"It's just... just delicious~?" Nangong Ruonan's expression was a bit charming. He slightly licked his rosy lips with his soft tongue, and held his fair cheeks with his hands. On his body... he was only wearing black lace. Side underwear and an apron~

The beautiful legs under the table are even wrapped in black stockings.

She only wears it like this when she gets along with Ze Yu, and only shows it to Ze Yu~ It has become a habit~

"I'm not lying, it's not particularly delicious, I can only say it's pretty delicious."

Ze Yu's evaluation was very pertinent, but Nangong Ruonan's expression changed slightly, becoming more charming.

And Ze Yu couldn't help frowning slightly, his breathing was a little messy.

"Mom, eat well when you eat, and steal it by yourself...it's wrong!"

Nangong Zi Nai raised her calf wrapped in lavender silk stockings, and then kicked the beautiful black silk feet that Nangong Ruonan put on Ze Yu under the table.

Nangong Ruonan glanced at her daughter resentfully: "I'm about to steal it... just a little bit..."

"Besides, since I ate it secretly, I have to satisfy my husband."

Nangong Zi Nai narrowed her eyes and glanced at her mother. The battle under the table was fierce, and her two pairs of beautiful legs were intertwined: "Mom, my husband, I will satisfy myself!"

Because Nangong Zi Nai was sitting next to Ze Yu, she directly held the chopsticks in one hand and the chopstick holder in the other, and then gave Nangong Ruonan a vicious look:

"Even if you are my mother, you can't grab a man from me, and I won't let you eat it!"

Nangong Zi Nai holds the power to give the chopstick holder, Nangong Ruonan can't get the chopsticks, so she can only eat with her hands, this makes her a dignified empress, how can she lose face!

Besides, she cooks all the meals on this table!

What do you mean by not letting her eat?

"Zinao, listen to mom and return dad to mom."

"This is my husband, I can call him daddy, but I can't say it out of your mouth!"

Both Nangong Zinai and Nangong Ruonan stared at each other unkindly, both wanting to steal food, the small black silk feet under the table and the beautiful feet in purple stockings stretched out and fought with each other~


At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Aunt Yinyue stood at the door with a flushed face. From her angle, she could see everything under the table clearly. The majestic Fuyao Empress, Saint Daughter Roland, are still a pair of mother and daughter!Now for a man, I have to use my beautiful feet to seduce him... and still dress so revealingly, so shamelessly!

What Fuyao empress, a bitch!

Nangong Ruonan frowned slightly when she saw Yinyuegu coming, sharing the food with her daughter was acceptable...she would not like another outsider.

But then she saw the collar on Aunt Yinyue's neck, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

And Aunt Yinyue's face was ashamed and angry, and she pulled the collar around her neck with her hands:

"Scum, you undo Gu's collar!!"

Ze Yu moved his lips away from Nangong Zi Nai's lips, let go of Nangong Zi Nao whose eyes had become blurred, and then looked at Yin Yuegu:

"You won't untie it yourself?"

"Don't play dumb for Gu! This collar can't be destroyed by an explosion of Gu's full strength... What material did you use to make this broken collar?!"

Aunt Yinyue was about to explode with anger. One moment she was thinking that she couldn't be depraved, but the next moment she realized that there was no way to untie this broken collar! !

Do you want to wear this collar to meet people?how is this possible?

Impatient, she slipped out of the palace directly, trembling with fear along the way, for fear of being found out!

The empress dowager is wearing a dog collar, if someone sees this... how can she be human?

"Have you forgotten your identity, Queen Mother Yinyue?"

Ze Yu didn't speak, but Empress Fuyao spoke first.

Then it turned out that a small bowl for dogs to eat was thrown on the ground, and then a piece of meat was picked up from the dining table and thrown into the bowl:

"Dogs can't stand with their owners, don't you know? Dogs just want to lie on the ground and lick the rice in the basin, understand?"

Nangong Ruonan looked at Aunt Yinyue with a low laugh: "As the hostess, I will reward this dog with some meat, kneel down gratefully, then lick it up and eat it with my tongue."

Yin Yuegu's whole body was trembling, trembling with anger, she directly destroyed the bowl, then glared at Nangong Ruonan:

"Your Excellency, the Empress... You have to have a limit when you play tricks."

"I'm just kidding you, what can you do with me?" Nangong Ruonan raised a pair of sexy black silk legs, and her graceful jade feet hooked together.

Yinyuegu couldn't speak, because she really had nothing to do with the Empress.

He might even be easily killed by the empress.

"Say, what can you do to me?"

Yin Yuegu gritted her teeth: "You are a self-deprecating bitch who bows down to a man."

"What does it matter to you? I am humble to my husband, and I am willing to degenerate. What does it have to do with you? Aren't you also marked as a slave and wearing a collar that only dogs would wear!"

Nangong Ruonan snorted coldly: "I'm a bitch, what are you? An X dog?"

Hearing such humiliating words, Aunt Yinyue couldn't bear it any longer, and made a direct move. Her patience has a limit!

And Nangong Ruonan was also unceremonious, and directly boosted Yinyuegu's spiritual power, and Yinyuegu didn't even destroy the house: "You still dare to attack me? Who gave you the courage?"

"Did you really think that you were the empress dowager who was above everyone in the Dongxuan Dynasty, so you really were above everyone?"

"It's just a wild dog raised by my husband!"

Nangong Ruonan stepped on Yin Yuegu with her beautiful black silk feet.

Yinyuegu's body was suppressed by Nangong Ruonan's spiritual power, she couldn't move at all, her eyes were red and her teeth were clenched.

"Ruo Nan, that's enough, when can you dispose of my things without authorization?"

"I'm sorry... Husband, Ruo Nan didn't do it on purpose... It's just that she couldn't recognize her position, Ruo Nan helped her recognize it..."

Nangong Ruonan suddenly lost the dominance just now, and whispered submissively.

"Who is your thing? Gu is not your thing!"

"Husband, did you hear that? She doesn't admit it herself, and she's still talking hard. If that's the case, then there's no need to show mercy to her, right?"

Yinyuegu tilted her head, her strong self-esteem made her unable to plead with Zeyu.

"Let her go, Ruonan, don't make me repeat it, or you'll wear a collar and eat on the ground for a month."

Nangong Ruonan thought about that kind of humiliation... She likes Ze Yu, but this kind of thing is too humiliating, although it can be tolerated, but if she can't be treated like this, she still doesn't want to be treated like this.


Nangong Ruonan had no choice but to let Aunt Yinyue go.

Aunt Yinyue knew that Ze Yu was not planning to untie this circle for her, but the other party also helped her out...but so what?

"Don't think... I will thank you!"

Aunt Yinyue gave Ze Yu and Nangong Ruonan a fierce look, and then left angrily.



355 The Little Fox Lady Chases Her Husband Across the Sea~

Back in the palace, Yin Yuegu's mind became more and more chaotic.

His mind is full of humiliation, being trampled under by the Empress.

But what Ze Yu did... made her feel that she couldn't hate it unexpectedly.

Although he put this collar on himself, he also carved the mark of a slave on himself.

But my spirit is relaxed, and I helped her out just now...


"Gu unexpectedly had such an irritable day."

Although she was very reluctant to admit it, Yin Yuegu knew very well in her heart that her heart was messed up because of Ze Yu.

For thousands of years, her heart was like an ancient well, never a little turbulent, and her emotions never fluctuated like this.

All these changes were only felt after Ze Yu appeared.

"You can't think too much. If you think too much, you will fall into a trap. Handling the paperwork is the most important thing..."


"How could you not think about it!"

Looking at the documents on the desktop that were processed in an instant, Aunt Yinyue was amazed at her processing efficiency today, while continuing to worry.

Because her mental stress was relieved, the speed at which she processed these paperwork was simply ridiculous.

Useless energy.

"How about... I will continue to let Zeyu massage me. If the efficiency of handling paperwork is really just a matter of patience, it will be worth it."

Aunt Yinyue murmured in a low voice.

But what she was thinking in her heart was not for efficiency at all, it was just a transaction...

what she was thinking was...

[In this way, we can have an intersection with him again, right?In order to better handle the paperwork, this name is very good, so that I don’t have to pull myself down to do anything...]

【Just enjoy that kind of massage...】

【Really... so comfortable...】

[After experiencing it once, there is no way to go back. I want one to be massaged... That kind of feeling that stimulates the top of the sky and relaxes the mind and the sea...]

Just recalling... Ze Yu's big hand was wandering around her body... Her legs could not help but move a little closer, and the flesh-colored stockings rubbed against each other, making a slight rustling sound.

"Damn... I'm still caught in a trap..."

"However, but the trap is the trap... I can't help it... This kind of thing... Besides, the innocence is still there anyway. This, this is not sorry for Amu, yes, it is not sorry for Amu."

Yinyuegu started deceiving herself and others.

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