Sakura enthusiastically raised her hand, motioned for the two to salute, and went to the second floor by herself.


The two ceremonies showed gentle smiles, not sure if it was her illusion.

She always felt that the girl in front of her seemed to have some hostility towards her.


The two ceremonies didn't care so much.

Because her mission on this trip was to kill the "monsters of Fuyuki City".

And find the destined "noble man".

While Sakura watched him off, Ryoichi dragged his suitcase and went straight to the second floor.

After watching the two ceremonies leave, the smile on Sakura's face slowly disappeared.

Just when we first met...

When she saw this foreign woman leaning on the master and wearing the master's cloak!

There was a sense of crisis in my heart!

She was worried that Master would ruthlessly abandon her again just like her biological parents!

Because I have lost it before, I understand the pain.

So young children know how to cherish more!

She couldn't bear the experience of being thrown out like garbage by important people again!

to this end!

She must not let "Master" down, no matter what she does, she must do her best!

Holding such extreme thoughts, Sakura's body was trembling with fear!


Suddenly, a pair of palms picked her up from the ground.

"not comfortable?"

"Or is it because of the cold weather?"

"I just saw you shivering, let me take your temperature..."

Jiang Shang reached out and touched Xiao Ying's forehead to confirm whether the child had caught a cold or not.

After confirming that his body temperature was normal, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine~々!"

"Master, Sakura has become stronger again!"

"One day, Sakura will grow up to be as strong as Sister Jeanne!"

"Sakura will be able to participate in the battle soon, I will crush all the enemies for you!"

The young girl stared excitedly at the master in front of her.

This is the only one left of her so far, and it is also her most important family member!

She was afraid that even this master would disappear in her world one day!

She must work hard to become stronger!

Make good use of every minute, every second of time!

What the girl said made even Jiang Shang feel a little pitiful.

He is not a cold-blooded and heartless person like "Emiya Kiritsugu".

Nor is he a stereotyped magician like Tohsaka Tokiomi.

From the moment he decided to guide "Sakura Matou", he has already decided to change the future of this child!

"What nonsense..."

"At your current age, you should play carefree."

"Even if the sky falls, we adults will still hold it up."

"You have worked very hard, surpassing your peers too much."

"Even your older sister "Tohsaka Rin" can no longer touch your back..."

Jiang Shang showed a distressed smile, comforting the young girl.


The girl answered indifferently, and even Jiang Shang was horrified by the coldness she revealed!

As soon as she heard the name "Tohsaka Rin", the expression on the girl's face suddenly disappeared.

Even the spoken words lost their warmth!

"Sakura doesn't have a sister..."

"Sakura's current status is that she is a disciple of the master, and is the designated next head of the "Matou family". "

"My name is: Sakura Matou."

The girl's cold-blooded words, coupled with the girl's smile, feel a little weird no matter how you look at it.

Jiang Shang, who is good at observing people's hearts, realized what the problem was after a moment of sluggishness!


This six-year-old girl made a decision without anyone knowing!

She knows the existence of the "Holy Grail War"!

I also know that the current "Tohsaka family" has become the enemy of the "Matou family"!

Being caught in the middle, she made a choice between the two!

He kept his relationship with his parents, became the object of Master's suspicion, and was ruthlessly abandoned in the end!

It is better to abandon this memory, stay firmly with Master, and be a caring and good disciple!


Choose the first one and she will get nothing!

From the day she was adopted, the "Tohsaka family" in her memory had no place for her.

The "Matou House" with Master here is already her final destination!

and so!

She has to make a break!

Stand firm with Master and regard the "Tohsaka family" as an enemy!


This six-year-old girl thought very innocently.

But the decision he made surprised even adults.


"You don't need to be so concerned about the confusion between adults."

"Your mother and sister have been here for a day, have you visited them?"

Jiang Shang pinched Sakura's soft face and asked the depressed girl.


Sakura lowered her head in frustration, answering Master's question.

"` ~ let's go..."

"Let them meet you..."

"Let them feel gratified for your strength and happy life at this time."

Jiang Shang put the girl on the ground again, and motioned for the girl to meet his biological mother and sister whom he hadn't seen for a long time.


Sakura held back her tears and nodded gratefully.

After quickly turning around, he ran towards the room where his sister and mother were imprisoned.

Jiang Shang showed a helpless smile.

The decision made by the girl was somewhat mixed with irrational anger.

A whole year has passed so far.

She still feels deep resentment towards "father"'s original decision.

But she is a child after all, there is no need to be in a dilemma because of adult matters.

Watching Sakura's departure, Jiang Shang noticed something, and suddenly looked in the direction of the stairs on the second floor.

at this time...

Two ceremonies are standing there...

And see everything just now.

"Feel sorry..."

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop..."

The two apologized politely. The reason why she returned the same way was because she had noticed. (Wang Zhao)

The room the girl pointed to was already occupied.

She just wanted to come back and ask if there were any spare rooms for her to live in temporarily.


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