89. Royal Sister of Succubus Bloodline!Emiya Kiritsugu's adoptive mother!

Natalia Kaminski...

A half-breed with some "demon" blood...

With silver short hair, a handsome face, and a mature figure, she is a one-in-a-kind Yujie.

Does not belong to any force, has always been alone.

no family...

no friend...

But there is an adopted son named "Emiya Kiritsugu"...

In addition to being a "magician", he is also a bounty hunter who hunts for bounty.

And her main target is those who have precious research results.

She is known as the "magician hunter", and her style is quite bad.

With excellent intelligence, he can always grab the research data of the prey before the exclusive executor of the "Magic Association".

Then resell them at high prices on the black market.

Never had the idea of ​​becoming a "partner of justice".

He is the kind of greedy person who can do anything to make money.

But because of spending a lot of money and buying equipment.

No matter how much money is spent, basically it will not last until the next day.

He is a timely hedonist like a "bitter cold bird".

This is the image she gave people in the original plot.

She is a person who exists in the memory of "Emiya Kiritsugu".

The end result...

He was killed by the adopted son, together with the plane, with a rocket launcher!

Why is it so impressive...

Because of...

On the day she died, the broadcast time happened to be: Mother's Day.

So there is a bad stalk of "mother's day mother killing".

at the same time...

She is in the game...

He also exists as a "freelancer" in three-star dress.

Even Jiang Shang didn't expect...

A woman like her would be reborn as a "guardian".



"I am your summoner..."

"You can call me Lord Jiang Shang, or just call me Master."

Jiang Shang showed a gentle smile and said to the short-haired woman in front of him.

"Forget the name, I'll call you Master from now on."

Natalia waved her hand, and she rolled her gray-blue eyes, looking at the situation at the scene.


"I didn't expect so many "Servants" to gather here besides me..."

"Master, don't tell me that the "Holy Grail War" is going on here..."

Natalia's eyes looked at King Arthur, at Morgan, and at Joan of Arc...

And Bagster, and Illya in a coma.

As a "Guardian", she was previously a "Magician Hunter".

Emiya Kiritsugu's abilities were all taught by her personally.


She saw the atmosphere of the scene at a glance, and came to a not-so-good conclusion...

Holy Grail War...


"That's right..."

"The Holy Grail War is indeed going on here..."

"But the servants in front of you are all under my command just like you."

Jiang Shang explained with a light smile.

As the master of "Natalia", he is very aware of her strength...

even though...

With a master as powerful as Jiang Shang, her panel can only be described as mediocre...


Name: Natalia Kaminsky.

Occupation: Assassin

Height: 175

Attribute: Neutral · Evil

Muscle strength: C

Durability: C+

Agility: A+

Magic: C

lucky: E

Noble Phantasm: C

Character introduction: The former magician hunter, at the last moment of his life, the guardian who signed a contract with the restraining force.


class skills...

Breath cover: A+

Vision, heat, sound, magic power, killing intent...

Can completely hide all traces of oneself...

Acting Alone: ​​EX

The ability to act even if the Master is not around.

Can live like ordinary people and can quickly adapt to the current environment.

Weapon Made: A-

Make all kinds of magical weapons, even "origin bullets" if you have the materials.


Noble Phantasm: Mysterious Break

Class: C

Type: Anti-human Noble Phantasm

This is the manifestation of "cutting" and "joining".

It is a dagger made from the ribs of the adopted son, and it has a special attack effect on the "magician".


Natalia's panel can only be described as mediocre.

after all...

She's not some famous hero...

Even with the blessing of "restraining power", being able to do this is already very powerful.


The Matou family...

After hearing Jiang Shang's explanation, Natalia covered her face with a headache.

As a half-breed who is good at observing words and emotions and has "succubus bloodlines".

She saw it right away...

The Master in front of me may have summoned her out of fun or curiosity.

Just when Natalia was about to complain.

She suddenly noticed that there was a gun named "Competitor" at her feet.

"This is..."

Natalia bent down, picked up the "competitor", and skillfully opened the gun.

She smelled the smell of gunpowder, and a silver bullet that made her pupils tremble.

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