"What the hell are you!"

"do not come!"

Angola Mainyu backed away in fear.

It tried to absorb more energy from the black mud to heal its broken arms!

But it found desperately that no matter how hard it tried, the black mud could not form the shape of an arm!

As if!

His previous arms!

It has been cut off from the "root" by the enemy!

From the beginning!

He doesn't have the concept of "arm"!

Looking at the black mud that collapsed from the broken arm, he couldn't even mimic his claws or tentacles!

It, whose arms had been abolished, had already realized the true terror of that man!

The enemy's attack, no matter where it hits!

Everything will be erased from the "root"!

Hit the legs and erase the concept of "legs"!

Hit the head and erase the concept of "head"!

Other than "Reaper", Angola Mainyu can't think of a good explanation for anyone who can do this!

at the same time...

"who am I?"

"I'm just a "time traveler" passing by! "

Jiang Shang, who was approaching step by step, explained maliciously.


"Do you think I'll believe it!"

Angola Mainyu sneered contemptuously.

The tumbling sea of ​​black mud behind him turned into giant five sharp claws, stabbing towards Jiang Shang!

To this...

Jiang Shang's body didn't even dodge...

"It's useless..."

"These black mud are just "nutrients" to me! "

Jiang Shang was carrying the "spiritual pollution" of the black mud, and responded with a smile on his face!

Holding the "Magic Whip", he used all his strength to smash towards the enemy who was hiding behind the black mud!


Facing the coming attack, Angora Mainu showed a strange smile!

Not only did he not dodge immediately, but he stood still in place!


He is not waiting to die!

When Jiang Shang's attack is about to come!

Angola Mainyu's head and vital organs immediately shifted downwards!

He is an invisible body, and he can transform into various appearances!

Humans, werewolves, dragons!

Transferring the internal organs, or moving the head, this level of small trouble is nothing at all!


At the same time as the organ transfer, he also activated his own treasure "Vientiane False Reputation"!


The fake reputation of Vientiane!

Rebounding the trauma you have suffered directly to your opponent is an origin-level curse!

Although this sounds like a very powerful look 0....

But if the person is fatally injured, he will die before the "Noble Phantasm" is activated again!

As a result, the activation of the "Noble Phantasm" failed!



Angora Mainyu must be controlled in a situation where "I have suffered serious trauma and is not life-threatening" before I can activate the Noble Phantasm!

Just like, at this very moment!

Jiang Shang's "Magic Whip" fell from the sky and hit Angola Mainyu's body!

A large piece of flesh and blood instantly shattered into splashes of black mud!


Jiang Shang's pupils suddenly widened!

The left half of his body was also shattered almost at the same time!

Even the arm holding the "Magic Whip" was blown away more than ten meters away!

It worked!

"a ha ha ha--!"

Angola Mainyu, who was enduring the severe pain, looked at the seriously injured Jiang Shang, and let out a high-pitched laugh.

"All of this is your own fault!"

"Just die unwillingly, this is exactly the treasure I hold in 4.3!"

"The fake reputation of Vientiane!!!"

Angola Mainyu, smiling like a child who has managed to pull off a prank!

It has long been an inhuman thing, as long as the important organs are kept, it can still linger on!

But the enemy in front of him!

But they are real "human beings"!

Even for a monster of the level of "Jiang Shang", with such severe trauma, the only way to end is death!

This battle is its victory!

Just when Angola Mainyu thought he had succeeded!

A steel whip pierces through its hidden heart!


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing through the heart echoed in the ears of "Angra Mainu".

It twisted its head dully and looked behind him.

at this time...

Jiang Shang, who was intact, was looking down at it mercilessly.

And the damage from "Vientiane False Reputation" bounced back, and the seriously injured clone...

Then it turned into golden light spots and dissipated in the black mud...

123. The List of Conferred Gods is Present!Alaye's Urgent Help!

Inside the Great Grail...

Angola Mainyu, whose heart was pierced, was full of disbelief in his eyes.

It is unacceptable, such an ending!

With his shallow knowledge, it is impossible to imagine why there are "two enemies"!

"how is this possible..."

Angola Mainu opened his mouth and spoke in disbelief.

Its body began to collapse, turning into a large piece of black mud.

Just when Angola Mainyu's life was about to come to an end, Jiang Shang explained plainly.

"There's nothing to be suspicious about..."

"I have known about your existence for a long time, even the treasure you hold, I know it all."

Jiang Shang's voice didn't have any emotional ups and downs.

The art of war has clouds...

Know thyself, ever-victorious...

Jiang Shang, who is a "time traveler", has all the settings in this world in mind!

If even the Anti-injury Noble Phantasm of "Angra Mainyu" is not taken precautions in advance.

That would be too stupid!

and so!

At the moment when the battle started.

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