I took the initiative to persuade myself to betray the childhood sweetheart I liked in the past...



At the same time, Dongxuan Realm, on the coast.

Newly married for half a month, Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Xiaoyu ran to the beach to enjoy the sea breeze in the evening.

They were originally called Ze Yu, but who knew that the empress dowager would also come over to snatch a man from them... They must not dare to snatch her.

"Miss, we have many rivals in love."


Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Xiaoyu both had resentful expressions.

"Miss, you said that the master will come to the beach to accompany us later, right? You won't indulge in the tender body of the empress dowager and forget about us?"

"No, my husband never lied to me about this kind of thing, except that every time he lied to me, he would be lighter, but every time I was made to roll my eyes..."

Bai Xiaoxiao said softly, her face was slightly red.

Bai Xiaoyu was about to say something more... But at this moment, they suddenly saw a small boat in the distance, speeding towards here.

There was a big furry fox tail wagging on the boat.

"Phew... it's finally here! It's too easy to mess with!"

The small wooden boat docked, and a cute little fox girl jumped out of the small boat, her bare feet stepped on the waves, soaked in water, and walked to the shore step by step wetly, whispering in her mouth.

You know, this trip was really not easy for her, she managed to escape from her brother's surveillance, and then secretly asked Lord Demon Master about the location of Senior Yu, and finally arrived at Dongxuan Realm after rowing a small boat for several weeks.

The fox is exhausted~!

"Miss... that is, vixen!"

Bai Xiaoyu couldn't help exclaiming, because it was indeed the first time she saw an orc.

The little fox girl with good ears put her hands on her hips when she heard this: "Who is a vixen? Who are you calling a vixen?"

"(deep breath)... Who are you calling a vixen?!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to, I just think it's a bit rare..."

Now Jiang Mengmeng was even more angry, puffed up her cheeks, and raised her fox tail: "Who is it rare to scold?!"

"No, no, that's not what I meant..." Bai Xiaoyu was immediately embarrassed, a little bit like crying.

"Forget it, I don't care about you... Let me ask you, is this the Dongxuan Realm?" Jiang Mengmeng asked, puffing her cheeks.

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded: "Yes, this is Dongxuan Realm, did you come from another realm?"

Little Fox put her hands on her hips: "I am the one asking you questions! I am a Nascent Soul cultivator! Just answer my questions, you are not qualified to ask questions!"

Jiang Mengmeng remembered that she was a member of the Demon Cult, so she imitated her fellow disciples and spoke fiercely.

Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help smiling, feeling that the little fox lady in front of her was a little cute: "Me too."

"Yuan, Yuanying is consummated...you, you..." The little fox mother immediately stopped for a long time, not daring to be arrogant: "Senior... that, yes, I'm sorry, I just..."

"It's okay, we are not bad people."



Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao's gentle smile, the little fox girl's fear and doubts were much less, and then her fingers intertwined:

"I, I am from the Beixuan Realm... come here to find me... to find my husband! Yes!"

The little fox lady directly acquiesces that Ze Yu is her husband, no matter what, Senior Yu won't know anyway~

"Hey...that's a coincidence."

A little surprise appeared in Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes: "My husband is also from Beixuan Realm."

"Really, that seems to be quite a coincidence."

The little fox lady scratched her itchy scalp and nodded, she obviously wouldn't think that their husbands are the same person without thinking.

And Bai Xiaoxiao didn't think about it that way either, after all... how could it be such a coincidence, her husband, should, shouldn't be so careless... There are women everywhere, right?

"Well... If that's the case, we are destined to each other. We will stay here for one night. You just came to Dongxuan Realm and you don't know your way, right?" Bai Xiaoxiao treats others with kindness.

And the little fox lady also nodded: "I don't know the way, I only have a map..."

Bai Xiaoxiao glanced at the map Jiang Mengmeng spread out: "This...is a map from hundreds of years ago, and many roads have changed."

"If you can wait for us all night, we can take you back to the capital tomorrow~"

"Then, thank you all...hehe..." Jiang Mengmeng's fox tail dangled suddenly, her face turned reddish, a little embarrassed.

But the blush is also because of thinking... Maybe I will find my senior Yu soon~

Senior Yu is so powerful, he has taught both the Demon Lord and the villainous Empress to be submissive... definitely, definitely won't reject her again~

This time, she asked the devil for sexy underwear~

Listen to Lord Demon Lord, step on Senior Yu with her fox tail and her little white silk feet~

"What are you thinking, little fox?"

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Jiang Mengmeng's look of yearning...it felt a little familiar, and she...was a bit like herself.

No, no, no, she has also become... a perverted idiot... She can't be like this... She is a gentle and considerate young lady, a virtuous and kind wife~



[There is another chapter (six more can't do it)]

356 Why, I have to be a wife anyway...

On the other side, inside the palace.

Ze Yu frowned and looked at Aunt Yinyue in front of her: "So what's the matter with you? If not, I want to accompany my two wives as soon as possible."

Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Xiaoyu's disappointed and resentful appearance when they went to the beach alone, Zeyu would of course feel distressed, but Yinyuegu pulled him over with a face full of seriousness.

Aunt Yinyue propped her chin, and looked at Ze Yu with the queen mother's laziness:

"I want you to continue to give Gu a massage, at least once a day... no, twice, at least one hour each time."

Ze Yu was stunned for a moment: "Why, aren't you very resistant to my touching your body? Now you ask me to touch it yourself?"

Yinyuegu repeatedly emphasized: "Massage, it's massage...it's not about letting you touch the lonely body with dirty thoughts."

"I have to admit that your massage is very helpful for me to relax my mental stress, and the efficiency of handling paperwork will be greatly improved, so I need you to give me a massage."

"Then why?" Ze Yu sneered, "That's why you asked me to come here?"

"If you agree, Gu can share the world with you, and tell the world that you are Gu's husband... You will become an existence standing side by side with Gu, and you can call yourself Zhen!"

Aunt Yinyue's voice carried her usual majesty, and then said in a low voice: "Of course, just like the relationship between you and Bai Xiaoxiao, we are naturally a fake marriage. You live your life, and I live mine. We are husband and wife, and privately we respect each other..."

"You only need to massage me for a while every day, and you can get the Dongxuan Dynasty, this business, isn't it bad?"

Ze Yu couldn't help but shook his head with a low smile: "Not bad, it's really not bad..."

"It's really a good plan..."

Aunt Yinyue frowned frivolously: "Why, such a condition is not enough for you to give Gu a massage? Then you are really precious..."

"Give an empty name with no real power, and then exchange it for my massage... Do you really think this is an ordinary massage? It can relax the spirit of a perfect cultivator in the realm of transformation, and make a cultivator in the realm of transformation into a blur... Do you think you can enjoy this method with just an empty name?"

Ze Yu sneered: "Are you kidding me?"

The conditions of the Empress Dowager Yinyue were hype, but in fact they were just giving Ze Yu the title of "Supreme Emperor".

Without any real power, there is no way to have a husband and wife affair with the Queen Mother Yinyue. It is a fake marriage.

And he is also consummated, in the eyes of outsiders, this is just a marriage, and there will be no loss to the majesty of the Queen Mother.

Anyway, it will make the Dongxuan Dynasty more consolidated and powerful.

Rounding it up... It is equal to Yinyuegu's massage for free whoring and choosing Yu.

Want to eat fart?

"Empress Dowager, if you want to invite someone to do something, you must at least show sincerity. You have repeatedly regretted it. I have no patience and interest in you."

Ze Yu got up slowly, not wanting to negotiate with Yin Yuegu, a shrewd, arrogant woman with strong self-esteem.


On the dragon chair, he said that he would obediently be his own puppy... but now he just pretends nothing happened.

For the Empress Dowager Yinyue, this maintained her self-esteem, but for Ze Yu...it would gradually make her lose her patience.

"What do you want?" The Empress Dowager Yinyue narrowed her eyes, but because of Ze Yu's massage, she really needed it... Besides, she did like the excitement of getting along with Ze Yu...

But she likes to be the strong side, if Ze Yu begs her, she may agree to let Ze Yu take away his innocence...

But how could Ze Yu want to put her on top of her and let her be a slave, a well-behaved puppy? !

"You can raise your conditions." Aunt Yinyue backed down a step.

And Ze Yu had no patience at all: "Conditions?"

"I think you haven't figured out the situation yet!"

"The Empress Dowager!"

"Kneel down."

At this moment, Aunt Yinyue felt a fever in her lower abdomen, and then her body was out of control. She fell from the dragon chair, and then knelt down on the ground in embarrassment, with a dazed expression on her face...

Before Aunt Yinyue could make an expression of embarrassment, Ze Yu said again in a cold voice:

"Climb over by yourself and climb in front of me."

"It's... master."

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