Matou Zouken left a cold and cruel word, and quickly evacuated the Tohsaka house along the route when he came.


This old monster didn't expect it at all.

As early as noon today, people from the Magic Association received a fax from "Weber".

Not long after the "Magic Association" released the commission.

The Liangyi family from "Guanbuzi City" decisively took on this crusade mission!

And sent the "young juniors" of the family to take a plane early and fly to Fuyuki City!

If nothing else...

That girl should have landed...

100. The two ceremonies are coming!Predestined gentleman?

at this time...

By a fish pond near "Fuyuki Airport"...

Sitting on a folding chair, Jiang Shang, who was waiting for the fish to take the bait, yawned lazily...

A crystal snowflake suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the tip of Jiang Shang's nose.

"Is it snowing..."

Jiang Shang lazily opened his eyes, only to realize that at some point, a large piece of white snow had fallen from the sky.

According to this momentum, I am afraid that the outdoor temperature will drop soon.

Jiang Shang glanced at the empty fresh-keeping box beside him, and sighed with regret.

"Are you going to return empty-handed again..."

"Obviously the nest has been laid, and there are signs of fish activity underwater..."

"This is a well-known fishing ground in the forum..."

"Could it be..."

"Is it because of the "Spirit Foundation"? "

Jiang Shang stroked his chin and murmured thoughtfully.

In his mind, the consolation of Sakura's full damage value, and Joan's snickering appearance have already appeared.

For a year, nearly half of every day was spent on fishing.

The best fishing tackle, the highest fishing ground.

Even spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to take an ocean-going boat and go fishing...

But in the end, the results of fishing are very few...

It even gives people a feeling of "poor students have a lot of stationery"...

 167 "My lord, haven't you gained anything yet?"

"The crisper is empty again!"

"Is fishing really this fun?"

"Why don't we change our hobby."

"Could it be that, my lord, there are other meanings?"

He couldn't remember how many times he had heard similar words in the past year or so...

Thinking of this, Jiang Shang felt a little angry.

He closed his fingers, and a golden thunder light formed from his palm.

"I can't manage that much anymore..."

"It's a big deal for "He Ye" to buy the fish pond here..."

Jiang Shang whispered to himself, just as he was about to use "Palm Thunder" to fry fish.

Suddenly, he felt that someone was secretly observing him!

The golden thunder light in Jiang Shang's hand dissipated instantly.


Sensing this strange breath, he turned and looked behind him.

at this time...

On the street hundreds of meters away...

The black-haired girl in a pink dress was dragging a suitcase, avoiding her eyes.

She was holding a note in her hand, presumably it was where she was going to go next.


Jiang Shang showed a strange expression, looking at the girl who had just secretly observed him, and frowned suspiciously.


"How could she appear here at this special time?"

Jiang Shang murmured suspiciously.

Although the distance was a bit far, he still recognized the girl's identity at a glance!

Two ceremonies!

A girl with the "Magic Eye of Immediate Death"!

It is the heroine who uttered that "classic line"!

"As long as it is alive, it is considered a god! I will kill it for you!"

According to the plot of "This World"...

At this time, the two ceremonies were only 15 years old, and they hadn't even awakened the "Devil's Eye of Immediate Death"!

She should stay in "Guanbuzi City" honestly and learn martial arts from her family.

At this point in time...

How could the lonely girl in front of me appear in "Fuyuki City"?

With such doubts, Jiang Shang frowned.

He calculated quickly, and soon came to a fact that even he found incredible!

The scenes that happened in the past are displayed in front of Jiang Shang in the form of "pictures with sound".


About half a year ago...

The mother of Guanbuzi, who has "future vision", once told the people of the Liangyi family.

The "noble person" of the two ceremonies is in Fuyuki City.

Once the opportunity comes, the two ceremonies and the nobleman will definitely meet in the snow.

Because of that nobleman's help, the Liangyi family will completely eradicate the family's flaws and move towards the best future!

To this...

From half a year ago, the members of the Liangyi family have been waiting for the arrival of "opportunities" all the time!


this afternoon...

"Magic Association" released: Fuyuki crusade mission!

 (aeed) The members of the Liangyi family suddenly had a premonition!

This may be the "opportunity"!


The picture of the past is displayed in front of Jiang Shang...


Jiang Shang looked up in confusion, looking at the falling snowflakes on the gray dome...

The corner of Jiang Shang's mouth twitched...

An absurd idea of ​​"a little bit of bad in good, and a little good in bad" came to his mind.

Could it be...

The so-called nobleman refers to himself...?

Jiang Shang shook his head, he continued to count and observe the nearest future...


He knew the purpose of the "Two Ceremonies" trip...


The Exorcist family has never had any connection with the "Magic Association".

He actually accepted decisively, a crusade mission far away in "Fuyuki City".

And sent the "young junior" who was given high hopes to carry out this task!

On the bright side...

The main task of the two ceremonies is to hunt down the evil magician who caused the "serial disappearance cases"!

But secretly...

The first task of the two ceremonies is to find that "noble man" in the snow!

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