Keeping the original gentle and considerate, the original timid and introverted has become cheerful and lively.

Even with the improvement of strength, she gradually showed a "sick" side.

hard to imagine...

If such a "demon king girl" reaches the school age, what kind of disaster will it bring to the school!

To this...

Jiang Shang could only put his hands together, and at worst, he would be sent to the Clock Tower to study abroad and harm the Magic Association.


Just take it with you all the time to cultivate...

Compared to "Weber" who has no talent.

The talent that the six-year-old Sakura has shown so far can only be described as "monster"!

Under Jiang Shang's carefree training, the current "Matou Sakura" already possesses terrifying abilities!

Once captured by her "Abyss in the Valley", even a top-notch magician cannot escape being swallowed!

And the magician who was sucked into the "imaginary space" will end up like garbage!

The constantly compressed space is forcibly squeezed into a shape that is easy to store!

As an amazing income after "ten times return"!

Even Jiang Shang's "imaginary number space" has become even bigger because of the ten times reward!

Even the stars in the sky have expanded by far more than double!


Jiang Shangcai puts more effort into "Matou Sakura", and encourages her to become an invincible powerhouse!


"The future head of the Matou family..."

"I'm Liang Ri from "Guanbuzi City", it's an honor to meet you..."

"In the future, I will disturb you for the time being."

The two ceremonies looked at the child who was only about six years old, showing surprise in his eyes.

Considering her status as a young girl, she still bowed politely and spoke politely.


As an important training object of the "Tuemon Family", the two rituals' ability to perceive danger should be like ordinary people!

The moment she saw "Matou Sakura", she could already make a judgment!

The dangerous aura emanating from Matou Sakura's body is definitely at the level of a first-class magician!

Even without the class recognition of "Clock Tower", she is still an existence that cannot be ignored!

Only six years old, so scary!

God knows what kind of monster she'll grow into if she's an adult!

The Matou family...

Is it really the "Famous School of Demonic Dao" that has completely declined as the outside world said?



"Let's get along well, Sister Eryi!"

"It's so cold, and you still wear so little, I'll take you to the house to keep warm."

"After all... you are the "important guest" brought home by Master! "

Matou Sakura showed a bright smile, and enthusiastically walked over to hold Ershi's hand.

The cute little hand, which looks like a jade carving, possesses amazing power, and directly pulls the two ceremonies away from Jiang Shang's side forcibly!


With a dull expression, she walked towards the interior of the mansion.

The smile on Jiang Shang's face remained unchanged, but Joan showed a worried expression.

"Miss Sakura's strength is getting more and more terrifying..."

Jeanne complained in shame.

Almost half a year ago, at Sakura's birthday party, Jiang Shang held a "Zhou Zhou" for her.

Among the six existing jade tablets that recorded the "Immortal Art of the Age of Gods", she chose the one that was the most outrageous and the least suitable for girls to practice!

That is the third technique in "Disha 72 Techniques": Danshan!

Carrying Mountains: The ability to bear mountains by oneself is the most powerful technique of moving mountains!

She has only practiced for half a year, but her strength and grip strength have already broken the world record!

But you know, this child is only six years old!

If you continue to practice, is there really no problem for this child's future?

Jeanne can't even imagine it!

What kind of "ultimate creature" will this child evolve into ten years later!

Even if it is a "hand-torn servant", the Matou Sakura at that time must be no problem!

Obviously this child looks so cute...


Compared to Joan of Arc's worries, Jiang Shang didn't care, and instead showed an expression of anticipation.

"I'm really looking forward to it..."

"As long as it is directed in the right direction, this child will definitely become the guardian of the city."

While Jiang Shang was feeling 167, another girl suddenly came to mind in his mind...

"Mother and daughter Tohsaka, how are you doing now?"

Jiang Shang asked curiously.

Ridiculous to say...

At this time, Tohsaka Tokiomi didn't know the fact that his loyal "disciple" had betrayed him.

All the information he possessed was still provided to him by "Kotomine Kirei".

He didn't even know that his wife and daughter had fallen into the hands of the enemy!


Hearing Jiang Shang's inquiry, Joan of Arc was a little embarrassed to speak for a while.

But Bagster, with a calm personality, opened his mouth to tell the details.

"They don't cooperate..."

"I haven't eaten anything since last night."

"Even "Matou Kariya" who went to comfort him was ruthlessly kicked out. "

There was a bit of sullenness in Bagster's tone.

after all...

Now is the time of war...

As captives, the attitude they showed was a bit too ignorant of current affairs!

Hearing Bagster's answer, Jiang Shang looked at Matou Sakura's leaving figure, and asked again.

"Where is Sakura..."

"That's her biological mother after all, what does she think about it?"

Jiang Shang looked at Joan of Arc and Bagster, and asked with some concerns.

The comfortable treatment he gave to the mother and daughter was based on Matou Sakura's consideration.


Joan of Arc and Bagster showed complicated expressions.


It was Joan who decided to speak, and sighed bitterly.

"As for Ms. Sakura's thoughts, you should ask her in person..."

104. A girl's heart!Invite two ceremonies to team up!

Something is wrong!

Looking at the expressions of the two servants, Jiang Shang immediately noticed something wrong...

He didn't say much, and after putting down the fishing tackle in his hand, he went straight to the house.

He wants to talk to Sakura...

at this time...

Ryoichi, who was dragged into the mansion by Sakura, felt the hot wind blowing in front of her.

The chill on my body was relieved...

"The seventh room on the left side of the second floor is a vacant guest room."

"Illya lives next door, it might be a bit noisy..."

"If you don't like it, I can ask "Uncle Kariya" to book a luxury suite at Fuyuki Hotel for you. "

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