The rancid smell permeating the magic workshop is getting stronger and stronger!

at the same time...

From the steps behind him, a tall and thin figure suddenly appeared.

Sensing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Tohsaka Tokiomi picked up the jewel wand placed on the table.

He stood up and faced the swaying figure on the steps, and asked suspiciously.

"Is it "Qi Li"? "

Tohsaka Tokiomi asked warily.

Realizing that the atmosphere was not right, he had put on a defensive posture and was even ready to chant a spell.


A hoarse and weird laughter sounded from the direction of the stairs.

That ear-piercing sound sounded like some kind of insect!

"The younger generation of the Tohsaka family..."

"It's not the first time we've met..."

In the hoarse laughter, there was a certain voice that made Tohsaka Tokiomi feel familiar.

Tohsaka Tokiomi was deep in thought, but he soon realized what...

"You are... Zouken Matou..."

"The former head of the Matou family?"

Tohsaka Tokiomi asked uncertainly, he looked at the slender body that looked crooked and deformed against the candlelight.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like what humans should be like!

"The former Patriarch..."


"Those bastards who occupy the magpie's nest are really shameless..."

In the hoarse voice, there was biting anger and resentment.

Immediately after...

A burst of impatient insects sounded!

That piercing noise made Tohsaka Tokiomi frown gloomyly.

"How did you get in!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi asked vigilantly, several gems had already appeared in his hands.

Intuition tells him...

Something must have happened to the "Matou family" adopted by his daughter, something he doesn't know!

Appearing in his magic workshop, this "former head of the Matou family"...


Now it is no longer human...


"I didn't mean to be your enemy..."

"Although your qualifications are mediocre, your hard work is really gratifying."

The hoarse voice of the old man revealed a bit of kindness.


When "it" came down the stairs and appeared in front of Tohsaka Tokiomi!

But Tosaka Tokiomi's eyes widened in horror!

"What kind of monster are you..."

Tosaka Tokiomi questioned in shock, and raised the gemstone wand in his hand, pointing it in the direction of the monster!

The monster that appeared before him!

It is a monster that is mutating from a "human youth" to a "bug"!

The upper part of his mouth has mutated into mosquito-like mouthparts.

His tall, stooped body exudes a rotten smell.

It also squirmed strangely from time to time, as if some kind of parasite was moving inside this body!




For a moment, Tohsaka Tokiomi felt nauseated instinctively.

"Relax, I mean no harm..."

"A year ago, a group of outsiders broke into my home, and with the power of followers, they destroyed my body!"

"I can only survive to this day by parasitizing the "marked worm" in this corpse. "

"Tokiomi...I 167 is here to help you..."

Against the backdrop of the candlelight, the horrifying humanoid monster showed a horrifying smile.

His pale face that has not yet been completely deformed can be vaguely seen...

The former deceased should be a handsome young man with orange hair in his 20s!

Tohsaka Tokiomi frowned, he suppressed his nausea and asked a new question.

"The "bizarre disappearance case" that has been reported live on TV was done by you? "

Tohsaka Tokiomi asked curiously.

Although he dislikes modern technologies, he does not deny their value.

For example, such things as "TV", he will also watch it with his family.


He knows the news broadcast on TV recently...


"I already look like this. I can only delay the decline by ingesting the lives of ordinary people."

"It's just the death of a few ordinary people, what's the big deal..."

The monster spoke without shame, as if he had just eaten a few slices of bread.


"You should know that magicians can't attack ordinary people."

"As the guardian of "Fuyuki City", I will never sit idly by! "

Tohsaka Tokiomi pointed the gem wand at the monster in front of him.

The magic circle filled with raging fire has been condensed in front of him...


Just when he was about to make a move...

This inhuman monster said in a sullen voice...

"Ha ha..."

"Tokiomi, don't you want to know..."

"Is there a way to make the rebellious "Servant" absolutely obey you? ".

99. Tohsaka Tokiomi's Heartbeat!Unexpected girl!

Let the rebellious followers obediently obey their orders...

When hearing this monster say these words, Tosaka Tokiomi's first reaction was to disagree.

No one knows better than him...

That arrogant king has such a bad character!

He is the kind of "heaven and earth, I am the only one", a tyrant who is completely self-centered and lives!

For a king like him, he doesn't even bother to listen to the advice of his subjects...

Not to mention launching orders directly!


Tohsaka Tokiomi really did that!

I'm afraid he will become that king's sworn enemy right away!

By the time...

Not only Tohsaka Tokiomi as the "Master", but also his family!

He will pay a heavy price for his actions!

No one can bear the wrath of that tyrant!


That's why Tohsaka Tokiomi has always maintained humility.

Modern magicians have absolutely no ability to direct that tyrant to act!


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