

"No way..."

Jiang Shang clicked his mouth with some headaches and complained questioningly.

He always had a weird feeling that this girl was coming for him!


To be sure, Jiang Shang...

He deliberately pretended not to see the girl, and pretended to be fishing.


Two ceremonies passed by his side, it means that he is not the noble person she was destined for...


2 minute later...

Two ceremonies, dragging their suitcases, came behind Jiang Shang and stopped suddenly...

"Excuse me, are you a local?"

The two men bowed very politely and asked the handsome man in front of them softly.


She had already noticed that the man in front of her...

Because this place is close to the airport, except for the passing tourists who left in a hurry, most of them are adults who want to make money, or even have impure motives.

Compared to them...

The young people who are sitting here, fishing leisurely, look harmless to humans and animals.

If it was him, he should guide her to the correct route and avoid unpleasant incidents.


Jiang Shang responded complicatedly, at this time he was more or less certain.

The "noble man" of the two ceremonies should be him.


The next question about the two ceremonies...

Even Jiang Shang felt a little unbelievable, feeling the magic of fate!

After getting the answer they expected, the two ceremonies turned over the note in their hands and showed it in front of Jiang Shang.

Asked again very politely.

"Excuse me..."

"Do you know the address of the "Matou House"? ".

101. Encounter under the snow!The girl next door has just grown up!

As the "Family of Exorcising Demons", the Liangyi Family does not belong to the family of magic...


From the first ancestors...

They think that: the ability to surpass ordinary people will eventually lead to: the fate of being wiped out by civilization~!


They began to think: how to obtain super powers that can live like ordinary people on the surface!


Ordinary human beings, no matter what their family conditions are, can only do one thing in their lives - to the extreme!

The Liangyi family decided to take a slant...

Trying to create a true almighty in the dangerous way of filling "multiple personalities" in "one shell"!

Through the control of blood vessels...

In the Liangyi family that has continued to this day, there is a high probability that there will be a "dual personality" child among the children.

And such an "excellent bloodline" will become the official successor of the Liangyi family!

In order to better distinguish the "two personalities".

They will follow the law of "yin and yang coordination" intimately.

Take a name that symbolizes: Yang, which is biased towards boys.

Take a name that symbolizes: Yin, which is biased towards girls.

in such an extreme way.

People from the Liangyi family can achieve amazing achievements in many fields through "switching personalities"!


This deformed way is destined to lead to uncontrollable and cruel consequences...

A considerable number of "multiple personalities" will become insane because of the conflict between the primary and secondary personalities!

In the pain that ordinary people can't imagine, he hastily ended his life.

This uncontrollable tragedy has almost become the curse of the Liangyi family!

Even the young juniors in the family, "ori" and "shiki" who were given high hopes, had similar disagreements.

Until half a year ago...

The prophecy from "Mother of Guanbuzi" gave this family new hope!

According to legend...

This mysterious mother of Guanfuzi possesses "absolute future vision"!

That is the ability to transcend the boundaries of mortals and be able to see the real future!

If the advice of "Mother of Guanbuzi" is not heeded, tragedies that will happen in the future will be unavoidable!


The members of the Liangyi family have strong expectations for this "noble man"!

For half a year...

I've been waiting for an opportunity to come...


"Girl, I don't know why you went to the "Matou House"? "

Jiang Shang showed a playful smile, turned around lazily, put his hands on the back of the chair, and asked the girl's intentions.

"Excuse me, no comment..."

The girl bowed politely, with a sorry expression on her face.


The girl was about to drag the suitcase, looking for other passers-by.

Although she is not a "magician", she belongs to the category of supernatural beings.

She came to Fuyuki City to perform a mission.

Absolutely not, tell ordinary people!


Just when the girl was about to leave...

Jiang Shang's lazy voice suddenly sounded from behind the girl.

"I'm afraid it's the arrangement of the Liangyi Family..."

"As an outsider, you are on the border of the "Tohsaka House" to carry out a crusade mission. "

"Isn't this a trick, mocking the incompetence of the "Tohsaka family"? "

"Even the "monsters" in our own realm need to be entrusted to outsiders to deal with them. "

"This is a humiliation that will never be accepted by Patriarch Tohsaka of the "Famous School of Demonic Dao". "


"Your family will bypass the Tohsaka family and choose to contact the "Matou family". "

Jiang Shang said something that even the girl didn't know in a lazy tone.


When I heard the man in front of me mention the name of my "family"!

The girl named "Two Ceremonies", stop immediately!

Before waiting for the girl, she raised a question.

Jiang Shang continued to talk about the truth that shocked the girl.

"Although the "Matou family" has fallen, the property left by the ancestors is still there. "

"Leasing the "spiritual land" to other magicians and collecting rent from it is their main source of wealth. "

"Because of the family business, I also have a little contact with the "Yangyi Family". "

"So in desperation, I can only rely on this relationship to seek help from the Matou family."

"Please, the temporary head of the Matou family, come and arrange a suitable residence for the future "heir" of the family..."


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