"Considering my own heir, she's just a girl under the age of 16..."

0····Ask for flowers·······

"So I can only tell her to go directly to Matou's house after getting off the plane..."

"The string of numbers below you is the cell phone number of that "temporary Patriarch". "

Jiang Shang said lazily.

Maybe it's because I talked too much, and I was a little thirsty for a while.

He took out a can of orange juice from the incubator beside him, tore off the tab, and drank it comfortably.

"who are you!"

The girl looked at Jiang Shang warily, and questioned the official identity of this mysterious man.


Jiang Shang did not answer immediately, but took out a can of red bean soup from the incubator.

"Want to drink?"

Jiang Shang asked the girl enthusiastically.

The girl looked at the cold canned food in Jiang Shang's hand, and shook her head resolutely.

. . . . . .

"I can't eat ice..."

The girl rejected Jiang Shang's kindness, no matter what aspect she considered, she would never accept a gift from a strange man.


Jiang Shang doesn't care about these...

The real fire of Samadhi emerged from his hand, and the can of red bean soup was pasted in a flash!

The originally cold canned food immediately burst out with warm steam.


"It's so cold, it will be more comfortable to drink something hot."

Jiang Shang threw the can into the girl's arms with precision.

The girl instinctively caught the can, felt the temperature conveyed by the can, and showed an expression that really did.

"This is 'magic'..."

"Presumably your identity should be the magician of Fuyuki City..."

"Am i right?"

The girl's voice was cold and questioning.

She thought about the mission of this trip, and the strange man in front of her was probably her "target of crusade"!

after all...

Who would deliberately go fishing in the fish pond near the airport in snowy weather!


However, Jiang Shang took out the old-fashioned button phone from his pocket and threw it in the direction of the girl again.

He lazily got up from the seat, and stretched without hesitation in front of the girl.

Then facing the girl, he showed a gentle smile and sighed helplessly.

"I'm the one you're looking for..."

"By the way..."

"I'm still the "magic teacher" hired by the Matou family with a lot of money..." Begging.

102. Girl's Misunderstanding!The blame man: Liangyi weaving?

After hearing Jiang Shang's answer...

Liang Ri gently placed the can of red bean soup in his hand on the suitcase beside him.


She put the phone in her pocket again, because she will use it next...

The image of the originally withdrawn and cold young lady suddenly showed a sunny smile!

"So this is ah..."

"Then big brother, you should know the purpose of my trip to Fuyuki City..."

Compared with the polite and soft greeting before, the words of "two ceremonies" at this time are a little more provocative!

as if...

The previous image of the eldest lady was all disguised by "her".

The girl's "weird transformation" was all seen by Jiang Shang, and he answered again with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Of course..."

Jiang Shang answered very simply, revealing a sigh of helplessness.


One year ago, "[-]" his time travel began.

The unknown butterfly effect has quietly unfolded.

The range of radiation even spread to "Guanbuzi City"!

Even Guanfuzi's mother's "Absolute Future Vision" has been forcibly interfered!

The emergence of the two ceremonies is not an accidental coincidence.

I am afraid...

One day in the future, a more terrifying strongman will appear. For some purpose, come and visit Jiang Shang.



Jiang Shang's answer...

But it was completely misinterpreted by the "girl" in front of her as another meaning.

From the moment she "switched her personality", Jiang Shang had already noticed it.

"This girl may not be very smart..."

After switching personalities, "Liangyi Weaving" took a deep breath...

She did not expect that the "target of crusade" would appear in front of her so quickly.

"Since you have admitted it, then I have nothing to worry about..."

As the "Second Personality", Ryogiori tilted her cheeks slightly, revealing a bright and gentle smile.

But in her smile, there was a trace of killing intent that was not easy to detect.

The moment the voice fell...

She took out a sharp dagger from the "hidden compartment" of the suitcase!


Without any scruples, Liang Yizhi quickly rushed towards Jiang Shang!

Ten steps!

Five steps!

The girl is getting closer and closer to Jiang Shang's position!

Just when the girl swung the dagger and was about to stab Jiang Shang's heart!


Jiang Shang said calmly.

Liangyizhi, who was holding a dagger, was about to touch Jiang Shang, and his body froze in place!

Her black pupils seemed to have lost their brilliance, and instantly became dull...

Body fixation!

"You idiot, I've said it so directly..."

Jiang Shang sighed, raised his hand and knocked on the little head of "Liangyi Weaving"!


Between the collision of fist and head, the voice of wisdom resounded!

next moment...

The effect of hold spell is lifted...

"Hiss...it hurts!"

There were tears in Liang Yizhi's eyes, and he held his head pitifully, staring at the man in front of him with aggrieved eyes.


She didn't intend to move on.

Because the "horror" that Jiang Shang just showed has already explained everything!

He obviously has the strength to kill with one blow, but he only made a small punishment like knocking on the head.

and also...

The pampering revealed in the man's words...

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