And the "Third Magic" that is hidden in the deepest part of the Great Holy Grail and connects to the root!

And what Jiang Shang wanted, Angola Mainu couldn't afford it at all!

"not enough..."

"I need more..."

Feeling the black mud transformed from "all the evil in this world", under the control of Angola Mainu, quickly moving away from him.

Jiang Shang frowned slightly, and fixed his gaze on the body of "Angra Mainyu".

Angola Mainyu is the host of the evil in this world.

He alone shouldered the crimes of human civilization.


If Jiang Shang wants to get this power, he must give "Angola Mainyu" salvation.


And replace him and become the new host!

That's all!

Only he can get this material that he has wanted for a long time!

Combined with the authority of the "Third Magic", create a more perfect human being!

Thinking of this...

A cold killing intent flashed in Jiang Shang's eyes.

The palm of his hand holding the "Magic Whip" made a rattling sound.

In order to ensure the next attack, I will not shake my hands and make mistakes.

Jiang Shang even wrapped the ribbon of the "Magic Whip" around his hands.

And Jiang Shang's move made Angola Manyu's scalp tingle even more!

"Angra Mainu, I know about your experience."

"You are already tired, let me relieve you."

"Stand out your head obediently, the pain is only for a moment."

"I will never make a mistake!"

"I can use my personality to assure you!"

Jiang Shang showed a "harmless to humans and animals" smile, and said kindly.

He is kind...

I can't see Angola Mainyu and continue to bear this pain.


He wants to send it off in person, this child is on his way!

at the same time!

The virtual screen of the system also appeared in front of Jiang Shang!


"The master is detected, triggering a hidden plot."

"After making a choice, you can get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Kill Angola Mainyu and get: the power of the beast!"

"Option [-]: Redeem Angolan Mainyu, and get: crowned place!"


122. Both options are required!Give your enemies redemption from death!

The rewards of the system appeared in front of Jiang Shang...

Power of the Beast!

Jiang Shang remembered the first time he saw this skill, it was "Tiamat".


According to Jiang Shang's judgment, the moment he killed "Angola Mainyu".

He will get "all the evil in this world"!


Transformed into a new beast under the malicious blessing of "70 billion humans"!

If he is lucky, he can directly transform into a beast!

If you're unlucky, he might just be a substitute for the beast!

But whatever it is...

It can bring him a terrifying power beyond imagination!


And as for the second option...

Crown places!

It also exudes a desirable taste.

Jiang Shang holds the spirit foundation of "Taigong Wang".

It has a "Candidate for the Crown Rank" and a "Candidate for the Crown Rank"!

If nothing else...

Under the intervention of the system, Jiang Shang's "[-]" is likely to be the two special abilities of "Magic Eye of Straight Death" and "Standing in the Realm".

Obtain the quota of "Grand Killing Rank"!

Just thinking about it makes me feel good!


No matter which of the two rewards given by the system, Jiang Shang wants to get it!


He made a decisive decision!

Give "Angola Mainyu" the redemption of death!

He helped the poor man in front of him to get rid of the curse of "all the evils in this world"!

Send him back into reincarnation!

"He will get both rewards!"


The moment Jiang Shang made his decision!

The iridescent light in his eyes became even brighter than before!

Consciousness-Only Demonic Eye of Death!

Maximum power, all on!


At this moment, Jiang Shang's killing intent was decided!

Angora Mainyu, whose whole body is pitch-black, for easier distinction, the thread of death on his body!

Jiang Shang's magic eye of death even thoughtfully changed the color of the "line of death" to bloody!

The dense lines of death showed all the weaknesses of the enemy in front of Jiang Shang!

Jiang Shang activated the Five Elements Escape Technique, and disappeared from the enemy's sight in just an instant!

next moment!

The horror that made Angola Mainyu's scalp tingle swept from behind it!

When it turned around in a panic!

Wherever his eyes looked, he could only see a steel whip, which kept zooming in before his eyes!

In a panic!

Angola Mainu could only cross his hands and raise it high above his head, trying to use his body to take down the enemy's blow!

next second!

The sound of bones breaking echoed inside the Great Holy Grail!

Angola Mainyu's arms were blown into filthy black mud!

Not even a drop of blood spilled from the wound!

After one hit worked.

Jiang Shang flicked the "Magic Whip" casually to shake off the black mud stained on it.

With a smile on his face, he walked step by step towards Angola Mainyu, the embodiment of "all the evils in this world".

"Young man..."

"Why do you want to reject this redemption?"

"You are just a poor ordinary person, you shouldn't have to bear this suffering."

"Come... let me help you..."

Jiang Shang gently tried to persuade him, but his words were like the whisper of death!

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