But alas...

Sakura Matou shook her head pityingly...

"It's impossible to escape."

"There are a large number of servants gathered here, and there are servants patrolling 24 hours a day."

"The moment you step out of the door, you will be exposed instantly."

"I haven't treated you badly so far, it's all because of my face."

Matou Sakura told the details in a very eloquent manner.

She didn't want her tsundere sister to put herself in danger.

That's why she used this method to dispel her unrealistic thoughts.


"What a nasty guy..."

Tohsaka Sakura clasped her hands in front of her chest angrily, her cute little face pouted angrily.

"My master is already very polite..."

"I'm not the only one who will feel sad if you get hurt..."

"And Uncle Kariya, he hasn't eaten all day and night..."

"Including the kidnapping of you, it was not arranged by my master."

"after all..."

"From the very beginning, my master never thought about shooting innocent people."

"You'd better give up resistance, all this will pass soon..."

Matou Sakura hastily explained.

Because of some things she has experienced, she is far more mature than her current sister in terms of character.

"Hmph! I don't care..."

"That despicable guy, even if he dies..."

The arrogant Tohsaka Rin was going to say something angry...

But the creepy breath that made her rush suddenly swept the entire room!

Tohsaka Rin's body was uncontrollable, and he slumped on the ground, holding his shoulders tremblingly.

She felt her scalp was numb, numb and didn't even have any consciousness!

His head was buzzing, and the words from the outside world turned into weird and frightening sounds!


She couldn't even gather her pupils together, and everything in front of her eyes became extremely blurry!

murderous look...

That's bloody murderous...

Rin Tohsaka raised his terrified face and looked in the direction of his sister.

What made the girl feel unbelievable was that this terrifying murderous aura actually emanated from her younger sister!


"You speak ill of Master..."

Matou Ying coldly reminded that she would not allow her sister in front of her to speak ill of her master!

at the same time...

Sensing the murderous aura from Matou Sakura, Jiang Shang immediately used the escape technique and appeared behind the girl.

He raised his hand, stroked Sakura's hair, and calmed her out of control emotions.

At the same time, he also turned his gaze to Rin Tohsaka, who was sitting slumped on the ground, with a small face full of grievances...

The virtual screen of the system also appeared in front of Jiang Shang at this time.


"The master is detected, triggering a hidden plot."

"After making a choice, you can get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Teach Tohsaka Rin a lesson, and get: five element compound attributes!"

"Option [-]: Comfort Tohsaka Rin, get: Full-time random skills!".

106. The price of being arrogant?Tokiomi's intestines are full of regrets!


"You choose to comfort Tohsaka Rin, and you will get: Full-rank random skills!"

"Full-class random skills have been loaded!"

"Congratulations on getting: Battleground Construction!"


Land acquisition and construction: EX

As a magician, build a position that works to your advantage.

By collecting specific materials,

It can even form a fairyland beyond the "temple"~!


Ethereal Wonderland...

In Jiang Shang's mind, a super-large-scale magic from the Age of Gods soon emerged!

Gather all the etheric elements with a radius of hundreds of kilometers in one place!

Through accumulative accumulation...

Create a mimetic environment comparable to "Age of Gods" in modern times!

And give the animals in the territory the characteristics of "fairy beasts"!

And can control this group of animals to defend against intruding enemies!

In some ways...

It can be regarded as a very "practical" auxiliary skill.


as predicted...

Because the "Fifth Holy Grail War" has not yet started, it is impossible to obtain system rewards through the current girl.

At this time, "Tohsaka Rin" is just an important role.

The rewards she can contribute are quite limited...

But in line with the principle that mosquito legs are also meat.

Jiang Shang still won't let it go, this reward.


"You are Xiao Rin..."

Jiang Shang walked up to Tohsaka Rin, raised his hand and rubbed the girl's little face.

Although the girl's expression seemed a little reluctant.

But looking at her aggressive younger sister, she had no choice but to suffer aggrievedly.

Jiang Shang smiled. The child's arrogant personality is as difficult to train as a kitten.

But the nature is not bad, it is a good seedling worth cultivating.

"Little Rin, you have also seen the amazing transformation of your "sister", right? "

"Do you want to become as strong as your sister?"

Jiang Shang smiled, bewitching the girl in front of him like a devil whispering.

After hearing Jiang Shang's words, the girl's eyes lit up with excitement, and even her cute little face showed a heartfelt smile.


The vengeful young girl suddenly remembered what this man did!


The arrogant character once again takes over.


"I... I don't care about it!"

"When I inherit the "Magic Seal", I will definitely become a better magician than Sakura! "

"Just wait and see!"

Tohsaka Rin dodged back vigilantly, and made a playful grimace at Jiang Shang.

In the girl's superficial cognition, her father is an excellent magician, and the family's "magic engraving" will never lose to anyone!

With this naive judgment, Tosaka Rin decisively rejected Jiang Shang's kindness.

As everyone knows...

The decision she made at this time...

In the not-too-distant future, her father, who made her proud, regretted that his intestines were green and his heart was bleeding!

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