
After half an hour...

imaginary space...

Standing on top of the world, Jiang Shang overlooks the world below.

Tonight, he will complete the last piece of the puzzle.

With the pair of slender palms, slowly lift up.

The black mud transformed from "all the evils of this world" poured out from Jiang Shang's right hand and turned into a black sphere.

This is the curse that the evil of "70 billion human beings" has been accumulating for 60 years and finally turned into.

And the other side...

The sacred radiance transformed from the "third magic" emerged from Jiang Shang's left hand and turned into a white ball of light.

Inside this sphere of light, there are countless materialized but only nanometer-sized blank souls.


Jiang Shang gave the order with a smile.

Two balls of light, one black and one white, flew out of his palm.

Surrounding each other, they flew towards the deep sky.

After breaking through the planet's gravitational constraints, above the planet, they collided fiercely!

The bright light of black and white illuminates the whole world!

Trillions of fireworks exploded, and under the pull of the planet's gravity, they fell to the ground again.

The light rain falling into rivers, lakes and seas turns into aquatic species.

The glow that falls on the mountains and plains is birds and beasts.

The originally silent world suddenly became noisy.

These born beings follow the basic instructions engraved in their minds and carry out activities.

Standing on top of the world, Jiang Shang closed his eyes affectionately, listening to the sound of all things.

At this moment, his thoughts are transformed into thousands!

Fish in the water, birds in the sky, beasts on the land!

They are all his eyes, and they can all be the carrier of his will!

He did it...

For this vacant world, fill in the last piece of the puzzle!


It's a pity that the "evil in this world" as a material is far from enough...

The number of newborn humans created by him is only a few thousand.

And the total number of goblins that require more materials is less than a hundred.

even so...

Jiang Shang still created the original world structure.

"Congratulations, you completed the last piece of the puzzle."

Morgan's voice sounded from behind Jiang Shang.

She walked slowly to Jiang Shang's side, accompanied the nominal husband, overlooking the scenery below 197.

The cold and aloof Queen of Winter showed an excited smile at this time.

"I promised you, although the quantity is a little less."

"But one day, the elves living in this land will reach the size of the "Wonder Belt". "

Jiang Shang sighed regretfully.


This is enough for Morgan.

In just one year, Morgan experienced the process from "nothing" to "something".

Little promises that once seemed like lies have now become reality.

"I'm very satisfied..."

Morgan showed a happy smile, she raised her hand intimately, and straightened the hair that was blown by the wind for the master in front of her.

Her frozen heart...

And the sealed feelings...

And the trauma of the soul...

Already in this year, he was melted and healed by the big boy in front of him with warm miracles one after another.

Jiang Shang was stunned...

During the year we spent together...

This was the first time Morgan cared about him so tenderly.

"It's getting late, I should go back and rest."

Jiang Shang said with a little embarrassment, he started to get a little scared!

Just as he was about to leave, Morgan suddenly grabbed his palm and stopped him from leaving.

The Fairy Queen has regained her former majesty.

Said to Jiang Shang in an undeniable tone.

"Tonight...just stay...".

129. New Fairy Clan!Lesbians are little angels!

At noon the next day...

The atmosphere of Matou's house has become a little weird...

Joan of Arc held her lost face with the back of her hand...

She sat on the threshold and kept watch all night, but she didn't wait for Jiang Shang's return.

at this time...

In the kitchen of the mansion...

Bagster stood blankly in front of the stove, with immature eggs spread out in the pot.

As a "Master Chef", she has been a little absent-minded since last night.

"Bagge, you didn't light the fire..."

Hungry cooing Habe Meow, sitting on a special baby seat, reminded helplessly.


"My lord, is he back?"

Bagster turned around in surprise, but unexpectedly, there was too much movement, and he bumped into a sideboard directly.


A cabinet full of plates fell ruthlessly to the ground, turning into a horrible scene of disaster.


Habe rolled her eyes and sighed sadly.

If you don't change to a more reliable chef, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat for a whole day!

Bagster's state, even the "two ceremonies" as a guest, is a bit unbearable.

She is still young and has not yet realized the status quo.

Jiang Shang didn't return for just one night, why did Jian Tong's house become like this.

There are those who sit at the door, eager to see through.

Some stayed in the kitchen, lost their souls.


There are also people who don't understand...


"Suck up..."

The sound of sucking noodles sounded from the dining table.

Artoria, who had changed into her normal clothes, was eating freshly made noodles.

Because there is no blessing to enjoy the delicious food in the world.

So after becoming a Servant, the appetite becomes very strong.

I'm afraid part of the reason she stayed is because of the food in modern society.

"Where did that guy go..."

"How dare you release my king's pigeons, tsk...~々."

Gilgamesh, who was leaning on the seat, rolled his eyes a little helplessly.

He originally thought that he could take this opportunity to compete academically with that man.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shang just muttered!

Just when the atmosphere became more and more tense.

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