"In this city, a ceremony called "Holy Grail War" is going on. "

"However, the current progress of events is within my expectations."

"Including the monster you are going to hunt down, I also know its specific whereabouts..."

"Tonight...do you want to team up with me?"

Jiang Shang invited with a smile.

As early as a year ago, he and "Morgan" had already noticed this monster lurking in the dark.

Indulging him to live to this day is just a pawn laid in secret.

Let this "Holy Grail War" add a little more fun.

But even Jiang Shang didn't expect...

This insignificant "chess piece" will bring him such a big surprise...


Its value also stops here...

It's time for Matou Zouken to contribute the last remaining value!Team.

105. Sisters' Enmity!Two options for the system!

Team up?

When hearing this word, the two ceremonies smiled helplessly.

"Senior, you are joking..."

"Obviously you are protecting me, why do you say "form a team"? "

"It should be me, I have to thank you, senior."

The two ceremonies answered politely.

The previous "space transfer" is also good.

Plus "Matou Sakura" such a terrifying disciple!

The two ceremonies at this time have already seen the power of "Jiang Shang"!

With her shallow life experience, it is impossible to judge how powerful this mysterious man is!


To maintain the minimum awe is to appear polite.


From the beginning to the end of the two ceremonies, the image of a polite and dignified young lady was maintained.

Even the words spoken are respectful without losing etiquette.

Chatting with such a young lady gives people a sense of comfort.

"It's rare to see such a polite lady like you now."


"Let me ask you, are you interested in being my disciple?"

Jiang Shang opened his mouth seemingly unintentionally, asking the girl standing on the stairs on the second floor.

"You're joking..."

"Although your Excellency is a strong man, I guess your age should not be much older than mine."

The two ceremonies shook their heads with a faint smile, denying Jiang Shang's proposal.

When she leaned on Jiang Shang's body just now, she paid attention to Jiang Shang's fingers.

There is also the breath on his body, as well as the contours of his face.

According to the 167 martial arts knowledge she has learned, the age of the strong man in front of her will not exceed 20 years old at most!

His bones are even still growing!

It's even possible that he's only eighteen this year!

Let a 15-year-old girl go to worship a "" youth as a teacher.

This kind of prank doesn't make any sense at all.


There will be no real idiots...

Just because of the strength displayed by "Jiang Shang", one might mistakenly think that he came from: an old monster in the deep mountains.

No way...

"Webber sneezed..."



"I was seen through by you..."

Jiang Shang sighed regretfully, and he looked at the two rituals with some disappointment.

As a strong person who can connect to the "root" in the not-too-distant future!

If you can accept the "Two Ceremonies" as an apprentice, it will be a steady investment.

"There are vacant rooms on the second floor, you can just pick one."

"By the way, wear some thicker clothes. The heavy snow is coming tonight, so it's perfect for hunting monsters."

Jiang Shang said to the two ceremonies.

"I won't keep you waiting..."

The two rituals nodded slightly politely.

Then he dragged his suitcase along the wide and long corridors, looking for empty rooms that were unoccupied.

After watching the two ceremonies leave, Jiang Shang thought of "Rin Tosaka" again.

As the master of the "(aeed) Fifth Holy Grail War", I don't know what kind of rewards she can provide now?

With this curious thought in mind, Jiang Shang walked towards the room where the mother and daughter were imprisoned.


3 minute later...

With his hands behind his head, Rin Tohsaka, who was pouting and sulking, looked at the ceiling boredly.

Her stomach started to growl...

The girl who hadn't eaten for a whole day was obviously about to be overwhelmed.


"You don't have to learn from me..."

Aoi Tohsaka sat leaning against the window, looked at the courtyard below, and sighed sadly.

She is very afraid now, that group of despicable enemies will use their mother and daughter to threaten Tohsaka Tokiomi...

at the same time...

She was also worried that Kotomine Kirei, that traitorous villain, would harm her lover...

Right at this moment...

In the direction of the door, there was a sudden sound of the door lock turning.

This clear voice immediately caught the attention of Tohsaka mother and daughter.


The door opened from the outside, and Sakura Matou, who was holding a dinner plate, appeared in front of the two of them.


Seeing his sister whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Tohsaka Rin jumped up excitedly.

She dotingly rubbed against her younger sister's soft little face, touched and pinched her sister's soft face, her eyes were scrutinizing.

It's like wanting to see if my sister is being bullied at Jiantong's house!


She came up with frustrating answers...

Not only did my sister not lose weight day by day, but she gained a little weight and her height also increased!


The three meals a day of Matou's house are far richer than those of "Tohsaka's".


"Let's eat..."

Matou Sakura showed the plate in front of her sister.

There are two sandwiches on it. This is food made by "Matou Kariya".

Although in terms of taste, it is far inferior to Bagster's craftsmanship.

But for those who have been hungry for a day and a night, it is also a rare delicacy.


"Are you here to save us?"

Rin Tohsaka followed the crack of the door curiously and looked towards the corridor outside.

This innocent girl's eyes were shining with excitement.

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