyue wasn't going to just be Ze Yu's dog, such a thing...how could she do it?

She is the imposing Empress Dowager Yinyue!

"Either apologize now, or... just wait for the blood to spill on the dragon chair." Ze Yu crossed his hands and looked at Aunt Yinyue with a smile.

And Aunt Yinyue snorted coldly: "You have the imprint of a slave, it's not that Gu can't resist, if you want to kill Gu... the Empress is still far away from here, and if Gu is in a hurry, Gu will blew himself up and will take you to hell with her."

"I didn't say I was going to kill you." Ze Yu smiled.

Yinyuegu also immediately knew that she had misunderstood the meaning, and her face turned red all of a sudden: "Shameless!"

"By the way, my place is a bit nice, do you want to take a look?"

A Floating Shadow Bead appeared in Ze Yu's hand, and the picture was projected from the Floating Shadow Bead.

That was what Aunt Yinyue did behind the curtain just now.

Wearing a short cyan skirt, her thighs were wrapped in silk stockings, she knelt on the ground, and obediently put on her collar, as a man sat on the dragon chair, which symbolized supremacy.

And the empress dowager, who was supposed to be sitting on the dragon chair, whispered shamelessly: "From now on... I am the master's... dog..."




Seeing this video, Aunt Yinyue's pupils trembled suddenly, and her heart was already infinitely flustered, but she still forcibly maintained her composure on the surface.

[This scum, actually recorded it? ! 】

【If this Floating Shadow Orb is copied in large numbers and then spread to the capital, the people... Then I will lose my dignity in the court from now on, and the whole dynasty will also be shattered】

Unlike Yuan Gupan and Nangong Ruonan, although one of them is the leader of the Demon Cult and the other is the leader of the Righteous Way, they don't care about things. A large number of Demon Cultists and disciples of the Righteous Way have never seen what they are like.

It's equivalent to being a hands-off shopkeeper. It's just a name, and it's only when it's critical.

But Yinyuegu is different from them. Yinyuegu's Dongxuan Dynasty was established by her for the sake of peace and prosperity.

And in order not to let those tyrannical and corrupt people ruin this peaceful and prosperous world, she has been handling the affairs of the entire dynasty by herself, that is, the affairs of the entire Dongxuan world!

Everyone knows the name of Empress Dowager Yinyue.

We all know that it was the peace brought by the Queen Mother Yinyue.

If... this video is circulated, then the majesty that Aunt Yinyue spent thousands of years building will be destroyed, and rumors and rumors will shatter the belief of the dynasty, and it will definitely cause chaos again.

That was the last thing Aunt Yinyue wanted to see...

Now that Ze Yu has this video, it is equivalent to firmly grasping the handle of Aunt Yinyue, so that she can only be humiliated... and can only be a well-behaved puppy of her own~


"I'm sorry... Master, just now it was Gu... no, just now the puppy had a bad attitude, so please master not to spread this video, okay? I will do anything."

Aunt Yinyue could only kneel down, extremely humble, but she had no choice, her lifeline was controlled by Ze Yu.

She can only choose to kneel down at this moment...to please him and satisfy him.

"You can do anything? Then...come into my arms first." Ze Yu said with a smile.

"it is good…"

"Is that how dogs talk?"

Aunt Yinyue's pupils trembled for a while, then she lowered her head: "Wow, woof..."

"now it's right."

The warm thigh wrapped in flesh-colored stockings sat down on Zeyu's thigh, but Yinyuegu's face was full of reluctance.

[The next step is to take away her innocence in reality, right? 】

【I'm sorry, I'm sorry Amu... I, I failed to keep your innocence for you, and I will be... stained by this person...】

Aunt Yinyue was about to cry, but then, she let out a whimper in a crying voice.


A sensitive feeling came from her waist, her fingers pressed her waist, causing Yin Yuegu's whole body to tremble suddenly, and then she felt... mentally relaxed a lot.

【What is he doing to me?Does he like... my waist besides my armpits, my legs, my feet, and my breasts?True eccentricity...but I can't resist...]

Immediately afterwards, Ze Yu continued to hold Yinyuegu's waist, from one finger to both hands kneading Yinyuegu's waist.

Every time she kneaded, Aunt Yinyue felt a tingling sensation going straight to the top of the sky, and she couldn't restrain her voice from coming out.

And... the most important thing is that I feel that my soul, that is, my sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, has also felt a sense of relaxation.

The pressure of being helpless was released little by little under the massage.


Yin Yuegu snorted again, and finally couldn't help but look at Ze Yu:

"Hurry up if you want to do anything to me! Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, has been pressing my waist, obviously already has feelings for me... cowardly scum!"

"Is that how you talk to your master?"

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