While the three of them were chatting, the monsters active in the ruins had quietly approached!

These dark red monsters look like lions, but are even bigger, cunning like hyenas!

This group of monsters named "Ulidim" seemed to understand human language.

When Jiang Shang's sarcasm fell, they simply stopped pretending...

More than [-] monsters walked out slowly from the ruins of the building.

And it is fan-shaped, unfolding a hunting posture!

It is planned to surround the prey, which is more convenient for hunting!


When Matthew saw these, the beast approaching quietly, his face was a little pale.

But she still put up the huge shield in her hand at the first time, and guarded Gudazi vigilantly.


Jiang Shang's movements are faster than Matthew's...

Jiang Shang looked down, the twenty approaching monsters raised their left feet slightly, and then fell heavily to the ground!


An invisible oppressive force, carrying the weight of gravity, fell from a height of thousands of meters!

Those magical beasts that hadn't dispersed burst into puddles of blood foam one after another!

Even the ground in front of him sank a full meter at this moment!

The flowing blood froth gathered into a terrifying pool of blood!

If you look down from a high altitude at this time!

Will be horrified to find out!

In the ruins of the originally barren city, suddenly there was a giant footprint!

This footprint is at least a thousand meters long!

Crushing those twenty monsters to death is like crushing a group of ants!


The scene I saw in front of me can only be described as shocking!

Gu Dazi and Ma Xiu stared in astonishment, staring blankly at the scene in front of them.

Their naive little heads can't imagine it at all.

How did this mysterious strongman do it?

A bloody wind blew past the girl.

The two girls who had woken up turned their necks stiffly, and looked at Jiang Shang in unison.

At this time...

They just realized...

Why "Romani" made them run away quickly!


Under such a terrifying attack, where can they escape?

"Big...big brother..."

"Who the hell are you?"

Gu Dazi, whose scalp was numb, asked weakly.

The girl's voice was very soft, and she didn't dare to speak loudly at all!

Gudazi admits...

My previous attitude was somewhat impolite.

Jiang hasn't spoken yet...

A panicked sound sounded from the sky...

"People below, get out of the way!"

"It's about to hit!"

A panicked voice sounded from the sky.

She was "looking for something" nearby, but unfortunately, she was disturbed by a terrifying force!

Unable to maintain the balance of the aircraft, it can only make an emergency landing towards the ground in a panic!


Under the astonished eyes of Gudazi and Mashu...

This mysterious woman who fell from the sky managed to land ten meters after gliding on the ground.

The choking smoke slowly dissipated.

The tsundere goddess with twin ponytails and a gloomy expression raised her slender fingers to brush her messy bangs.


"Who the hell is that so unqualified!"

"Don't let me know who it is, otherwise this goddess must make him look good!"

Ishtar said harsh words angrily, she had never been wronged like this on her own territory!


A man's voice sounded from behind her.

"I did it..."

Jiang Shang's voice was a bit playful.

Under the circumstances that neither Gudazi nor Matthew had noticed.

He has appeared out of thin air, in front of that proud goddess!

"Who are you!"

Ishtar frowned suspiciously, and looked at the beautiful man in front of him with impatient eyes.

As a goddess believed by mortals, she has always had a defiant and bad personality.

In addition, she suffered a loss just now, and her current personality has become even worse!


Jiang Shang is worse than her...

Jiang Shang stood in front of Ishtar because his back was facing the sun.

At this time, Jiang Shang looked a little more gloomy.

It looks like the final villain in the hot-blooded comics!

It's not just his breath!

His next self-introduction was even more creepy!

"My name is: Jiang Shang."

"Age 19 years old."

"Lives in the wealthy area of ​​Fuyuki City, unmarried."

"No smoking, just drink some alcohol once in a while."

"Go to bed on time before two o'clock in the evening, and make sure to sleep for eight hours."

"I drink a cup of warm milk before going to bed."

"Do two 10-minute stretches before going to bed."

"Basically able to sleep soundly until dawn."

"Like a baby, without leaving any fatigue and stress, usher in the morning of the next day."

"The results of the health check were normal, and even the doctor said there was no problem."

Jiang Shang sat down and introduced himself with a solemn expression, but at this time, Ishtar was already frozen in place.

not just her...

And Gudazi, and Mash...

Even Romani 213 as far away as "Chaldea", and Leonardo da Vinci...

Everyone is stunned...

"You... what are you talking about!"

Ishtar stepped back vigilantly, and she felt unprecedented pressure from the man in front of her!

That strange feeling is like meeting a "natural enemy"!

The corners of Jiang Shang's mouth raised slightly, and he raised his arms jokingly.

"I want to show that I am a person who is always pursuing inner stability."

"Don't stick to the momentary victory or defeat, don't get entangled in troubles that have nothing to do with me."

"I won't take the initiative to establish an enemy that keeps me awake at night."

"That's how I do things..."

"It is also the happiness I have always maintained..."


"Even if it is a battle, I will not lose to anyone."

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