Matou Kariya, who had no sense of presence, suddenly raised his hand and spoke tentatively.

"Aren't you going to go fishing, my lord?"

"This kind of situation has happened before."

Kariya said bitterly.


"Master's favorite fishing tackle is still in the warehouse."

"I've confirmed it before..."

"Obviously I have something important and I want to discuss it with him."

Natalia, who was doing gun maintenance for the "competitor", said inappropriately.

And her words made the atmosphere of the scene even more dignified...

"I'm going to hire a chef..."

Kariya smiled wryly and picked up the phone, ready to dial his brother's number.

after all...

Tosaka Tokiomi's family of three is still locked up at Matou's house.

Even for Sakura's sake, he couldn't make "Tohsaka Tokiomi" hungry.

The Matou family, which has lost its "backbone", is about to fall apart.

Almost everyone knew where Jiang Shang was!

But almost everyone, hope this is not true!


They will become, what they are now...


at this time...

In imaginary space...

Jiang Shang was holding Morgan's hand and walking in the city.

They have confirmed the relationship, not just in name.

The streets of the Holy City at this time are no longer as dead and silent as they used to be.

Although still very cold...

But here is a group of new residents who just moved in!

Although these young goblins are small in number, they are full of vitality!


"They are fairies created by me, and I call them: Lalafell."

"Different from the "fairies" in your memory, they have the same ability to learn as humans. "

"Because there are not enough "materials", so they are small and fleshy. "

"If it can grow to one meter, it is considered as an elite lesbian."

"Although they are small, they are all real goblins."

"Possesses an agility far beyond that of a human being."

"The big hidden ears can even hear the footsteps of mice."

"They have the same potential as human beings in their small bodies..."

"Learning, thinking..."

"It only takes a little training to become a qualified fighter."

"Most importantly, they know how to be grateful."

Jiang Shang explained with a smile.

He knew what Morgan wanted. As a goblin, Morgan wanted a sense of recognition.

The sense of identity of the goblin group.

When Jiang Shang created the "Fairy Clan", for some reason he thought of a certain race in the game.

With the attitude of trying, he tried it.


The effect is surprisingly good...

These cute little guys are simply angels...


While Jiang Shang was explaining, Morgan was also observing the group of children...

They were running fast on the street, touching everything curiously.

Even the bricks and stones under his feet were not spared.

Every building and every item here is an incomparable treasure for them!

As long as you put your hand on it, you can grasp the specific method of use in your mind.

Every time a treasure is unlocked, they will show off with their companions, and even share it.

When he saw the figures of Morgan and Jiang Shang appearing in front of him.

These energetic little fellows will even bow down and salute in a cute way.

Because there is a voice in my mind, reminding them.

The lady in front of her (De Nuo Zhao) is their Queen!

All the treasures here are gifts from the Queen!


These newly born goblins have great respect for Morgan.

It is truly from the heart, and recognizes this Her Majesty the Queen!

Morgan smiled approvingly.

Just a simple contact, she is full of affection for this new "Fairy Clan".

"'~The Lost Belt that I rule, the goblin who is burdened with sin, has no concept of good and evil, and acts according to instinct."

"They...are not worthy of redemption..."


"The "they" who were born in this world are innocent fairies. "

"Larafiel...I like this group..."

Morgan dotingly sighed at C.

This is her only chance in this life, so she wants to become a real queen!

A majestic and powerful queen who is the mother of the world, and loved by her subjects! .

130. Preparations before departure!The upcoming justice siege!


Jiang Shang, who disappeared for a long time, returned again...

But this time when he came back, he was not alone, and Morgan was by his side.

When they appeared, the atmosphere of Matou's house became more like a Shura field.


Jiang Shang didn't have time to care about these things. He had important matters to discuss with everyone.

meeting room...

Jiang Shang sat on the independent sofa and informed everyone of the emergency help from the "restraining force".


"Help from Humanity? "

"BC! 27th century?"

"Fight the "Second Beast" Creation Mother Goddess—Tiamat? ! "

Everyone showed incredible expressions when they heard Jiang Shang's words.

Such a dangerous task!

It is not comparable to the "Holy Grail War" at all!

Even "Gilgamesh" is a little sluggish.

The Babylonia mentioned by Jiang Shang in the "27th century BC" is exactly the kingdom he ruled!

"I have already accepted this task."

"I'm going to be away for a while, maybe a week, maybe a month."

"I will appear as the "Grand Hero" to defeat Tiamat and save the world. "

Under everyone's shocked gaze, Jiang Shang stated his purpose in a very flat tone.

The reason why he said that was actually very simple.

Jiang Shang is going to take people out and start a righteous group fight!

Artoria put down the hot tea in her hand. As a noble knight, she was the first to express her attitude.

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