0····Ask for flowers·······

Even the descendants of the crown dragon "Albion" at the top of the mystery can easily control it! "Fog"


Jiang Shang checked his panel.

Because of the class change, his panel has changed a lot.

In the case where the previous skills can still be used.

He has gained two new "skills"!

Eternal Martial Saint!

Fengshen executes!

The bonus effect of Eternal Martial Saints is more like an enhanced version of "Taigong Liutao"!

It's like an encyclopedia!

The knowledge recorded in it is the sum of all human wisdom in the past 5000 years!

Knowledge in all fields is involved internally!

As long as you have enough materials, you can turn this knowledge into practice!

And "Fengshen Execution" is better understood...

. . .  

For "God Servants", this is a skill comparable to natural enemies!


The treasure held by Jiang Shang has not changed in any way...

On the contrary, the "four different images" have become stronger...

Obviously, under the blessing of the "crown position", it has also been greatly strengthened!

"Is this the increase of the "Grand Position"? "

"It's really nice..."

Jiang Shang looked at his terrifying numerical panel with an expectant smile on his face.

He couldn't wait to find the whereabouts of the "Goddess".


Start the journey to conquer "Pokémon"...

With such a terrifying thought in mind, Jiang Shang walked through the exit of the dimensional tunnel.

Found in the ruins of a city in the "27th century BC".

Jiang Shang, who walked out of the dimensional tunnel, has not yet inspected the surrounding environment. .

He heard the girl's panic and screams from above her!

When Jiang Shang raised his head in doubt...

An orange-haired girl in a white uniform, and a pink-haired girl in armor holding a giant shield.

In Jiang Shang's line of sight, from a small black dot, it is constantly enlarging its figure!

"Gu Da Zi?"

"Little eggplant?"

Jiang Shang looked at the two girls falling from the sky, and murmured in surprise.

Right at this moment...

The "virtual screen" of the system reappeared!


"The master is detected, triggering the main plot!"

"Make a choice and get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Sit back and watch, get: Getia's favor."

"Option [-]: Help and get: Solomon's favor." Qi.

132. Cute Gudazi!Warning from Chaldea!

Jiang Shang looked in front of him, there was no actual reward system.

Looking at the mid-air again, the girls showed no signs of slowing down.

He waved his sleeves casually!

For a while!

Where Jiang Shang was, there was a violent gust of wind!

A rising cyclone firmly held the falling girl.

at this time

The panic-stricken Mash even prepared a Noble Phantasm to delay the pain of falling.


Before Mash activated the Noble Phantasm, the rising cyclone had already dragged the two of them back.

The terrified girls were like falling into a hill of cotton.

This strange sense of comfort, and even the previous screams, came to an abrupt end at this moment.


Under the protection of this cyclone, the two dazed girls landed steadily on the ground.

"Are you all right..."

Jiang Shang looked at the girls sitting on the ground, and cared softly.

"I..."Two One Three". It's okay..."

"Thank you for your help!"

Mash, who came to his senses first, immediately adjusted his sitting posture and thanked him gratefully.

not just her...

Even Gudazi heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Jiang Shang with bright eyes, and sat down to introduce himself enthusiastically.

"My name is Fujimaru Tachika, you can call me Tachika."

"Excuse me..."

"You are the "King of Uruk", the envoy sent to help us? "

Gu Dazi petitely grabbed the orange hair, and asked weakly in an uncertain tone.


This beautiful big brother doesn't look like an ordinary person...

"I'm just a "traveler" who happened to pass by. "

"It's not the Uruk messenger you expected."


"I'm also going to visit Uruk City. "

Jiang Shang explained kindly, and told his next destination.

Hearing Jiang Shang's next destination.

Gudazi's eyes immediately burst into excitement!

"Our destination is also the city of Uruk!"

"Big brother, why don't we form a team."

Gu Dazi clasped his hands in front of his chest, showing sincere and expectant eyes.

She selectively ignored the strange-sounding identity of "traveler".

Having experienced the "six singularities", she relied on her intuition along the way!

She can be 100% sure that the kind-hearted person helping her must be a strong person!

"Ah this..."

Jiang Shang showed a thoughtful expression.


The system screen appeared again!


"The master is detected, triggering the main plot!"

"Make a choice and get the corresponding reward!"

"Option [-]: Accept the invitation, and protect the girl, get: a random holy relic."

"Option [-]: Decline the invitation, and leave the scene, get: random curse skills!"


The system's reward appeared in front of Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang frowned, and looked at the cute girl with a small face full of anticipation with lazy eyes.

"All right..."

"But I don't know the way..."

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