The "Guardian" who has appeared...

It's "Emiya Kiritsugu" and "Emiya Shirou"...


He summoned "Emiya Kiritsugu".

Let him dig out the ribs of his "different space-time counterpart".

In Made: Genesis Bullets, come help yourself assassinate your enemies!

Even Jiang Shang, who is an enemy, couldn't bear to look at the "black, deep and cruel" picture...

Morgan frowned suspiciously when he heard Jiang Shang's murmur, and asked softly.

"My husband, you seem to be a little absent-minded..."

"Is something bothering you?"

Morgan came to Jiang Shang's side and asked with concern.


"Can you restore his broken 'four ribs'? "

Jiang Shang stroked his chin, looked at the unconscious Emiya Kiritsugu below, and suddenly asked a question.

If he remembers well...

The "Origin Bullet" held by Emiya Kiritsugu is made from his own four ribs, and there are 66 pieces in total.

So far, "38 rounds" have been used and 37 opponents have been killed!

That is to say...

At least "37" magicians were killed by Emiya Kiritsugu!

Enough to see the terrifying power of the "origin bomb"!


Jiang Shang can't use the "Origin Bullet"...

But it does not represent the "Matou family", no need...


"Hands up..."

With a smile on the corner of Morgan's mouth, he replied confidently.

Morgan had already noticed it back in the imaginary number space.

Emiya Kiritsugu, it's quite dangerous!

His "origin" determines that from the moment he was born, he will become: a magician killer!

cut off...


The weapon made from his ashes is the magician's natural enemy!


This dangerous magic dress has no effect on the magicians of the age of gods.


For ordinary "skilled servants" or modern magicians, it is a real reminder!


After hearing Morgan's answer, Jiang Shang asked again.

"Then, can his "origin" be inherited? "

Jiang Shang asked again, this was what he was most concerned about.


"But it will drain, his life..."

"However, I can guarantee that before this man dies, I will be able to extract considerable material."

Morgan replied with a smile.

Obviously she already knew about Jiang Shang's next plan.

"Is that so..."

Jiang Shang sighed with some regret.

His original plan was to use Emiya Kiritsugu's bones to make a machine gun with "unlimited bullets"!

Even if someday in the future...

When he meets an opponent of the level of "Getia", he can also take it out and disgust the opponent.

It seems that it can be made into "fragmentation grenade" or "assault rifle" bullets!

Or simply make it into a "dagger" for close combat...

Even if it is used as a deadly "poison" and put into the meal...

For a magician, these are deadly weapons!


The regret in Jiang Shang's eyes made even Morgan, the queen of the "Fairy Kingdom", twitch the corners of her lips.

But in order not to disappoint her husband, she could only continue speaking helplessly.

"I can use the least amount of materials to make a weapon that is not inferior to the "Noble Phantasm". "

"In order not to cause waste, a dagger is the best choice."

"As long as you inflict a wound on the enemy, it can cause an effect similar to that of the "Origin Bullet". "

"People from the Matou family can also use it. I will try my best to make it more beautiful."

"I don't know you, what do you think?"

Morgan asked Jiang Shang about his plans in a negotiating tone.


Jiang Shang responded with a sigh.

Emerald green light spots gathered at his fingertips.



Jiang Shang waved in the direction of Emiya Kiritsugu, and the severed hands were connected to the severed arm again.

Prevent this man from dying from excessive blood loss.

"I'll leave the rest to you..."

Jiang Shang said to Morgan, this matter is not honorable, even against humanity.

He doesn't want to be known by others.


Morgan smiled knowingly, and she looked at Jiang Shang with approval and expectation.

She didn't think it was wrong, and even responded with an encouraging attitude.

As an "experienced person", it took her thousands of years to realize a truth.

The savior who is too gentle will usher in the end of disillusionment in betrayals again and again sooner or later.

Rather than this...

It would be better to be a decisive anti-hero from the very beginning and live as you please!


She would rather help her husband, all the way to the dark!

don't want to see...

With regret, he died tragically from the enemy's backstab!


The voice falls...

Morgan activated the "Transfer Magic", teleporting the unconscious Emiya Kiritsugu to the imaginary space!

Jiang Shang watched Emiya Kiritsugu off after disappearing from before him.

He is curious and ready to try new abilities.

Guardians call!

The blood-red summoning array suddenly unfolded from under Jiang Shang's feet!

While Jiang Shang was waiting expectantly, he received a response from the "Guardian" in just a few seconds.

The bright white light gradually condensed into a beautiful woman in a windbreaker in front of Jiang Shang.

With a bit of resignation, he complained, and then said it from the woman's mouth.

"Going to do the dirty work again..."

"'s always been like this anyway..."

"Servant: Natalia Kaminsky, this time she appears in the class of "Assassin". "

"Before this life ends, send me well..."

"Master... Your Excellency...".

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