Aunt Yinyue didn't want to say this at all, but she said it herself. Her eyes trembled, and she crawled forward like a puppy... Every step was extremely difficult, a kind of torture in her heart.

But she couldn't resist the slave mark, she climbed up to Ze Yu step by step.

Ze Yu stretched out his hand: "Put your face up."

Yinyuegu had no choice but to rest her chin on Ze Yu's if...a slave controlled by her master.

Loss of all dignity, human rights.

But she is a majestic... Queen Mother Yinyue!

The master of the entire Dongxuan Dynasty!

But now I can't resist at all, powerless, helpless, helpless...

Inner humiliation, anger, shame...

"You talk about what you are now, and tell your truest thoughts."



Yin Yuegu could only say this word, because she felt the same way from the bottom of her heart.

She wasn't belittling herself, but was talking about what her behavior was like just now.

"But you are human, so you should be a slave... Be my slave, I can reward you with a massage, let you relax your spirit, and even step on the Goddess like a queen..."

"do you understand?"

Ze Yu put his fingers into Aunt Yinyue's lips, making her unable to speak, and could only make a vague sound, and then asked her to nod or shake her head.

This feeling of being unable to speak, and Ze Yu's finger in her mouth made her feel humiliated... very humiliated!

"You have no room for negotiation. I can directly take away your innocence, but I won't do that, and the Dongxuan Dynasty... you know best in your heart that if the empress wants to make a move, your peaceful and prosperous world... will be destroyed in an instant." Destroyed, destroyed once!"

"Then your 1000 years of hard work will all be in vain!"

"And after being destroyed, the only person you can ask for is me. I don't want to see you kneeling in front of me in the end, begging me like you are now..."

After finishing speaking, Ze Yu pinched Aunt Yinyue's cheeks hard. This feeling made Aunt Yinyue feel that her dignity was trampled on the ground...

"You can think about it for one night, tomorrow morning...we will see you again."

The bedroom door was closed.

Aunt Yinyue sat down in the middle of the room, she touched her cheeks that were red from being pinched just now, she bit her lips...

At the moment she is full of helplessness.

As Ze Yu said, she has nothing to do with Ze Yu, but Ze Yu can easily take away everything from her, her body, her ideals.

"But to be a slave? How is that possible?"

Even now that she is at the end of her rope, Yinyuegu still insists on her inner thoughts, asking her to let go of her figure is impossible!

【At least it’s almost as good as a wife...】

The thought flashed through her mind.

People are always like this, when the situation cannot be changed, they will persuade themselves to take the next best thing and accept it.

It's just that Aunt Yinyue seems to have forgotten herself... There is also a dead childhood sweetheart she loved... Forgot the promise to him, and she actually wanted to be someone else's wife...



[It's five o'clock, please ask for a monthly pass ~ the 20th place in the last one ~ please ~]

[There is a bonus for the top 21 ~ [-] is too reconciled, woohoo]

357 Are You His Wife?I am his wife too!Torture the scumbag!

While Aunt Yinyue was in great distress, Ze Yu had already rushed to the shore.

And Ze Yu sent a message to Bai Xiaoxiao in advance.

On the seaside of Dongxuan Boundary, in the small wooden house on the shore that belongs to the Bai family alone, Bai Xiaoxiao, Bai Xiaoyu, and Jiang Mengmeng were chatting and eating.

" husband is here, I have to bring him here, excuse me, Mengmeng."

After Bai Xiaoxiao received the message, she couldn't wait to fly out to meet Ze Yu.

"Husband, you are here."

As soon as she saw Ze Yu, Bai Xiaoxiao embraced him in her embrace. Her warm and tender body made Ze Yu feel better all of a sudden.

"Well, sorry, I'm a little late."

Bai Xiaoxiao was a little hesitant, but still asked: "Is the Queen Mother's place ready? Only two hours have passed..."

"Doesn't my husband have to start at four or five hours on weekdays?"

"I just talked about some things, and I rushed over immediately."

Ze Yu explained.

"That's it...then I won't ask any more questions. Husband, hurry up. I just met a fox girl on the shore. She said that she is also from the Beixuan Realm! You and your husband are fellow villagers."

With a gentle smile, Bai Xiaoxiao grabbed Ze Yu's arm and flew down to the door of the wooden house.

"Mrs. Fox? Come from the Beixuan Realm like me?"

"Oh, my husband, you will know when you go in and have a look."

At this moment, Jiang Mengmeng in the room felt like she was hallucinating: "Why do I feel like I heard Senior Yu...ah no, did I hear my husband's voice?"

And Bai Xiaoyu suddenly felt a little strange: "Is there? But I heard my master's voice."

"Hey, tell me, is there a possibility that the person you are looking for may be our lady's husband?" Bai Xiaoyu suddenly said with a smile.

After all, even the Great General Wu is the master's concubine...

This possibility is not impossible.

But Jiang Mengmeng quickly gave up: "Impossible, my husband has only been here for a few months, how could he marry two wives so quickly?"

"Impossible impossible."

While Jiang Mengmeng was talking, the door of the wooden house was pushed open, and Bai Xiaoxiao affectionately held Ze Yu's arm, her delicate body was almost clinging to Ze Yu's, the soft part was squeezed and deformed.

"Husband... that's that fox lady, let me introduce you, her name is..."

The moment Ze Yu entered the room, he was stunned: "Jiang Mengmeng?"

Jiang Mengmeng was also stunned when she saw Zeyu enter the room: "Senior Yu?"

"Ah?" Bai Xiaoxiao was not at all confused at first, but now she is also confused.

"Why are you here?" Ze Yu couldn't help asking.

The little fox put her hands on her hips, and the fox's tail was raised high: "I just want to ask here! Why is Miss Xiaoxiao's husband Senior Yu you! You foolish radish! Behind the devil master..." Bite Biting her lip, Jiang Mengmeng added guiltily, "You're also cheating on me...why did you find another woman to marry?!"

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyu's expression became a little exciting, what is this?

The original partner caught the mistress?

Last time she was caught by Nangong Zi Nai as a mistress...

This time, it's the lady's turn?

No, who is the original partner and who is the mistress?

To be honest, Bai Xiaoyu is a bit confused, how many women does his master have?

"Husband... what's going on here?"

Bai Xiaoxiao shook Ze Yu's arm.

The scene suddenly became very chaotic.

Jiang Mengmeng looked at Ze Yu with a resentful expression on her face.

And Bai Xiaoxiao also bit her lip, looking at Ze Yu aggrievedly.

Bai Xiaoyu covered his mouth and dared not speak.

Ze Yu did not expect to encounter such an embarrassing thing.

"Xiaoxiao, first of all, I have nothing to do with this little fox girl, I just saved her by chance, and she insisted on repaying her kindness... But her brother is someone I am quite ashamed of, so I can't even Her sister is going to do it too, right?"

Ze Yu explained to Bai Xiaoxiao softly.

And the fox lady with keen hearing naturally heard: "Senior Yu, you are ashamed of my brother? Why? Did you do anything to my brother?"

At this moment, Jiang Mengmeng's heart became extremely complicated.

Recalling that his elder brother was in a bad state...if it was caused by his favorite senior Yu.

Then, should she choose her brother or the person she likes...

"Didn't Jiang Yu tell you? Oh, that's right, I can't tell you about this kind of thing."

"So what's the matter!" Jiang Mengmeng wanted to know.

"Kid...don't ask so many questions."

Jiang Mengmeng immediately puffed up her cheeks, put her hands on her hips, and wagged the fox's tail from side to side:

"I'm not a child anymore, I'm over 100 years old, okay? And I asked the Lord Demon Lord clearly! Senior Yu, you are only under 30 years old, only 27, 28 or 29! Much younger than me OK!"

Zeyu was speechless for a moment. Indeed, in terms of age, he was not as good as anyone present. Bai Xiaoyu, Bai Xiaoxiao, Jiang Mengmeng were all older than him.

Too bad, he has grown up and gave birth to a little brother.

"So tell my sister what the hell is going on!" Jiang Mengmeng really wanted to know.

Ze Yu pondered for a while: "Okay, but you are not allowed to tell your brother, or I will hang you up and smoke your ass for a day."

"One day?!" Jiang Mengmeng screamed all of a sudden, with a look of fear on her face, her calf wrapped in white stockings trembled slightly, and the fox's tail began to shake frizzy...

"I, I definitely won't tell brother, Senior Yu, you said..."

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