Not even the "magician of the age of gods" has this qualification.


thought here.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"How could a monster like you understand!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi scolded angrily.

The "Gilgamesh" he summoned has the ability to "act alone"!

This tyrant has been doing things according to his own preferences since the beginning of the world!


Even the Master "Tokiomi Tohsaka" can't grasp his whereabouts!

I don't know where he went!

What is being done!

Coupled with the previous incident at the "port", the tyrant Long Yan was furious!

The relationship between master and slave has long been declared broken!

In the heart of that tyrant, Tohsaka Tokiomi was just a tool to provide him with magic power!


Tohsaka Tokiomi's incompetent roar made the monster opposite couldn't help laughing.


"Tokiomi, don't blame your incompetence on this Holy Grail War."

"No matter what kind of person is in front of him, even a demigod-level hero."

"As long as you appear in the world as a "servant", you are nothing more than a magician's "familiar"~々. "

"Even if it's that king, you can order him to kneel with the Command Spell. "

Matou Zouken explained with a sneer.


The words he said made Tohsaka Tokiomi sweat profusely on his forehead.

Tohsaka Tokiomi was a little timid.

He didn't even dare to think about such an excessive thing!


If at the beginning, he had the courage.

He will not use the "command spell" to issue orders to force Gilgamesh to withdraw from the battlefield!

A magician with his personality was destined to fail to achieve great things from the very beginning.


The majestic "Famous School of Demon Dao" will not gradually decline in the hands of his generation of patriarchs.

"shut up!"

"You demon, how can I allow you to talk nonsense here!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi roared angrily.

The expression on his face looked very wonderful at this moment.

It is the kind of greed bred under long-term grievances, mixed with a bit of awe.

If summed up, it can be described in one sentence.

He also wanted to command that tyrant through the "commanding spell".

And I'm afraid that the tyrant's anger will implicate the family!

To this...

"Matou Zouken", who had been reduced to a monster, let out a mocking laugh.


"Who do you think set up the command spell system in the Holy Grail War? "

"Back then, your ancestors just provided the venue."

"And the setting of the "Command Spell" was made by me. "

"Only I understand, the real usage..."


"You just have to..."

Matou Zouken, who turned into a monster, showed a horrified smile. He deliberately lowered his voice and whispered something.

Tohsaka Tokiomi showed a shocked look, but he soon came back to his senses and listened intently.

The more he listened, the more incredible he felt!

Decades of magic career told him that this is an absolutely feasible solution!

listen listen...

Tohsaka Tokiomi's pupils shone with excitement, and even a smile appeared on his face.

After explaining everything...

Tosaka Tokiomi looked at the opposite monster, the killing intent had long since disappeared from his eyes.

But there was still no cover up for that disgusted expression.


"What do you want from me?"

Tohsaka Tokiomi put away his smile and returned to his previous serious expression.

he knows...

When this old monster comes to the door, there must be something for him!

Hearing Tohsaka Tokiomi's question, Matou Zouken showed his fox tail.

"I need to prey on more humans before I can get back to what it was before."

"I hope that you, the person in charge of Fuyuki City, can ignore my actions. "

Matou Zouken stated his conditions.

The "worm magic" he has mastered, as long as there is one engraved worm, it will not die.

It can continue to survive as the main body.

But as the price of using the secret technique, his soul will be severely corroded!

That's why...

The reason why the former "partners of justice" will gradually become monsters in hundreds of years!

Hear this request.

Tohsaka Tokiomi frowned, falling into brief thought.

"As long as you don't go too far, I can ignore you temporarily."

"However, there is no guarantee that people from the "Magic Association" will send magicians to attack you. "

Tohsaka Tokiomi expressed his worries.

after all...

In a short period of time, too many ordinary people have disappeared in this Fuyuki City.


A certain magician sensed something was wrong and informed the "Magic Association" about it.

I'm afraid it won't be long before people from the Magic Association will send people to Fuyuki City to investigate!

Not even ruled out...

They directly entrusted them to magicians from other cities, or people from the "Demon Clan".

Come to Fuyuki City and experience the descendants of your own family!


Hearing Tohsaka Tokiomi's kind reminder, Matou Zouken let out a hoarse mocking laugh.

"` ~The magicians of the modern world are nothing but a bunch of heartless fellows."

"Even you, the 'person in charge', turned a blind eye to all of this. "

"How could there be, a nosy magician, report this matter to the "Magic Association". "

"Even if you do this, you can't get any benefits from it."

"Only a fool would do such a thankless thing."

Matou Zouken sneered contemptuously.

The harsh and tricky (De Wang Zhao) sarcasm is full of contempt for modern magicians.

"If that's the case, then I won't say anything more."

"You are not welcome at the Tohsaka family, please leave immediately!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi waved the gem wand, and the "Fire Magic Circle" in front of him burst into dazzling light!

Matou Zouken raised his hand in fear, the flame is a deadly natural enemy for him at this time!

"When I fully recover, I will visit the team again."

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