"After all, I am here to deal with the crisis just like you..."

Jiang Shang expressed the real purpose of his trip in a helpless tone.

"Could it be!"

"Big brother, are you also here to repair the "singularity"? "

Gudazi asked excitedly.

The girl's lovely big eyes are even more twinkling, twinkling with little stars.

"Of course..."

Jiang Shang didn't mean to hide anything, and nodded with a smile.


"We are also here to repair the "singularity"! "

Gudazi responded excitedly.

This clever girl has already noticed it!

The man in front of him must be a rescuer sent by Humanity!

Just like everyone else I met along the way!


When Gudazi spoke, the girl had already come to Jiang Shang's side.

"It's amazing..."

"You must have suffered a lot along the way."

Jiang Shang felt complicated.

He raised his palm and fondled the girl's hair.

He looked at the girl in front of him, and his thoughts were full of thoughts for a while.

Before crossing...

He has experienced the same thing as the girl and knows how difficult the road is.


The crusade against "Getia" is just the beginning, in the longer future.

Waiting for the girl ahead is the "Strange Belt".

The suffering experienced by this young savior is unimaginable even for adults.

Jiang Shang's doting on the girl was seen by Matthew...

Maybe it's an illusion produced by "spirit transfer"...

at this time...

She seemed to see two "senior" at the same time...

Obviously it was only the first time they met, but this unusual sense of familiarity made her feel a little unreal.


A small fluffy white beast crawled from Gudazi's back to her shoulders 0....


Same as in the original...

Even Fufu followed and was teleported here...

Fufu tilted her head in doubt, and looked curiously at Jiang Shang in front of her.

Its raised paw fell down again with some uncertainty, but it was raised again soon.

Do not know why...

It felt a very similar smell to "Mei Lin" from Jiang Shang's body!


In addition to this smell, it also felt an aura that made it want to get close!



The mysterious human in front of him gave off an aura that confused him.

Small head, big doubt.


Fufu, who was not sure, lay on Gudazi's shoulder in frustration.

The sound it made also caught Jiang Shang's attention.

"You're here too..."


"Come on, let me hug you..."

Jiang Shang stretched out his hand towards Fufu, inviting him affectionately.


Fufu jumped up from Gudazi's shoulder lightly, and landed firmly in Jiang Shang's hand.


It deftly moved along Jiang Shang's arm until it stood on Jiang Shang's shoulder.

It rubbed against Jiang Shang's cheek affectionately.

Expressing my love for Jiang Shang with actions...

"Why even "Fufu"..."

Mash covered her face helplessly, looking at the subdued Master and Fufu.

4.3 She showed a helpless expression, which should have been a serious mission of "saving the world".

How did it become an offline dating meeting?

Right at this moment...

"You two, can you hear me?"

The silver bracelet on Gudazi's hand sounded a concerned inquiry.

It was the voice of Romani who was in charge of providing assistance in "Chaldea".

"I can hear you, Doctor."

"right now we..."

Gudazi replied excitedly, just as she was about to introduce "Jiang Shang" to the doctor.

From the inside of the silver bracelet, the urgent warning sound of "Doctor" sounded!

"I don't know what happened to you guys!"

"But in your vicinity, the strength of the spirit base almost equal to that of "Solomon" was detected! "

"No matter who you are facing now..."


"Run away!!!".

133. Goddess Ishtar!The oppressive force of the final villain?


Gudazi was stunned for a moment...

She froze in shock, apparently not understanding what the "doctor" was talking about.


The big brother in front of me spoils her so much...

From the beginning to the end, there was no malice...

How could such a "kind-hearted" brother be a bad person?

Gudazi couldn't understand, when she raised her head again.

Jiang Shang's gentle smile is still as easy-going as before.

"Big brother... are you a bad guy?"

Gudazi asked blankly.

She couldn't believe that the elder brother who had just rescued them would be the same villain as "Solomon"!

"how could be..."

"I am so kind, how can I be a bad person?"

While talking, Jiang Shang looked at Gudazi's silver bracelet.

"I forgot to introduce myself..."

Jiang Shang raised his head indifferently, just as he was about to introduce himself.

Suddenly, he noticed that a dangerous aura was approaching from all around!

The smile on Jiang Shang's face gradually dissipated at this time.

"It's really a group of...reckless beasts."

Jiang Shang raised his head in disgust, looking down at those monsters who thought they were smart and were hiding in the ruins.

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