"Since 213 is a battle to save the world."

"I am willing to follow you and go to fight together."

Artoria was the first to express her position.

Here she ate well, slept soundly, and was very at ease.

It's time to repay this kindness!


Jiang Shang regretfully shook his head...

"Artoria, you have a more suitable task."

"The new human race has been born."

"Although there are only a few thousand people, they need someone to lead them to survive."

"This task belongs to you."

Jiang Shang looked expectantly at the young knight in front of him.

Morgan's identity is a goblin, and he is not interested in the humans created by Jiang Shang.

They are not even allowed to enter the "Holy City Camelot" to survive.

Worrying that the tears of this group of people will spoil the naive "Larafil tribe".


The first human beings are still homeless, wandering in the jungles and plains.

Although you can gather wild fruits to satisfy your hunger, you can wear tree clothes and grass skirts to keep out the cold.

But after a long time, something big will definitely happen.

After hearing Jiang Shang's task, the Knight King's expression froze slightly.

When she came back to her senses, her expression had become solemn.

"Master, I will not let you down."

Arturia responded seriously.


Jiang Shang looked in the direction of Joan of Arc and Bagster again.

"what about you?"

Jiang Shang asked for their opinions.

"I am your guardian knight and your sword."

"No matter where you are, you will carry it out to the end!"

Bagster swears solemnly.

"Me...me too!"

The straightforward Joan of Arc also expressed his opinion on the sidelines.

She didn't show much value in this "Holy Grail War".

and so!

In this "Save the World" mission, she will definitely work harder!

Whether it is fighting or protecting!

She will not lose to anyone!


Jiang Shang smiled gratifiedly, and his eyes looked in the direction of "Gilgamesh" again.

From the very beginning, this young boy had a weird expression on his face.

"What about you?"

"What I'm going to save is your kingdom."

"If you don't express it, it would be too chilling."

Jiang Shang's voice had a tone of blame.

"Although this invitation, I am very interested..."

"But sure enough, it still doesn't work..."

"If I bump into the "me" of that period, I'm afraid they will fight each other. "

Gilgamesh shook his head.

He is still weak and needs time to recover.


Right now, he has just acquired a physical body...

Haven't experienced the extravagant life of modern (aeed) society yet.

Save the world or something, let's leave it to the "self" of that era.

After hearing Gilgamesh's explanation, Jiang Shang thought for a while, expressing disappointment.


"While I'm away, you stay and protect the Matou family."

"If they are bullied, I will make you look good when I come back."

Jiang Shang casually gave orders and assigned tasks to Gilgamesh.


He looked at Natalia again, the guardian who had signed a contract with the "Restraining Force".

Natalia's overall strength is weak.

But she is a genius at gathering intelligence and making money.

Coupled with his unscrupulous behavior style, he is a well-deserved assassin!

Taking her to carry out missions together will save a lot of trouble.

"you are my boss..."

"No matter how tricky the job is, I will do it well."

Natalia, who is the "guardian", lazily lay on the back of the sofa, answering Jiang Shang's question.


"I asked Morgan to make it for you: a new weapon."

Jiang Shang clapped his hands, and a dimensional passage leading to the "imaginary number space" opened beside him.

A "seventy centimeters tall" Lala Fat appeared in the living room holding a huge weapon box three times her size.

She placed the box lightly on the table, and gestured "OK" to everyone.

Then he ran back to the inside of the passage and disappeared in front of a group of people.

"What kind of food is that, so cute..."

"Ah... no..."

"I mean, what race is that goblin..."

There was a strange light in Bagster's eyes, looking at Lala Fei who left, he murmured fondly to himself.

After realizing his gaffe, he quickly covered his mouth and took a step back with blushing cheeks.


At this time, everyone's attention was almost focused on the suitcase.

"This volume, this weight..."

"Couldn't it be..."

Natalia looked at the weapon box in front of her, and the name of a weapon immediately appeared in her mind.

Anti-materiel sniper rifle!

With the opening of the weapon box, a gust of cold air made her shiver suddenly.

The magic weapon after "magic transformation": the Barrett sniper rifle is displayed in front of her!

The whole body of the jet-black alloy firearm exudes blood-colored veins of light.

This is a "magic weapon"!

It is the "magic dress" made by Morgan according to modern weapons and using the technology of the Age of Gods!

Equipped with 12.7mm caliber, with "Blast" and "Pierce" enchanted bullets!

Its terrifying power can destroy heavy tanks with just one "enchanted bullet"!

On the sniper scope, there is an adjustable "clairvoyance" magic blessing!

The farthest can be observed "tens of kilometers" away from the target!

Let an experienced assassin hold such a weapon!

Just thinking about it is terrifying!

Natalia stretched out her hand excitedly, and carefully held the magic weapon in her hand.

After a brief familiarization, she looked at her boss with a strange look in her eyes.

She simply gestured the "OK" gesture, and she might be able to shine in this mission! .

131. Crown Rider!A Gudazi fell from the sky?

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