These foreign knowledge instantly filled Wei Bo's brain, causing him to cover his face and roll all over the floor with a headache!

until it lasted half a minute...

The pain subsides gradually...


Weber was shocked to find that...

In his mind, there are already some words that he doesn't know very well!

Relying on his superficial knowledge, he barely recognized the four characters on the top!

"Stone Soldiers Eight Arrays"!

Wei Bo's eyes widened in disbelief, he got up from the ground in astonishment, and searched for Jiang Shang's figure.


At this moment, Jiang Shang was no longer on the bridge...

"Eight formations of stone soldiers..."

"This is... this is the formation of the great military master "Zhuge Kongming"..."

"It' detailed..."

"Damn... I don't know these words..."

"I have no choice but to enroll in a study class and learn from scratch!"

Wei Bo covered his head in frustration, as long as he closed his eyes, he would imagine "eight formations of stone soldiers" in his mind.

These golden words will appear in front of him!


It's some kind of "legacy magic"...

It was stored in that jade tablet, a gift from a man named "Jiang Shang"!

"That dangerous man, what is going on in his head..."

"Is it because of the king's entrustment that he will do this..."


Weber's head turned quickly, but within a short while, he analyzed the consequences.


His little face was flushed with anger, and he kept stomping his feet angrily while holding the jade token that had lost its value.

"You dangerous old man, just wait and see!"

"I will definitely learn, "Stone Soldiers Eight Arrays"! "

"At that time, you just wait to be proud of me!"


"Until I defeat you, I will never admit that you are my master!"

"You wait for me!"

The boy's weak voice echoed on the Fuyuki Bridge...


He knelt down sadly on the ground, recalling every detail of his relationship with the king, and secretly swore in his heart!

In his lifetime, he will definitely follow the powerful master "Jiang Shang" and learn magic well!

Someday in the future, I will meet that heroic king somewhere in the world again...

98. Matou Zouken Reappears!Tokiomi Tohsaka's remorse!


The house of the Tohsaka family...

Tohsaka Tokiomi sat in the dark magic workshop with an extremely gloomy expression...

Not even his beloved red wine could relieve his bad mood at the moment!

Just now...

Tohsaka Tokiomi received a letter from the church.

The contents of the letter show...

The Master of the "Riding Servant": Webber Velvet, voluntarily withdrew from the Holy Grail War.

That's right...

That young man came to him before...

I want to discuss the "Alliance" together...


Tosaka Tokiomi had already investigated Weber's family history.


Weber's family of magicians, only three generations...

The grandmother of the first generation was just the lover of a certain magician, and only learned elementary magic while whispering at the pillow.

After my grandmother passed away...

Weber's mother, also the second generation successor.

He inherited magic with the ridiculous awareness of "cherishing the important memories of mother".


The one who really wanted to explore the mysteries of magic began with Weber, the third-generation successor!

Regardless of the number of "magic circuits"...

Or the quality of "Magic Seal"...

They can only be described as "crude" and "garbage".

Although there are "clock tower" students, such an identity.

But it can't cover up the humble nature of "not popular"! 04


If the Tohsaka family, a "renowned family of demons", receives such guests, it will only become a laughing stock in the magic world.

The identities of the two parties differ too much...

For Tohsaka Tokiomi who "upholds an elegant style", this absurd thing that will never be allowed to happen...

after all...

If you want to pay a visit to this kind of "not popular" magician, you should show more sincerity.

for example...

Even though he was rejected many times, he still persevered and showed a sincere heart.

Patriarch Tohsaka was touched, so he opened the door to welcome the guests.

Only when this step is achieved, can they barely meet the status and identities of both parties!

And it fully demonstrates the nobility and elegance engraved in the bone marrow of the "Tohsaka family", a famous family of magic.



The rigid Tohsaka Tokiomi never expected...

Not long after this young man left, he was ambushed by the enemy!

Not only did he lose the "Cavalry Servant", this mighty combat power!


I even left the stage in despair...


"Not in the flow is not in the flow..."

"Such immature magicians, even if they form an alliance, they will hold me back..."

Tohsaka Tokiomi sneered disdainfully.


It's not like he has no chance of winning...

At least for now, he still has Kotomine Kirei, this loyal disciple assisting him.

Even without the alliance of "Cavalry Servant", he still has the trump card of "Assassin" in his hand!

Thinking of this...

Tohsaka Tokiomi's bad mood has improved a lot...

He picked up the sober red wine on the table, and took a sip pretending to be elegant.


His brows quickly furrowed...

Because the red wine in this glass has a rotten smell!

Tohsaka Tokiomi threw the red wine, together with the glass, into the trash can beside him in disgust.


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